Peace of Mind Logo

Sponsor an Ad

If you or your business would like to sponsor an ad in the Carmel Pine Cone, Monterey County Weekly, the Monterey County Herald, or the Santa Cruz Good Times Weekly, please email us. We welcome sponsors who would like to sponsor a one-time ad or are interested in sponsoring one ad per month ongoing. The cost of each ad is $120.

We also welcome sponsors for radio spots on NPR stations KAZU and KUSP. NPR sponsorships cost a minimum or $1000 and are a great way to spread the word about our work.

Bauer house
(831) 718-9122
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 51554
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tax Info
POMDR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corp.
Tax ID: 27-1154816
Physical Address
615 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
11am - 4pm Mon - Sat, or by appointment
Adoptable dogs available by appointment only
Veterinary Clinic
1251 10th St
Monterey, CA 93940