Peace of Mind Logo

Tribute Donations

We would like to thank the following people for making a tribute donation to honor or remember someone special in their lives. If you would like to make a tribute donation, go to our donate page.

In Loving Memory of Special People in 2025
Diane and Hatch in memory of Larry Beston
Amanda Davis in memory of Maxine Miller
Judd and Cathy Heape in memory of Laura Abihider
Ellen Lenart in memory of Larry Boston
Judith Bernstein in memory of Michael Bernstein
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2025
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Mona
Sara Hammer in memory of Sky Muse
Sally Green in memory of Sky
Steve and Peggy Perkins in memory of Michael
Linda Chang in memory of Milk
Larry Tack in memory of Gracie Lou
Carol Brown in memory of Snoodle
Lillian Dean in memory of Zukie
Sander and Valerie Sandman in memory of Dolly, Izzy, Pancho and Chief
In Honor of Special People in 2025
Leila Dunn in honor of Leah Goodman
Maureen Yauckoes in honor of Carolyn Moscatel
Elizabeth Vonurff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Elaine Burrell in honor of Kenda Swartz
Rebecca Hickman in honor of Maureen Cassingham
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
In Honor of Special Animals in 2025
Sherry Fleming in honor of Ralphie's 5 year gotcha anniversary
Rick Lawlor in honor of Sammy
Jim and Izzy in honor of Taco
Christine O'Donnell in honor of Dave
Bauer house
(831) 718-9122
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 51554
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tax Info
POMDR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corp.
Tax ID: 27-1154816
Physical Address
615 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
11am - 4pm Mon - Sat, or by appointment
Adoptable dogs available by appointment only
Veterinary Clinic
1251 10th St
Monterey, CA 93940