Tribute Donations
We would like to thank the following people for making a tribute donation to honor or remember someone special in their lives. If you would like to make a tribute donation, go to our donate page.
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2025
Suzanne Keller in memory of Mary Furlow Deale, MD
Nancy Johnson in memory of Laura Abihider
Diane and Hatch in memory of Larry Beston
Amanda Davis in memory of Maxine Miller
Judd and Cathy Heape in memory of Laura Abihider
Ellen Lenart in memory of Larry Boston
Judith Bernstein in memory of Michael Bernstein
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2025
Anonymous in memory of Finnegan
Dolores Getz and Helen in memory of Beckett
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Riley
Mary Koch in memory of Gus
Michelle McAnanama in memory of Murphy
Wes Brykailo in memory of shorty
Dorian Patterson in memory of Penelope
Sue Alvarado in memory of Willie
Barbara Allen in memory of Gidget Joy
Traci Turner in memory of Brownie
Charlotte Nihiser in memory of Benny Benny Benson
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Mona
Sara Hammer in memory of Sky Muse
Sally Green in memory of Sky
Steve and Peggy Perkins in memory of Michael
Linda Chang in memory of Milk
Larry Tack in memory of Gracie Lou
Carol Brown in memory of Snoodle
Lillian Dean in memory of Zukie
Sander and Valerie Sandman in memory of Dolly, Izzy, Pancho and Chief
In Honor of Special People in 2025
Mary Koch in honor of Gina Jarin's Birthday
Jeff and Debbie Andrews Foundation in honor of Patti Hughes and Bob Lanzone
Lisa Kennemore in honor of Laura Abihider
Leila Dunn in honor of Leah Goodman
Maureen Yauckoes in honor of Carolyn Moscatel
Elizabeth Vonurff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Elaine Burrell in honor of Kenda Swartz
Rebecca Hickman in honor of Maureen Cassingham
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
In Honor of Special Animals in 2025
Cosette and James Rickner in honor of Dixie
Sherry Fleming in honor of Ralphie's 5 year gotcha anniversary
Rick Lawlor in honor of Sammy
Jim and Izzy in honor of Taco
Christine O'Donnell in honor of Dave
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2024
Janet Ronstadt in memory of James Ronstadt
Mike and Cathy Early in memory of Louis Woodworth
Eve Roberson and "Molly" in memory of Mary Jane Hoover
Ray and Lori DePole in memory of Levon Covington
Ty and Tiffany Caulk in memory of Lynda Bailey
The KCAM Team in memory of Lynda Bailey
Tamara Phillips in memory of The Bulldog Parking Lot
Valerie Frint in memory of Marjorie Clements
Jennifer Thompson in memory of Tracey Anne Osborn
Seaside High class of 1972 friends in memory of Glen Zack Clancy
Pam & Don Bonsper in memory of Bruce McClane
Kathleen Passanisi in memory of Barbara Grover
Amy Krivis in memory of Bruce McClane
Emil and Mary Font in memory of Jeff Krivis
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Jeff Krivis
Barbara Allen in memory of Jeff Krivis
Karen Sheppard in memory of Jeff Krivis
Caitlin Lupien in memory of Jeff Krivis
Eileen Anderson in memory of Sandra Ramsberger
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Bruce McClane
Denise Mahlman in memory of Steve Kovacich
Betty Aynaga in memory of Cheri Snider
Janet Colson in memory of Tia Hatch
Kathleen Passanisi in memory of Imogene Passanisi Hewitt
Donna Karolchik in memory of Heather Trumbower
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
Dennis Mar in memory of Bruce McClane
Maren Martin in memory of Bruce McClane
Roxie Evans in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Roberta Karper in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Janet Colson in memory of Barbara Whiteman
Patty Pursell in memory of Barbara Levine
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Bruce Miller
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Bruce McClane
Debbie Reinstedt in memory of Dorothy Grimshaw
Linda Gabrielson in memory of Bruce McClane
John Grisetti in memory of Ron Berti
Robin Gaither in memory of Tom Phillipson
Pamela Tette in memory of Connie Shelstad
Pat Venza in memory of Eleanor Curtis
Frank Tweet in memory of Ben Froke
The Estate of Lucie Ballance in memory of Charles E. Ballance
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Connie Shelstad
Anne Johnson Scott in memory of Pat Merikallio
David and Joan Netzer in memory of Darla S. Browing
Jennifer Ramirez in memory of Norman Bracco
Barbara Coats in memory of Peggy Rudd
Allie Flanders in memory of Sarah Gralapp
Joann Johnson in memory of Guy Farmer
Beth Catesi in memory of Her Mother
Julie Minnis in memory of Norman Bracco
Kathleen Tiller in memory of Michele L. Tiller
Jane Russo in memory of Norman David Bracco
Kirby Jonas in memory of Shellie Kale Alper
Mildred Miller in memory of Sally Herrgott
Sharyl Currie in memory of Norman Bracco
Ken Saso in memory of Norman Bracco
Sharon and Richard Sabbatini in memory of Norman Bracco
Family and friends in memory of Judy Rodak
Shawn and Letty Penzo in memory of Norman Bracco
Al and Bonnie Cherry in memory of Norman Bracco
Jane Howard in memory of Norman David Bracco
Susan Wolfe and the Museum Team in memory of Norman Bracco
Jocelyn Brady in memory of Norman Bracco
The Estate of Twyla Poppleton in memory of Twyla Poppleton and Jeff Heiple
Jon Stuefloten in memory of Norman Bracco
Sandra Farrell in memory of Warren Meyers
Karen Reinitz in memory of Warren Meyers
Andrena Duffy in memory of Judy Rodak
Patrica Bennett in memory of Norman Bracco
Brian White in memory of Norm Bracco
Jaime Reynolds in memory of Norman David Bracco
Michelle Clark in memory of Norman Bracco
Andrena Duffy in memory of Judy Rodak
Marion and Ron Wormser in memory of Norman Bracco
Jeff Hobbs in memory of Norman Bracco
Kathy Miller in memory of Norman Bracco
Sarah Beesley in memory of Norman Bracco
Hester Parker and Everyone's Harvest in memory of Norman Bracco and his rescue dog, Ali
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
Christine and Gil Chalfant and fur babies in memory of Helen "Tammy" Contreras
Maxene Orlikoff in memory of Joel Aronowitz
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2024
Laurine Garrity in memory of Remi Grace
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Lucy
Sarah Gonzales in memory of Bogey Girl
Gail Thorne in memory of Grady Hitchcock
Stephanie and Stan Crawford in memory of Chica
Nancy Wilmot in memory of Hopper
Stephanie Edenholm in memory of Ringo Haylings
Kelly Ochoa in memory of Mimi
Nicha Allen in memory of Bella and Cotton
Robert Seibel in memory of Cherie
Michele Egan and Mike McCabe in memory of Helga
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Muffin
Barbara Mello in memory of Larry
Donna Karolchik and Ted Nichols in memory of Ozzybear
Thomas Cundari in memory of Missy Princess
State of Body Fitness in memory of Iris Boxer
Robin Hersh in memory of so many
AnnaMarie Silva in memory of Pepita
Paula Kuty in memory of Pearl
Jamie Kitz in memory of Violet
Emily Nicholl in memory of Avatar
The Bell Family in memory of Bailey
Kristi and Peter Fredrickson in memory of Lucas
Mel and Joy Pritchard in memory of Hannah
Roxanne and Paul Faro in memory of Max
Barbara Balbo in memory of Fancy
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Massimo
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Jackson
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Stella
Kathleen A. Knight in memory of Rosie
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Teigan Febus
Francie Newfield in memory of Sammy
Linda Gabrielson in memory of Cappy
Marilyn and Steven Dippell in memory of Hairy Porter Dippell
Beth and Michelle Charvonia in memory of Ruby Giovannini
Dena Nelson in memory of Ozzie
Tara Clark in memory of Blue
Melissa McCleskey in memory of Izzy
Deborah Hudson in memory of Wiley E. Coyote
Jennifer Thompson and Terry Alvey in memory of Cotton Allen
Granny and Corinne in memory of Buddy
Linda Chang in memory of Levi
Tish Wolf in memory of Lucky
Jamie Kitz in memory of Soda
Leanne Rudolph in memory of Susie Musgnug
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Susie Musgnug
Marianne Scull in memory of Susie Musgnug
Laurel Mechling in memory of Porter Dippel
Jennifer Bruni in memory of Susie Musgnug
Joanne Nye in memory of Susie Musgnug
Sarah Beesley in memory of Susie Musgnug
Janis Dreyer in memory of Porter
Kathy and Ian St. John in memory of Porter
Amy Krivis in memory of Tessa
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Sprocket
Val and Marleen Alonzo in memory of Rocks
Martha Jones in memory of Bella Molfese
Victoria Molfese in memory of Bella Bozum-Molfese
Gilbert and Joy Julian in memory of Summer Girl Julian
Ian and Audrey Higuera in memory of Sam
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Ringo Haylings
Suzy Brusca in memory of Tea Blossom
Mike and Sandy Ordonio in memory of Summer
Ann Hestand in memory of Kaley
Shawn Marshall and Leslie Sweet in memory of Lily Sweet
Helen Kahn in memory of Brandy
Barbara Codd in memory of Genji
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Petunia
Judy Graciano in memory of Remi
Allison McKee in memory of Lily
Rene Kimzey in memory of Dombi
Amy Krivis in memory of Wiggles
Liz, Roy and Queenie Carr in memory of Buster
Christina Pasetta in memory of Little B Pasetta
Joann Johnson in memory of Elle
Carol and Stephen Schweppe in memory of Molly
Rene Kimzey in memory of Angus
Brian and Christy Rector in memory of May May
Rosemary VanGorder and Family in memory of George
Joan Wellington in memory of Charlie
The Saffron Family in memory of Kojak
Kit Birskovich in memory of Marty
Gayle Jackson in memory of Bubba and Jessie Girl
Deanna Shemek and Cyrus Miller in memory of Bentley
Emily Nicholl in memory of Max
Kimberly Nukanen and Family in memory of Stanley
Jill and James Oerman in memory of Gigi
Lisa, Rusty, Marie and Layla Allison in memory of Archie
Claudia Rico in memory of Puck
Jen Joy and Mark White in memory of Charlie
Andy, Teri and Woody Goodman in memory of Lili Podell
George and Debra Couch in memory of Eddie Clark
Lynn and Mark Walker in memory of George
Denise Anderson in memory of Max
Jamie Kitz in memory of Harley
Jamie Kitz in memory of Enzo
Jill and James Oerman in memory of Rocket
Jonelle and Carl McAllister in memory of Valentina
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Moose
Jane A. Herbst in memory of Ellie Mae
Traci Turner in memory of Brownie
Lloyd Vellek in memory of Rexy
Terry and Gail Deschamps in memory of Bass - Count Bassie
Patricia Jaffe in memory of Spencer Couch
Rhonda Carle in memory of Stellaluna
Emily and Phil Nicholl in memory of Autumn
Sarah Abrahamian in memory of Bronx
Robin Hubert in memory of Karma
Amy Krivis in memory of Chicory
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Chanelle
Larry Schiffer in memory of Sandy
Allison McKee in memory of Ella
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Zuri
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Yara Bear
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Annie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Sunshine
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Ace
Emilie Holder in memory of Mama Kitty
Linda Boyle in memory of Wiggles
Linda Gabrielson, in memory of Charles
Cari Albert in memory of Annie and Mac
Cheryl Barker in memory of Buddy Heape
Carie and Scott Broecker in memory of Buddy Heape
Allie Flanders in memory of Nova
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Buddy Heape
Keara Morales in memory of Andy
Leslie Guzman in memory of Pearl Gainey
Tricia Weissberg in memory of Wally
Amy Krivis in memory of Charles
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Charles
Katherine Walker in memory of Holly
Denise Anderson in memory of Molly and Lizzy
Jamie Kitz in memory of Best Boy Bruce Toulouse
The Bomarito Family in memory of Dolly
Dan and Kimberley Bermender in memory of Maverick Covarrubias
The Wasserman Family in memory of Ivy
Creda Markham in memory of Frankie (Cheeto)
Jennifer Murray in memory of Ginger
Beth and Michelle Charvonia in memory of Kona Charvonia
Dick and Joy Stevens in memory of Geo
Ann Hestand in memory of Sadie
Sachi Snyder in memory of Sunny Boy
Leanne and Chad Kirkham in memory of Sadie
Claudia and Dan Rico in memory of Bodega
Allison McKee in memory of Pom
Jean Lovell in memory of Zpumoni
The Applebaums in memory of Pom and Boomer
David Buuck in memory of Keeper
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Autumn
Peter and Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Bixby
Emily, Lenny and Fern Fleming in memory of China LaRussa
Julie Minnis in memory of Rooney
Kelly Ochoa in memory of Bella
Kelly Ochoa in memory of Babette
Leslie Guzman in memory of Penny
Theresa Houseman in memory of Scoutie
Jack Kietrys and Dave Edler in memory of Molly Hoover
Emily and Phil Nicholl in memory of Pickles
Betty Aynaga in memory of Millie
Gina Bertolino in memory of Kohei
Anne Pickett in memory of Posey
Judy Rowley in memory of Ariel
Ginte Jasulaitas in memory of Scamp
Amy Krivis in memory of Mandi
Marion and Ron Wormser in memory of Rooney
Marsha, Dave and Roscoe Bosco Boy Leadingham in memory of Chai
Ann Hestand in memory of Jodie Gordon
Carly Regal in memory of Sammy Edelson
Lisa Maddalena and Bill Speacht in memory of Ernie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Juju
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Peyton
Deanna Wolpe in memory of Bella
Kel, Matt and Sarah Berto in memory of Chauncey
Parichart Wongwasuzet in memory of McDreamy
James Seusy in memory of Lucy
Maria and Joel Galanda in memory of Stella
Debra Reed in memory of Casper Mendenhall
Michele Egan and Michael McCabe in memory of Daisy
Joanne Nissen in memory of Murphy
Claudia Rico in memory of Jamo
Prakash Chulani in memory of Kuma Kir
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Rudy
Tricia Weissberg in memory of Jixer
Allene Buchanan in memory of Honey
Joann and Roger Johnson in memory of Cohen
Carmelita Garcia in memory of Beau
Karen Mason in memory of Bailey
Carol Brown in memory of Snoodle
Susan Wytyshyn in memory of Chase
Emi Yamamura in memory of Kim Ouchida
Jamie Kitz in memory of Maggie
Lisa Kajikawa in memory of Kiki
Alisa Boehme in memory of Lady Lola
Lyn Taylor in memory of Max
In Honor of Special People in 2024
Jewish Community Foundation of Southern Arizona in honor of Debbie "Speck" Zeitman
Linda Taylor in honor of John and Mary Ottman
Carolyn Moscatel in honor of Mary Magoffin
Sherie Koshover in honor of Suzanne & Suki Staples
Sue Schechter in honor of Barbara and Geordie
Robert Seibel in honor of Cherie's adopter, Margaret Murillo
Robs Masson in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Patti Krieger in honor of Susan Tauger
Little Lavender in honor of Linda Ebert
Arbeit Grippi Giving Fund in honor of Lauren Grippi
Sarah Hooper in honor of Margaret Hooper, Tweed Dove and Fern Thistledown
Beryl Blaustone in honor of Bob Seibel
Michael and Kelly Hayes in honor of Carol and Steve Schweppe
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H. in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H. in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Elizabeth Von Urff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Cristina Arreola in honor of Lulu and Helena
Christina Solano in honor of Dava Solano
Patricia Van Arena-Meacham in honor of John Vincent Sanchez
Dante Deguara in honor of Gordon's and Mary's Wedding
Amy Krivis in honor of Carie Broecker
Greg and Michelle Weaver in honor of Gordon and Mary Foxworthy's Marriage
Jeanne and Roy Evilsizer in honor of Maureen Cassingham
Kimberly Barber in honor of Carol and Jeff Silveira
Jocelyn Brady in honor of Marci Bracco
Hester Parker in honor of marci bracco
Rosemary Van Gorder in honor of The Krivis Family
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
David Sabih in honor of Dr. Tom and Annie Bradley
Margaret and William Snyder in honor of Gina Wolf
The Veretto Family in honor of Diane C. Delusshi
Elizabeth De Silva in honor of Cindy De Silva
Bunny Davis in honor of Mary Dahl and Gordon Foxworthy
Gina Bertolino in honor of Monica Rua
Rebecca Hickman in honor of Jeanne Evilsizer
Linda Van Unen in honor of Dr. John Brennan
Maxene Orlikoff in honor of Susie Orlikoff Simon
Sheila McMahon Williams in honor of Monica Rua
Mary Koch in honor of Dr. Carl Noto
Wayne Stanton in honor of The Helping Paw Dog Walkers
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
Elizabeth Barber in honor of the birthday of Barb Frances
Deirdre OConnor in honor of Wes Brykailo
Dina Fisher in honor of Scott and Carie Broecker
David and Linda Wilsey in honor of Patricia Payne
Ben Jones in honor of Ana and Chris
Katie Griffin in honor of Dr. Kelly Buck
Suzan Farrens in honor of Pat Merikalia
Ben Jones in honor of Ana and Chris
Fred Espino in honor of Shanel Bauanen
Denise Guerrero in honor of Avery Calman
Katherine Fussell in honor of Sarah Adams
Susanne Aronowitz in honor of Susan Simon
Elizabeth Von Urff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Dennis Eichner in honor of Jen Rice
Creda Markham in honor of Jessica Baptista
Women's Club of Hollister in honor of Teresa West
Carol Sakaguchi in honor of Cameron
Heide Savidge and the Friday Gang in honor of Vanessa Puckett
Gisele Kapuscinski in honor of Jody Davis
Laura Ingrassia in honor of Norman Bracco
Amy Powell, Lisa Clark and Stephanie Salo in honor of Norman Bracco
The Hobson Family in honor of Ann Hobson
Gail Parrish in honor of Cathie Pauls
James Costello in honor of Robert Seibel
Carl and Jonelle McAllister in honor of Becky Cutler
Jim and Izzi Shillinglaw in honor of Reverend Amber Sturgess and Fenix
Barbara Weiss in honor of Gail Berman
Ronaele Findley in honor of Cheryl Luchmann
Patti Krieger in honor of Susan Tauger
In Honor of Special Animals in 2024
Evelyn Roberson in honor of Molly
LaRay Todd in honor of Kai, Asha and Nola
Anna Marie and Stephen Kellen Foundation in honor of Rubi
Carrie Hill in honor of Susie Musgnug
Newton and Rebecca Bayless in honor of Beulah
Patricia Golmon and Ann Cervelli in honor of Tillie Cervelli
Jen Carl in honor of Susie Musgnug
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of Emily and Joey
Christina Momdjian in honor of Peaches
Wes Brykailo in honor of Bodie
Joan Timpany in honor of Molly and Max
Cindy Locke in honor of Blue
El Segundo Rotary Club in honor of Nixon and Lola
Amelia Craig in honor of Ariel
Fern Kulpreecha in honor of Ace, Angel, Ruby, Vanilla, Jewel, Zorro, Midnight
Gina Bertolino in honor of Orejas and his new owners, Dave and Meena Corbin
Lenore Hindin in honor of the dogs who have touched my heart
Claudia Otero and Greg Yancey in honor of Rockin' Rooney
Mary Cowley in honor of Mali O'Talley
Carol Pecora in honor of Bella Springer
Cheryl and Brian Connors in honor of Bubba, Jessie Girl and CharChar
David Shapiro and Margaret Lord in honor of Mister Bingley
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2023
Juanita Gunter in memory of Bernadette Fox
Anne Johnson Scott in memory of David Scott
Michele Germano in memory of Eleanor and Michael Germano
Jill and Darryl Long in memory of Patricia Loftus
Kenny, Christine and Olivia Warde in memory of Margie Harne
Marybeth Beston in memory of Dale Morgan
Linda Sherman in memory of Tom Perry
Kathy Harrison in memory of Richard McIntire
Pixie Gentry in memory of Chuck Fuller
Amanda Marlow in memory of Renee
Gina Cole in memory of Theresa Escoto Severin
Pamela Durkee in memory of Michele Tiller
Shelley Davis in memory of Michele Tiller
Karen Hargrove in memory of Michele Tiller
Calcoastal Dog Owners Group in memory of Michele Tiller
Julianne Craig in memory of Michele Tiller
Bonnie Stringfield in memory of Margie Colson
Mike Froke in memory of Benjamin Fork
Dave and Diane Eagle in memory of Ron Parsons
Mary Sherman in memory of Randy Reinstedt
Francine Nissen in memory of Bill Moresco
Rosemarie Russo in memory of Warren Chatmon
Delinda Robinson in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Ria Mae Finch in memory of Lynda Milligan
Joanne Clever in memory of Kimberly Michaud
Nicki and Larry Beston in memory of Ron Leach
Sharon Miller in memory of David Shake
Billie Brown in memory of Sarah Adams
Sharon Dwight in memory of Paul and Glenda Hoffman
Allen and Marcia Wright in memory of Margaret (Margie) Colson
Diana Pavloff Cryan in memory of Paul and Alan Hoffman and their dog Bear
Elizabeth Thomas in memory of Margie Colson
Jackie Burns in memory of Margie Colson
Christine Farmerie in memory of Margie Colson
Michelle Daley in memory of Ivy Daley
Carie and Scott Broecker in memory of Ute Pancer
Pam and Norm Yop in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Linda Borgman in memory of Georgia Marie Ferreira
Essie and Kevin Martin in memory of Georgia Ferreira
The LivIT Group in memory of Georgia Marie Ferreira
Joyce and Walter Aumiller in memory of Bob Thompson
Robert and Nancy Scarpitto in memory of Phillip L. Paré
Mary and Paul Dragieff in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Roger and Vivian Moises in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Liz Silva in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Michael Carpenter in memory of Allen Kaplan
Matt and Marilyn Seeley in memory of Dani Crossgrove
Carl Pinto in memory of Phillip L. Paré
Steven Hirt in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Janet Pingree in memory of Georgia Ferreira and her dog, Annie
Julie Kavanagh in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Angela Micheli in memory of Georgia Ferreira
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
EMC Planning Group, Inc. in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Ted and Stacey Golding in memory of Lucy McGuire
Melissa Matlow in memory of Georgia Marie Ferreira
Joan and Frank Brauch in memory of Phillip L. Paré
Hillary Cook in memory of Polaris Kinison-Brown
Gayle Jackson in memory of Polaris Kinison-Brown
Eileen Fuller in memory of Bob Heston
Anne Batchelder in memory of Polaris Kinison-Brown
From The Heart Dog Training in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Roberta Karper in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Erika and Spencer Carpenter in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Hilton Kwong in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Katherine LeRoy in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Carie and Scott Broecker in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Karen Sheppard in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Kathy Henney in memory of Polaris Kinisin-Brown
Jill Rizzo in memory of Linda Monroe
NICU at Natividad Medical Center in memory of Norma Fleming
Kathy Antle in memory of Judith Collins
Joan Beller in memory of Barbara Sprenger
Mary Estrada in memory of Michael Ziebell
Robert and Cheryl Hasychak in memory of Michael Ziebell
Julie Sexton and Chris Riser in memory of Richard Shiotani
Kristiane McKee Maas in memory of James and Averil Nero
Tess Miller in memory of Gerald Lambert
Susan Ricketson in memory of Gerald Lambert
Linka Watridge in memory of Linda Monroe
Steven Silveira in memory of Linda Monroe
Lisa Kalajan in memory of Grandma Kay Bergman
Deanna Malone in memory of Linda Malone
Lori Lietzke in memory of Averil and Jim Nero
Hilary Davis in memory of Allen Kaplan
Karen Tate in memory of Liz Friedman
Ashley Winn in memory of Allen Kaplan
Joanne Nissen in memory of Colin Horwitz
Deborah May in memory of Bernadette Fox
Alan Laschiver in memory of Alice Seamons
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Joe Horiuchi
Mikhail Tsypkin in memory of Natalya Michnikova
Geoff and Jennifer Jenkins in memory of Inez Kirkman
Mike and Cathie Foster in memory of Marie Troia
Paula Kuty in memory of John Bertinetti
Penny Chesluk in memory of Bob Hestand
Carolyn Moscatel in memory of John Yauckoes
Greg and Diane Marano in memory of Maria Troia
Linda and Rod Gabrielson in memory of Susan Storm
Jodi Hempy in memory of Chris Ferris
Luci Ashton Wertlieb in memory of Luci Ashton Wertlieb - The Law
V and M Alonzo in memory of Abel Alonzo
Amanda Tackett in memory of Betty White
Elaine Bowers in memory of Betty White
Christina Dillon in memory of Lisa Marie Presley and O'Malley
John Grisetti in memory of Tom Bengard
Juanita Gunter in memory of Bernadette Fox
Gee Charitable Trust in memory of Gloria Y. Gee
Diane Sliter in memory of Bob Hestand
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2023
Joanne Faulkner in memory of Fiona
Stephanie and Stan Crawford in memory of Pippa
Peter and Jeanette Katzlberger in memory of Hickory and Steve
Edward Jones Charitable Gift Fund in memory of Baxter Pascal
Michele Germano in memory of Kimo
Ludmila Burkoy in memory of Zoomie
Ron and Cathy Jacob in memory of Rudy
Laura and David Towle in memory of Daisy and Luther
Margaret Slaby in memory of Kayden
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of JoJo
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Eleanor
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Sherlock
Krissi and Jalon Harris in memory of Portia
Carol Goff in memory of her three Dachshunds
Lisa Allison and Dusty Vandervort in memory of Sagie-girl
Georgia Crowder in memory of Poppy
Gregg and Corinna Silberg in memory of Sally B. Silberg
Marcie and John Thibeaau in memory of Havana
Barbara Bobrow in memory of Spencer
LaVonne Bauder in memory of Foto Cordellos
Tom and Jen Werbe in memory of Layla
Marlene Shanks in memory of Buffaki
Kerry Jo Walker in memory of Beau and Hershey
Larry Schiffer in memory of Sandy
Peggy McMahan in memory of Vienne
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Pudge
Dwyline Kruger in memory of Muffy
Michelle and Paul Boudreau in memory of Peanut
Carole Salerno in memory of Lexi
Brooke Jones in memory of Chimo
Jennifer Hodges in memory of Chimo
Suzanne Novotny in memory of Betty Boop
Adam and Emily Sofrin in memory of Posey
Jade Hobson in memory of Zoe
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Bailey
Stefany, Drew and Madelyn Saxton in memory of Quincy Fletes
Leslie Guzman in memory of Penelope Gainey
Joy and Dick Stevens in memory of Joey
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Kanika
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Poochy
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Chelsea
Patricia Weissberg in memory of Bailey
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Brody
Joanne Nissen in memory of TIger the cat
Elise, Debbie, Grace and Frankie in memory of Posey
Charles and Judy Georger in memory of Tillie
Sharon Goodwein in memory of Chito
Michele and "Frances" Thomas in memory of Luke
Cathy Heape in memory of Buddy
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Brodie
Cathy Heape in memory of Tilly
Tay Scott in memory of Toby
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Buddy
Anne Collins in memory of Roxy Wasserman
Anne Collins in memory of Roxy Wasserman
Cara Veilleux in memory of Roxy
Adam Bittner in memory of Roxy
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Roxy
Anusha Fernando in memory of Bailey
Lauren Myers in memory of Killer
Sharon Miller in memory of Buddy
Mary Koch in memory of Captain
Carol Bowerman-Eldredge in memory of Brother and Sister
Art and Camille Wyatt in memory of their great grand-dog Abbey
Michele Egan and Michael McCabe in memory of Kallie Shilling
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Tasha
Cari Albert in memory of Neddie
Lloyd Calhoon in memory of Tobi
Lori Byland in memory of Blue O'Leary
Trish and Tracy Kauffman in memory of Canela de Sola-Barnes
Dan and Sue Logan in memory of Logy
Jamie Kitz in memory of Melissa
Judy and Phil Digiralamo in memory of Luca McDiarmid
Evelyn Epstein in memory of Mickey
Grace in memory of dear Winnie
Bill Leys in memory of Rosie Standley-Leys
Patricia Kelliher in memory of Fiona Riley
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Lou
Kathleen and Bob Seibel in memory of Mickey
Ken & Becky Riley in memory of Fiona Riley
Joy and Dick Stevens in memory of Lou
Cathy Heape in memory of Xena
Patty Walters in memory of sweet Gracie
Dan and Kay Bermender in memory of Cosmo
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Renegade
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Charlie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Mellie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Tina
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Maikai
Darlene Anger in memory of Bella
Joanne Nissen in memory of Turbo
Keith and Staci Hirschman in memory of Sadie
Patricia Jaffe in memory of Annie and Samantha Couch
Jamie Kitz in memory of Haile
Trish Kelliher and Doug McKellar in memory of Xavi Simpson
Theresa Lo in memory of Oreo and Snowy
Pacific and Santa Cruz Veterinary Specialists in memory of Puppy
Debra and George Couch in memory of Dexie
Darla and Rick Van Schuyver in memory of Zuzu
Trish and Tracy Kauffman in memory of Kali Ryan
Trish and Tracy Kauffman in memory of Dylan
Jamie Kitz in memory of Zuzu
Dave and Meena Corbin in memory of Roxie
Larry Schiffer in memory of Sandy
Michele and "Frances" Thomas in memory of Riley
Dr. Clare Manning in memory of Scouty
Tess and Roger Kern in memory of Scouty
Bob and Melissa Mannix in memory of Scotty
John and Joanne Couling in memory of Eric
David and Laurie Benjamin in memory of Samantha Couch
Jean Lovell in memory of Désir
Gary A. Miller in memory of Bennie
Joanne Nissen in memory of "Pecos" Callaway
Jamie Kitz in memory of Chili
Jamie Kitz in memory of Erik
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Petunia
Allie Flanders in memory of Curly
Elizabeth Raffaelli in memory of Frankie
Allie Flanders in memory of Logan
Jan Neal in memory of Bella
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Dinero
Bob and Marilee Geyer in memory of Chispa
Tricia Weissberg in memory of Marley
Tracy Kauffman in memory of Lobo
Kathy Henney in memory of Zissou
Susan Charvonia in memory of Bella
Sachi Snyder in memory of Maya Biddick
Sandy, Mike and Buddy in memory of Skippy
Vivian and Kevin O'Connell in memory of Me-Me
Jeannine Ando in memory of Teddy
Charles and Susan Barker in memory of Murray Barker
Roy and Megan Pacumio in memory of Me-Me
Holly Wilmot in memory of Hopper
Nancy Wilmot in memory of Hopper
Sharon Miller in memory of Konga
Sharon Miller in memory of Sam
Sheila McMahon Williams in memory of Tilly
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Conga
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Nikki
The Wassermans in memory of Sir Walter
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Zoe
Debra and George Couch in memory of Rosie
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Chesterfield
Connie Shelstad in memory of Bella Boxer
Audrey Thorne in memory of Bing
Gina Bertolino in memory of Bianca
Connie Shelstad in memory of Bella Boxer
Sharon Miller and Bruce McClane in memory of Sam
Sharon Miller and Bruce McClane in memory of Conga
Sheila Wiliams in memory of Tilly
George and Debra Couch in memory of Rosie
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Elba Bella Linda
Lyn Taylor in memory of Rosie
Margo and Mike Musgnug in memory of Gertie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Nikki Sixx
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Rocco
Emilie Holder in memory of Champion
Donna Galletti in memory of "Ace" Williams
Marguerite Campbell in memory of Jazzy Rose
Sannie and Frank Sollecito in memory of Willie and Jett
Chris Homan in memory of Sadie
Jamie Kitz in memory of Slippers
Jean Lovell in memory of Stiggy
Jill Nakashima in memory of Inky
Ken and Becky Riley in memory of Xavi Lanas Simpson
Shawn Kaye in memory of Maxwell Winston Boo-Boo Kaye
Nicholas Callas in memory of Kenzie and Hotchkiss
Kari, Mike and Bella Murray in memory of Sweet Acey Boy
Kathy Henney in memory of Ace
Allison and the McKee Family in memory of Acey-Deucey
Jackie Burns in memory of Miss Velma
Cindy and Vic Reskovic in memory of Bernie
Trudi Burney in memory of Bonnie
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Bernie
Deborah Evans in memory of India Ink
Kathy and Andy Switky in memory of Bernie
Susan Charvonia in memory of Spice Girl
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Bernie Rua
Kathy Henney in memory of Bernie
Dawn Hurtado in memory of Ms. Rosie
Joann Johnson in memory of Leia
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Sasha
Mare and Darrell Donly in memory of Zoe Dunckel
Beth and Michelle in memory of Spice Girl
Elena Orlova in memory of Bella Boxer
Terri Sisk in memory of Tim
Debbie Landi in memory of Rocco
Marc, Kathy and Lucas Miller in memory of Laila
Carol Pecora in memory of Bella
Ann Fay in memory of Molly
Jasmine King in memory of Lulu
David Clemens in memory of Jazz Ginno
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Bodhi
Rachel Wagner in memory of Marge McIntyre/Tavangar
Rebecca Hickman in memory of Chuck
Michael Canadas and David Robinson in memory of "Louis" Curry Friedman
Gayle Jackson in memory of Jessie Girl and Bubba
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Beethoven
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Lucy
Allie Flanders in memory of Karl
Jackie Boyster in memory of Babe Lazar
Kathleen and John Rianda in memory of Smitty
Janet Downing in memory of Missy
Julie and Bill Dormand in memory of Beloved Rose Brandstad
Nanci Markey in memory of Sweet Annie
Kathy Henney in memory of Seaton
Leslie Kelly in memory of Meika
Anne Thibault in memory of Izzie Deis
Sharon Barton-Maggio in memory of Annabella
Tom and Jennifer Werbe in memory of Pebble
James and Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Jamie Kitz in memory of Timo
Anonymous in memory of Marley
Adam, Emily and Rosie Soffrin in memory of Plato
Carol Brown in memory of Snoodle
Michele and "Frances" Thomas in memory of Rusty
Josephine Rogers in memory of Zack
Carol Goff in memory of Ellie
Ronald Batchelder in memory of Ella Girl
Kerry Johnson in memory of Lukas
Deborah Walt in memory of Lulu
Victoria Knight in memory of Timmy
Amanda and Fred Wehling in memory of Wally
Molly Carlin in memory of Bertie and Phoebe
Denise Buese in memory of Annabelle
In Honor of Special People in 2023
Gail Parrish in honor of Edith Dunnavant
Jeanne Evilsizer in honor of Maureen Cassingham
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Sheila McMahon Williams in honor of David Reader and his dog Woofie
Jill, Darryl and Mika Long in honor of Connie Shelstad
Gail Lebovic in honor of Dana and Julie
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Peggy, Rose and Sonny O'Sheel in honor of Clare O'Sheel
Karen Ventura Accounting and Business Services in honor of Debra Couch
Roxie Evans in honor of Susan Simon
Kacy Cooper in honor of Lisa Cooper
Donna Stillo in honor of Amy Krivis
Randa Roland in honor of Judy Pfeifer
Elizabeth Von Urff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Sharon Terry in honor of Zem Joaquin
JoAnne Miner in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Beryl Blaustone in honor of Bob Seibel
David Scheinbaum in honor of Kathleen and Bob Seibel
Robs Masson in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Mary Cowley in honor of Kat Zemeckis
Joan Tanner in honor of Rachel Tanner
Marty Dunn in honor of Mary Goblirsch
The Central California Alliance for Health in honor of Tracy Neves
Lori Katz in honor of Claire Priddy
Rod and Corrine Fabie in honor of Mary Koch
Evilsizer and Bowers Families in honor of Maureen Cassingham
Dori Shimer in honor of Bev Menne
Suzette Smiley-Jewell in honor of Paul and Gilend (Glenda) Hoffman
Elle Gaensslen in honor of Margo Musgnug
Dr. Fred Veretto in honor of Diane Delucchi's birthday
Gisele Kapuscinski in honor of Ms. Jody Davis
David Goldberger in honor of Alena Orlova
Anna Vernon in honor of Diana Diaz
Olga and David Goldberger in honor of Elena Orlova
Judith and Anthony Savoca in honor of Rachel Anderson
Matt Anderson in honor of Rachel Anderson
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews
Elizabeth Barber in honor of Barb Frances
Cathy Warren in honor of Karen Von Der Bruegge's birthday
Barbara Coats in honor of Carie Broecker and Monica Rua
Michelle Perez in honor of Polly Aiello
Lauren and Bobby Morales in honor of Michael O'Connell
Donna Stillo in honor of Amy Krivis
Susanne Aronowitz and Family in honor of Susan Simon
Susan Weinstock in honor of Michael O'Donnell
Jeff and Mary Bryson in honor of Lynn Frischmann
Connie Shelstad in honor of Christina Lund
Greg and Tracy Plowman in honor of The Animal Cancer Center
Lisa Crivello in honor of Jay and Josie Crivello
Mary and Jeff Bryson in honor of Lynn Frischmann
Lindsay Gizdich in honor of Robin
Sannie and Frank Sollecito in honor of Carie Broecker
Emily Long in honor of Thelma
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Mary and Stephen Fritsch in honor of Kristi Hedburg
Hannah, Dave, Will and Maddie Matthew in honor of Jeff Krivis
Elaine and Curtis Williams in honor of Kim and Noah Bartholomay
Her Tribees in honor of Dina Fisher
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Lorette Keane
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Krissi Durant
Amy Schiff in honor of Tracey Pepper
Carolyn Moscatel in honor of Anne Pontuo
Suzanne DeBrango in honor of Dina Ruiz
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Melinda Landau in honor of Katie Beebe
Cheryl & Brian Connors in honor of Kaia Ruth Fujihara
Joanne Faulkner in honor of Betty White
David Thikoll in honor of Heather Lee
John and Kathryn Enlund in honor of Gayle Jackson
Janet Bruns in honor of Elena Orlova
Sheila Reicher Fine Foundation in honor of Judy Graciano
Brenda Nolen in honor of Betty White's Birthday
Rochelle Erickson in honor of Lynn and Tony Overtree
Vikki Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
Lynh Severson in honor of Mike Mott
The Matthew Family in honor of Amy Krivis
Robert Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
Diane Goodhue in honor of Ms. Catherine Sherrer
Suzie Weber in honor of Nancy Raven
Vickie Reese in honor of Pam and Laci
Michael Iwamuro in honor of Wei Chen
Patti Krieger in honor of Mariah Tauger
Elaine Derr in honor of Christine Derr
Linda Taylor in honor of John and Mary Ottman
Scott Robins in honor of Belinda Byerly-Robins
In Honor of Special Animals in 2023
Janet Ronstadt in honor of Abby
Anne Johnson Scott in honor of Jenny
Judy Pfeifer in honor of Bruno Roland
Anonymous in honor of Duchess and her foster Gina
Laura Hemingway in honor of Seymour Hemingway
Claire Etienne in honor of Suzy Q
Randall Wagner and Megan Gowans in honor of Addie
Sandra and Carl DeLay-Magnuson in honor of Bixby and Quigley
Anonymous in honor of Rex's adoption
Stefanie Kaku in honor of Redd
Josephine Rogers in honor of Rosie Brewer
Gina Bertolino in honor of Lacy and Macho
Christine Khoshabeh in honor of Jazzy
Christine Khoshabeh in honor of Jazzy
Brian and Christy Rector in honor of sweet Opal
Ken and Becky Riley in honor of Indie
Lenore Hindin in honor of Whiskers
Michael O'Donnell in honor of Elroy and Jake
Patty Walters in honor of Bella
Sally Lucas in honor of Ruggles Vogel
Fern Kulpreecha in honor of Ace, Angel, Ruby, Vanilla, Jewel, Zorro, Midnight
Christy and Keith Matasick in honor of Xavi
Margaret Gordon in honor of Dot and Rosie
Carol Lutz in honor of BB, aka Obi
Nancy Cook in honor of Pebble
Iathan Annand in honor of Duffy
Ahna Miller in honor of Chubbs
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2022
Sue and Dan Logan in memory of Joyce Fox
Janet Malis in memory of Rick Malis
Barry Goldstein in memory of Sandi Goldstein
Kristine Schroeder in memory of Tracy Jane Hawkins
Joan Timpany in memory of Max Sawyer
Linda Lepine in memory of Mr. Brown
Diane Milczarek in memory of Bob Hestand
Jodi and David Hayes in memory of Joan Richter
Janet and John Ronstadt in memory of James Robert
Jennifer Gavin in memory of Oliver Gavin
Andrea Smith and Jim Johns in memory of August Rain
Craig Kus in memory of Cheryl Voss
Margaret Sloan in memory of George Funtik
Liz Kimball in memory of Andy Wohl
Anne Johnson Scott in memory of David Scott
Caroline Hoagland in memory of Victor Hoagland
Elaine Bowers in memory of Mary Anne Bube
David and Joan Netzer in memory of Bob Hestand
Kim Dagui in memory of Roger Wells
Eileen Riordan in memory of Robert Hestand
Catherine OBrien in memory of Robert G. Hestand
Janice Pori in memory of Robert Hestand
Robert Scott in memory of Mae Scott
Karen Sheffer in memory of Ann Hasen
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
Larry O'Rourke in memory of Joy
Chris Tijerino in memory of Ricardo Tijerino
Lisa Crivello in memory of Kira Elischer
Diane Scholfield in memory of Ann Slezak and her dog Sandy
William McDowell in memory of Joyce McDowell
Norma Jean Schmitz in memory of Queen Elizabeth
Michael White in memory of Joyce McDowell
Julia Harvey in memory of Maurice Harvey
Jodi Hempy in memory of Judith Tuttle
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Charlotte Kikoshima
J. Tracie Tilson-Welch in memory of Kelly McKay
Michelle Daley in memory of Mrs. Ying Ping Chien
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Diane Vaccarello
Joanne Nissen in memory of Marjorie Tidwell
Jeffrey and Karen Lewis in memory of Barbara Haskell
John and Kathleen Anderson in memory of Alice Walker
Elaine Bowers in memory of Liz Friedman
Suzie Weber in memory of Jack Armstrong
Peter Hurd in memory of Liz Friedman
Ken Carlson in memory of Karen Hansmann
Alison Graham in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Joan and Sid Smith in memory of James Nero
Deborah Molina in memory of Liz Lyons Friedman
Gary and Carolyn Bjorklund in memory of Beverly Dekker-Davidson
Donald Mungai in memory of Karen Hansmann
Teresa Gregory in memory of Karen Hansmann
Hartman Industries in memory of Kelly McKay
Angela Bongiorno in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Doris Smith in memory of Kelly McKay
Joyce-Ann Davenport in memory of John Ellis
Jackie Wendland in memory of Beverly Dekker Davidson
Gail Stepp in memory of Eric Stusnick
Lynn Onishi in memory of Eric Stusnick
Roberta Karper in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Bargetto Winery in memory of Liz Friedman
Jonelle White in memory of Mary DiMaggio
Jim Monstero in memory of Mary DiMaggio
Joanne Nissen in memory of Laura Tidwell
Carena Kay in memory of Annalia Montany
Cindy Thatcher in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Marybeth Beston in memory of Grace Evans
Allie Flanders in memory of Sally Klinke
Amanda Szafranski in memory of Liz Lyons Friedman
Barry, Judy, Megan and Barratt Rowley in memory of Sue Page
Carmel Valley Women's Club in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Anne Lyons in memory of Liz Lyons Friedman
Marilyn Uribe in memory of Joy Phillips O'Rourke
Al and Anne Santorelli in memory of Joy O'Rourke and her dog Riley
The Pulawskis in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Laura Lewers in memory of Joyce Fox
Julie and Tom Craig in memory of Merlyn Green
Jean and Jerry Fordis in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Mel and Joy Pritchard in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Vor. Suvanich in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Peggy and Ed Dickson in memory of Joy Phillips O'Rourke
Diane Gibeau in memory of Joy Phillips O'Rourke
Suze in memory of Molly Herbert
JoAnne Calderone in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Donna McLeary in memory of Barbara McLeary
Bobbe Mintz in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Midge and Bob Bajefsky in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Linda and Ray Sencenbaugh in memory of Alice Shanahan
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Pete Henney
Tina Garza in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Jackie Boyster in memory of Patti McKay
Becky Richardson in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Edie Asclipiadis in memory of Margarita Garza
Mary Clesi in memory of Margarita Wergin
Tom Muir and Elizabeth Lynch in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Mark and Francisca Weber in memory of Margarita Wergin
Sharon and Stephen Dangberg in memory of Steve Blinkenberg + 15
Lydia Rodriguez in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Corazon Naraval in memory of Margarita Wergin
Lolly Fimbrez in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Rosalia Mestressat in memory of Margarita Wergin
Ruth Plager in memory of Joy O'Rourke
Samantha Klinger in memory of Margaret Wergin
Susanne Koga in memory of Margarita Garza Wergin
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Stephan Kolivas
Rena Cochlin in memory of Douglas Westra
Wayne and Laura Saavedra in memory of Kurt Bronner
Colleen Callan Ivey in memory of Stephen Blinkenberg
Esmeralda Wolfe in memory of Edith Leuschner
Rena Cochlin in memory of Douglas Westra
Michele Garza in memory of Kristina Riera
Healy and Gary Cosay in memory of Betty White
Linda Lunsman in memory of Sally Burton
Bonnie Temple in memory of Diana Visage
Angela Westerman in memory of David Wayne Burch
Maureen Nemeth in memory of Julie Gardner
Marjorie Bullock in memory of Betty White
Stephanie Edenholm and Family in memory of Joanne Hofler
Jayne Kendrick in memory of Cheryl Kus Voss
Kenneth Kush in memory of Cheryl Kus Voss
Ann and Dan Meub in memory of Gretchen Hollingsworth
Tonni Larsen in memory of Maria E. K. Larsen
Renee Hatchwell in memory of Eyron Rosenberg
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashma
Rick Lawlor in memory of Gerri Cox
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2022
Sandra Simmons in memory of Bella
Christy and Harry Holimon in memory of Dickens and Bogey
Margaret Sanford in memory of Annie
Kathy Stilwell in memory of Woodstock, Renoir, Monet and Matisse
Debbie Johnson in memory of Abby & Codyman
Lenore Hindin in memory of the precious souls of POMDR dogs I fostered
Amy Jernigan in memory of Dan Jernigan
Lucinda Reskovic in memory of Ron's Honey
Denise and Rick Donaldson in memory of Kelsey and Sadie
Stacy Saetta and Mary Hagler in memory of Andy and Annie
Ronald Hall in memory of Petey
Jennifer Decolongon in memory of Blue
Debbie Tomes in memory of Daisy
Margarete Schels in memory of Annie
Ann Crnkovich in memory of Iris
Gayle Jackson in memory of Bubba, Jessie Girl and Lily
Linda Cardana-Gabrielson and Rod Gabrielson in memory of Simon
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Queenie and Duke
Susan Bruckner in memory of Roxy
Andrea Brinson in memory of Riley
Jennifer Bonilla in memory of Harold
Jinah Byram in memory of Tango, Silver and Spot
Margaret Lin in memory of Cooper and Kato
Erin Burklin in memory of Ricky Bobby
Alan Laschiver in memory of Abbie
Joyce Schmietow in memory of Taz
Carla Korb in memory of all my animals past and present
Stephen Zolotow and Grace Corso in memory of Carlotta, Shadow and Doubt
Margaret Sloan in memory of Chip
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in memory of Baby
Margaret Slaby in memory of Kayden
Rosie Wyatt in memory of Cairo
Nora Meany in memory of Clooney
Sheila McMahon Williams in memory of Tony
Georgia Ferreira in memory of Annie
Glenda and Paul Hoffman in memory of Bear
Elizabeth Ann Coleman in memory of Annabelle
Laurie and Dick Hamby in memory of Cowboy
Lori & Frank Giuliani in memory of Bill the Cat
Judi Billey in memory of Duke
Debbie Callas in memory of Kenzie
Barbra Porter in memory of Annabelle
Denise Donaldson in memory of Dixie, Noelle and Custard
Victoria Bernhart in memory of Remi Grace
Lisa McMahon in memory of Our Sunshine Girl, Dixie
Mary Cogburn in memory of Stella
Kelly Grau in memory of Lolita
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Maggie
Peter and Jinny Katzlberger in memory of Hickory
BelleAnne Curry in memory of Annabelle
Silvia Trejo in memory of Cocoa on behalf of Chrystal
The ladies at Debra C's in memory of Gucci
Jim and Isabel Shillinglaw in memory of Charlotte
Mary John Smith in memory of Ginger
Francine and Ken Taylor in memory of Shiloh
Baylie Vincent in memory of CJ
Joanne Nissen in memory of Tara
Debra Thompson in memory of Jeter, the King of my Heart
Kathleen A. Knight in memory of Rosie
Nicki Yoder in memory of Lucky and Waffles
Annetta Rathe in memory of Scarlett Rathe
Dallas and Julie Wireman in memory of Rosie
Theresa Bell in memory of Buddy
Gary Lee in memory of Cleo
Cecille and Jim Shoemaker in memory of Walter
The Kluetmeier gang in memory of Winston Oman
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Dipper
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Kona
Chrissie Klinkowski in memory of Jake St. John
Rene Kimzey in memory of Emma
Marleen and Val Alonzo in memory of Marty Birskovich
Leanne Rudolph in memory of Jetty Musgnug
Jackie Burns in memory of Miss Zelda
Joanne Nye in memory of Jetty
The Foley Family in memory of Neo and Jetty
Jennifer Brady in memory of Neo and Jetty
Amanda and Chris Kuzak in memory of Jetty Musgnug
Marianne Scull in memory of Jetty
Cathy and Judd Heape in memory of Jetty
Chris and Jennifer Bruni in memory of Jetty
Gina Bertolino in memory of Mickey
Cheryl and Mae Gomez in memory of Danny
Rebecca Ford in memory of Bijou
Nancy and Art Maurer in memory of Scout
Patty Brennan in memory of Cocoa Brennan
Michael and Annalisa Guthridge in memory of Ribbons Werbe
Marie Gahn in memory of Sadie
Stephanie Gibbs in memory of Patro
Linda Lunsman in memory of Ribbons Werbe
Tom Werbe in memory of Ribbons Werbe
Elaine, Bob and Bella Bowers in memory of Oso
Mike and Lisa Peasley in memory of Pepper
In Health / Light and Joy in memory of Dr. Silver's beloved greyhound
Roberta Elliott in memory of Eddie, Teddy and Betty
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Kenji
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Princess Geyer
Carie Broecker in memory of Kenji
Amy Krivis in memory of Kenji
Allison McKee in memory of Kenji
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Kenji
Karen Dowdell in memory of Dusty Rose
Kathy Henney in memory of Kenji
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Kona
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Cassidy
Gary and Rebecca Ciniceros in memory of Luna
Kendall Herbst in memory of Maxaroonie
Barbara and Murphy Marshall in memory of Chloe
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Katie Jo
Joanne Nissen in memory of Daisy
Emi Yamamura in memory of Penny
Greg and Robin Scattini in memory of Cookie
Cindy and John Hutcherson in memory of Raz
Sharon Miller in memory of Sherlock
Charlotte Takemoto in memory of Willie
Paige and Buttons in memory of Ozzie and Lola
The McKees in memory of Boomer
Monica and Jay Gordon in memory of Legacy
Janet Gates in memory of Bart Simpson
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in memory of Murphy
Allison McKee in memory of Simon
Kathy Henney in memory of Little Bear
Kathy Henney in memory of Simon
Kathy Henney in memory of Butch
Judy Burgess in memory of Lily Papa
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Rosie
Claudia Rico in memory of Moosh
Maria Fernandez in memory of Bobba
Gina, Mercy and Dante Bertolino in memory of Bijou
Lisa Maddalena and Bill Speech in memory of Billy and Latte
Donna Schaffer in memory of Henley
Ovilee Kennedy in memory of Rosie
Marianne Wooten in memory of Dante
Elizabeth Hampton in memory of Moritz
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Missy
Barbara Ganschow in memory of Bella Darling
Claire Shellem in memory of Winston
"Mom and Dad" Torres in memory of Ace of Spades
Kathy Henney in memory of Charley
Judith Nejasmich in memory of Jazzmine
John Byrne in memory of Muffin
Kathy Henney in memory of Jackson
Joanna Wishner in memory of Saxon
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Lily
Ed Kilduff in memory of Rocky II
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Cannoli
Suzanne and John Segovia in memory of Cocoa Brennan
Anonymous in memory of Goldie
Judith Babcock Wylie in memory of Ella
Sybil Frances Levin in memory of Ruby
Darla Jo Vanschuyver in memory of Chance
Bob and Roberta Knox in memory of Zoe
Karen Whitfield in memory of LC
Ronald & Diane Scholl in memory of Boudicca
Gina Bertolino in memory of Tiki
Robin Hubert in memory of Willy
Michele and "Frances" Thomas in memory of Buddy
Josephine Rogers in memory of Beau
Dan, Kay and Jesse Bermender in memory of Myles McDonald
Debra Reed in memory of Katie Mendenhall
Marti and Tom Ainsworth in memory of LC
George and Debra Couch in memory of Fluffy
The Benjamins in memory of Mimi
Christine Derr in memory of Charlotte
Carol and Nicholas George in memory of Tucker Neufeld
Kathy Henney in memory of Duke
Peter Bacon in memory of Para Caudell
Jasmine King in memory of Lulu
Kim Nykanen and family in memory of Josie
Kathy Henney in memory of Hannah
Kathy Henney in memory of Mimi
Suzanne Cushman in memory of Kip
Jill Oerman in memory of Juneau
Carole Salerno in memory of Lexi
Marian and Ron Wormser in memory of Zoey Bracco Miller
Allison McKee in memory of Moose
Allison McKee in memory of Moose
Elaine Elkin in memory of Gabe
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Abby
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Rosie
Kenny and Christine Warde in memory of Maci
Tess, Roger and Scouty Kern in memory of Ruby Mannix
Nayely Ramirez in memory of Peanut
Carol Brown in memory of Snoodle
Sharon Wright in memory of Sammy Haskell
Amy Krivis in memory of Daffodil
Kathy Henney in memory of Itsy
Kathy Henney in memory of Daffodil
Tom and Maureen Huereca in memory of Mercy
Donna Medeiros in memory of Leeloo
Robin Hubert in memory of Herbert
Kathy Henney in memory of Molly
Carie Broecker in memory of Molly
Amy Krivis in memory of Molly Henney
Fayelah Johnson in memory of Cheekys
Monica Rua in memory of Molly
Susan Dillon in memory of BB
Jill & Darryl Long in memory of Itsy
Darla and Rick Vanschuyver in memory of Bruno
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Hope
Deborah and Michael Port in memory of Mosley
Beth and Michelle Charvonia in memory of Kona Lane
Sharon Miller in memory of Black
Susan Lee in memory of her POMDR ladies: Clio, Indigo and Suzy
Tracy, Trish and Missy Kauffman in memory of Pico
Jim and Izzi Shillinglaw in memory of Ivan
Cecil and Shelia Jones in memory of Frankie
Vivian Ortiz in memory of Sisco
Carole Faje in memory of Suri
Joann Johnson in memory of Gia
Amy Jernigan in memory of Maggie and Marble
Jim and Izzi Shillinglaw in memory of Piper
Judy LeRoy in memory of Tess
Anne and Bob Young in memory of Sunny Delight
Susie Lehre in memory of Romeo
Diane and Ron Scholl in memory of Beau
Lisa Eiskamp in memory of Georgie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Tess
Ellen and Dick Whitmore in memory of Dexter
Mike and Lynn Hudson in memory of Pumpkin
Chris and Kirsten Harrison in memory of Bailey
AnnaMaria Amaral Silva in memory of Marcus
Stephen Sesody in memory of Bali
AnnaMarie Silva in memory of Pepita
Elizabeth Carr in memory of Luke
Linda Lunsman in memory of Cloudy
David and Laura Towle in memory of Jazzy
Ellen Maruska and Jeff Juliano in memory of Picco
Ruth Barrens in memory of Leaha
Brianna Rivera in memory of Spike R
Judy and Bob Berglass in memory of LuLu
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Gypsy
Carol and Don Hilburn in memory of Tosca Zola
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Yogi
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Maxi
Julie Pascal in memory of Baxter
Carol Brown in memory of Burglar
Dr. Gail Lebovic in memory of Max, Millie and Crockett
Leslie Guzman in memory of Xander Fahmer
Marleen Alonzo in memory of Olaf
GSA Foundation in memory of Rocky
Erin Golec in memory of Daisy
Allison McKee in memory of Ruby
Cynthia Paraschos in memory of Madison
Carole Salerno in memory of Lexi
Charles and Karen Brobeck in memory of Rousseau
Maureen Nemeth in memory of Misha
Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Sammy
Anne in memory of Lily
Kelly Grau in memory of Cabot
Chelsea Phebus in memory of Trapper
Laurie Hamby in memory of Cowboy
Marjorie Bullock in memory of Ruby
Susan and Dwight Marshall in memory of Ruby
Pixie Gentry in memory of Mick
Kathy Henney in memory of Ruby
Lyn Taylor in memory of Hudson
James and Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Sybil Frances Levin in memory of Zack Rogers
Pauline Allen in memory of Zachy Rogers
Pixie Gentry in memory of Annie
Roe Shapiro in memory of River Homan
Allie Flanders in memory of Frida Logan
Joyce Logan in memory of Sammie Logan
Denise Larkin and David Barnard in memory of Tookie
Debra and George Couch in memory of Chee Choo
Patricia B. Wade in memory of POM girls Willow and Pippa
Robert and Susan Lea in memory of Chloe
James Seusy in memory of Molly
Larry and Susan Baker in memory of Lola Baker
In Honor of Special People in 2022
Sebastian and Larissa Frank in honor of Carie Broecker
Susan Opton in honor of Maggie Van Ostrand
Charlotte Scheiber in honor of Aaron and Uyenthi Scheiber
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
Nana, UB and Chili in honor of Harper Martin
Samuel Bowers in honor of Nabila Bowers
Rosalind S. Morton in honor of Clare M. O'Sheel
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Diane Delucchi
Tyler Byrne in honor of Barry Byrne
Debra Reed in honor of Cathy Mendenhall
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Eva Matthews in honor of Ed Athay and Dr. William Krajcirik
Thomas Werbe in honor of Jennifer Werbe
Lori Grimes in honor of Pam Powell
Gail M. Thorne in honor of Coral Armstrong
Valerie and Mark Morrow in honor of Kendra Margaret
Lisa Larson and Alan Grantz in honor of Jenny Grantz birthday
Rosamond Prince in honor of founder and staff of POMDR
Bonita Temple in honor of Anita Wood for adopting MoMo
Elena Aguilar in honor of Debbie Raymond
Nancy and William Cleary in honor of catherinesullivanart
Rebecca Seibel in honor of Bob Seibel
Fred Veretto in honor of Diane Delucchi
Kathleen Quigley in honor of Howard and Karen Gandler
Brenda and Ray Marable in honor of Brenda Marable
Jane Parks-McKay and Tim McKay in honor of the Walking Brigade, Zoila, Carie
Sherie Koshover in honor of Suzanne Staples
Karen Ventura in honor of Debra Couch
Michele and James Garza in honor of Kristina Riera
Diane and Charles Passamonte in honor of Bucky Benzenberg
Susan Torres in honor of Macey Torres
Pat and Sharon Sheppard in honor of Karen Sheppard
Jennifer Lee in honor of Sherry Lee
Susan David in honor of the David and Owen Family
Jan Ulrey in honor of Linda Rosenbaum
Sheila Williams in honor of Gina Wolf
Nancy Minutillo in honor of the Soto Family
John Callagy in honor of Mary Callagy
Joyce and John Sherry in honor of Katie Allen and Jackson Sherry
Elaine Derr in honor of Christine Derr
Lindsay Gizdich in honor of Beau Bixby Nardello
Linda Taylor in honor of John and Mary
James Costello in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Joan Condon in honor of Jayce for walking Shanti while my knee healed
Kalman Weinfeld in honor of John Ferrante
Elena Orlova and Oleg Godin in honor of Stan and Oakley
Lori McDonnell in honor of Friends of Lori4PG
Christy and Jason Soboleski in honor of Steve and Susan Croswell
Gwinneth Berexa in honor of Gwinneth and Frederick Clarkson
Jessie Bucci and Charlotte Carter in honor of Becky and Tom McCulloh
Leslie Webster in honor of Betsy Webster
Kevin McQuade in honor of Denise McQuade
Jack Grippi in honor of Lauren Grippi
James Tolliver in honor of Stephanie Tolliver
Lo Dunn in honor of Woofpack 831
Robert Porter in honor of Diane Porter
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Jeana Christian in honor of Amanda Nixon
Sherry, Brian and Pumpkin Wood in honor of Trey Clarke
Beth Charvonia in honor of Susan Charvonia
Kathleen Quigley in honor of Howard and Karen Gandler
Melissa Agnese in honor of Sally Robins
Natalie Siegel in honor of Nancy Hopkins
Donna Stillo in honor of Amy Krivis
Darla Jo, Rick, Zuzu and Charlie in honor of Jamie Katz
Jan Picolorich in honor of Aunt Lynne
Phil Kaplan in honor of Susie Kaplan
SiYun Yang in honor of Leila Rahebi
Gail Thorne in honor of Dr. Coral Armstrong
Pat Gotch in honor of Nina Harrison and Marjorie Bullock
Jeanne Kalin in honor of Sidney Kalin
Cassy Coelho in honor of Nina and Rod
Cassy Coelho in honor of Marcel Coelho
Charles Walton and Judy Georger in honor of Barbara Allen
Eric Walmsley in honor of Amy and Fife Walmsley
The ladies at Debra C's in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Juanita and Jackson Gunter in honor of Masha Fellman and Bernadette Fox
Ann & Ron Kihara in honor of Pine's dog walkers
Atty and Callie in honor of John Wilper
Arthur Schleifer in honor of Ken Fontes
Firoozeh Dumas in honor of Melissa Solomon
Paula Avila in honor of Sisto Rodriguez and his dog Dean
Randi Catlett in honor of Cathy Mendenhall
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Sinead MacFhionnlaoich
Jan Burch in honor of Penny & Alan Dunkel
Jane Parks-McKay in honor of The Helping Paw Dog Walkers
Wendy Hainlin in honor of Michael and Tracy Stenbro
Cindy Hunter in honor of Barbara Collins
Clare, Jon and Caleb Salthouse in honor of Arlen Salthouse
Janeen Tuitupou in honor of Jamie Kitz
Jessica Nevin in honor of Kathleen Nevin
Maryanne Killough in honor of Barbara Gulley Skillet
Kathy, Marc and Lucas Miller in honor of Marci Bracco
Jill Koller in honor of Dr. Danielle Reicher
Ken and Gayle Lease Riley in honor of Kenzie Finch's Birthday
Christina Comer in honor of Myra Chen
Lori Ann Desrosiers in honor of Jen, Noah and Kyle Smith
Judith Arbeit in honor of Lauren Grippi
Susan Charvonia in honor of Beth Charvonia
Charlotte Carter in honor of Nancy Estes
Dr. Fred Veretto in honor of Diane C. Delucchi
Susan Croswell in honor of Christy Soboleski
Matt, Elneda and Norton Connors in honor of Michelle and Troy Baumgartner
Sharon Miller in honor of Carie Broecker, CNN Hero
William Evans in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
Maureen Roddick in honor of Kristin Beard
Mary Light in honor of Carol Light
Cindy and Michael Pettibone in honor of Heidi Geffen
Carrie, Hattie, Norman and Bea in honor of Jim McGuiness
Kiana and Connor Brewer in honor of Aunt Charlotte and Andie
Cindi Jackson and Jan Charvat in honor of Ron Haggard
Ricki Bear Golden in honor of Ann Fratto
Patricia Eastman in honor of Kate Kennedy
Dennis Mar in honor of Sharon Miller
Becky and Jessie Camden in honor of Saundie Isaak
Deanna Allen in honor of Kelly McKay
Cortney Shegerian in honor of Amy Krivis
Janeen Tuitupou in honor of Jamie Kits
Roxie Evans in honor of Susan Simon's Birthday
Aya Shimada in honor of Kelly McKay
Toni and Kenny in honor of Kelli Smithers
Nancy Hopkins in honor of Natalie Siegel
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
Michael & Leila O'Callaghan in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Elizabeth Barber in honor of Barb Frances
Writing Program Colleagues & Friends in honor of Annalisa Rava and David Tham
Susan Opton in honor of Maggie Van Ostrand
Paula Colbert in honor of Debra Gluskin
Katrina Sun in honor of Linda Broyles retirement from GEHC
Matthew Cook in honor of Linda Broyles
Marianne B and David Lawrence in honor of Robin Balowitz
Jessica Krutchik in honor of Linda Broyles
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Barb DeGroodt
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty
Rebecca Neufeld in honor of Carol George
Bruce Zotter in honor of Joy O'Rourke
The Matthew Family in honor of Jeff Krivis
Amy Schiff in honor of Tracey Pepper
Marj Moehrke in honor of Deeana Healy
Jennifer Smoth in honor of Amy Herbst
Sabrina, Greg and Charlie Hiltunen in honor of Robert Lea
Gina Bertolino in honor of Meena Corbin
Christiann and Wayne Meyer in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Kathleen A. Knight in honor of Betty White
Cherie and Michel Cordellos in honor of Judy Edmonds and Family
Lynda Garrett in honor of Betty White's 100th birthday
Stanley Winston in honor of Lily's Birthday
Robert Waligore in honor of Betty White
Jennifer and Tom Werbe in honor of Sally Burton
Joanne Faulkner in honor of Betty White
Evelyn Roberson in honor of Betty White
Bob and Roberta Knox in honor of Kristin Knox
Michele Garza in honor of Betty White
Thomas Davenport in honor of Julie
Renee Brannon in honor of Betty White
Gina Hein in honor of Betty White
Ingrid Wagnaar in honor of Betty White
Tara Sood in honor of Betty White
John Bowie in honor of Betty White
Cameron Torgenrud in honor of Betty White
Jeanne Gonzales in honor of Betty White
Patricia Riebe in honor of Betty White
Doug and Susan King in honor of Betty White
Chris and Gary Thorns in honor of Betty White
Becca Warthen in honor of Betty White
Anne Riley in honor of Betty White
Kelly Mindham in honor of Betty White
Carmel Country Inn in honor of Betty White
Christina Dillon in honor of Betty White
Gary Bolen in honor of Betty White
Lynn Overtree in honor of Betty White's advocacy for animals
Megan Leiker in honor of Betty White
Tami Paretti in honor of Betty White
Dawn Hopkins in honor of Betty White
Debra Dill in honor of Betty White
Jerry Maas in honor of Betty White
Farrah Rees in honor of Betty White
Syd Wasson in honor of Betty White
Jan Mehalick in honor of Betty White
Anne Uemura in honor of Betty White
Cheri Williams in honor of Betty White
Donna Connolly in honor of Betty White
Tiffany Johnson in honor of Betty White
Gwen Holtan in honor of Betty White
Andrea Valle in honor of Betty White and Tón
Tara Feldleisen in honor of Betty White and the Golden Girls (and boys) at POM
Maureen Lavengood in honor of Betty White
Darcy Van Siclen in honor of Betty White
Melissa Horn-Solma in honor of Betty White
Tamra Scott-Hunt in honor of Betty White
Billy Jakl in honor of Betty White
Pat Duran in honor of Betty White
Janice Flowers-Sonne in honor of Betty White
Julie and Tom Craig in honor of Betty White
Aileen Doolittle in honor of Betty White
Zandra and Lori Amato in honor of Betty White
Sean Dowling in honor of Betty White
Barbara Crouch in honor of Betty White
Don Battles in honor of Betty White
Diane Gibeau in honor of Betty White
Sydney and Glenn Graham in honor of Betty White
Fran Golder in honor of Betty White
Rahil Ryder in honor of Betty White
Vikki Sanders in honor of Betty White
Paula Bradley in honor of Betty White
Janice Hufnagl in honor of Betty White
Francis Hughes in honor of Betty White
Laurel Gazza in honor of Betty White
Patricia Elder in honor of Betty White
Ashlie Duplichen in honor of Betty White
Donna ClareLawson-Leisy in honor of Betty White
Rebecca Bayless in honor of Betty White
Melissa Longueira in honor of Betty White
Renee Jones in honor of Betty White
Cherise Bromberg in honor of Betty White
Cynthia Paraschos in honor of Betty White
Kris Mastowski in honor of Betty White
Dana Baker in honor of Betty White
Janice M. Wermuth in honor of Betty White
Heather Marquard in honor of Betty White
Kathleen Romero in honor of Betty White
Carole Salerno in honor of Betty White
Suzanne Certiberi in honor of Betty White
Janet Seagraves in honor of Betty White
Janice Ishii in honor of Betty White
Marleen Alonzo in honor of Betty White
Michele Anderson in honor of Betty White
Anastacia Consiglio in honor of Betty White
Kathy Stilwell in honor of Betty White
Craig and Amanda Boucher in honor of Betty White
Michelle Christensen in honor of Betty White
Misty Dodero in honor of Betty White
Adele House in honor of Betty White
Janna Morgan in honor of Betty White
Lauren Jones in honor of Betty White
Jackie and Russ Menk in honor of Betty White
Jessica Michael in honor of Betty White
Sharon Lucchesi in honor of Betty White
Melinda Manlin in honor of Betty White
Karen DeWitt in honor of Betty White
Rosemarie Cala in honor of Betty White
Byron Merritt in honor of Betty White
Valy Zumpano in honor of Betty White
Denise & Sean Harrigan in honor of Betty White
Jeanne Sison in honor of Betty White
Courtney Reif in honor of Betty White
Jessica Santa Cruz in honor of Betty White
Dorothy Smith in honor of Betty White
Nancy Schultz in honor of Betty White
Adlai Climan in honor of Betty White
Cheryl Harbour in honor of Betty White
Judy Cooper in honor of Betty White
Joey Jalalian in honor of Betty White
Nancy Moore in honor of Betty White
Betty Lauritsen in honor of Betty White
Nancy Cook in honor of Betty White
Sharon Miller in honor of Betty White
Marsha Leadingham in honor of Betty White
Susan Lee in honor of Betty White
Suzanne Purcell in honor of Betty White
Terri Carone in honor of Betty White
Eddie Williams in honor of Betty White
Teri Breschini in honor of Betty White
Amanda Minsloff in honor of Betty White
Diane Golden in honor of Betty White
Shaunna Murray in honor of Betty White
Leigh Cecka in honor of Betty White
Sally Deykerhoff in honor of Betty White
Kaitlyn Green in honor of Betty White
Bonita Sebastian in honor of Betty White
Matthew Bortolin in honor of Betty White
Warren Lyons in honor of Betty White
Mary Whitley in honor of Betty White
Amy Kaiser in honor of Betty White
Rande Bennett in honor of Betty White
Laurie Senechal in honor of Betty White
Rosemarie Russo in honor of Betty White
Andrew Selig in honor of Betty White
Randall Wagner in honor of Betty White
Norman Nickel and Christine Labeau in honor of Margaret and Ian Rice
Jackie Brazil in honor of Betty White
Brooke Bailey in honor of Betty White
Kathleen Hendricks in honor of Theresa Sutton and her love for pets
Karen Sheppard in honor of Betty White
Harry Ross in honor of Betty White
Carolyn Pedro in honor of Betty White
Angelica Victoria in honor of Betty White
Brian Broggie in honor of Betty White
Jackie Boyster in honor of Betty White
Mary Kay Acquazzino in honor of Betty White
Jodie Bolanos in honor of Betty White
Tami Koval in honor of Betty White
Marilyn Evans in honor of Betty White
Carla Bentley in honor of Betty White
Lori Calvery in honor of Betty White
Andrea Madsen in honor of Betty White
Catherine Sullivan in honor of Betty White
Mary Trundle in honor of Betty White
Jeanne Smith in honor of Betty White
Mary Beth Russell in honor of Betty White
Charles and Karen Brobeck in honor of Betty White
Harmony Leiker in honor of Betty White
Denise Buese in honor of Betty White
Linda Brown in honor of Betty White
Camille Hatton in honor of Betty White
Breana Bartholomew in honor of Betty White
Nanette Stinnette in honor of Betty White
Joe Hyatt in honor of Betty White
Vaiva Pazemenas in honor of Betty White
Cindy and Blair Locke in honor of Betty White
Jamie Kitz in honor of Betty White
Ambar Helgeson in honor of Betty White
Brendon and Sheila Nemeth in honor of Betty White
Annette Corpuz in honor of Betty White
Betty Aynaga in honor of Betty White
Genelle Longueira in honor of Betty White
Kimberly McDonald in honor of Betty White
Marilyn Pabros in honor of Betty White
Cheryl and Brian Connors in honor of Gayle Jackson
Janine Kittleson in honor of Betty White
Hilary Nation in honor of Betty White
d'Aulan Gentry in honor of Betty White
Leigh Cambra in honor of Betty White
Margaret McLaughlin in honor of Betty White
Gayle Jackson in honor of Betty White
Betsy Galbreath in honor of Betty White
Delette Ziegelmann-Jackson in honor of Betty White
Suzanne Kemple in honor of Betty White
Maureen Nemeth in honor of Betty White
Robyn Hoegh in honor of Betty White
Bonnie Breda in honor of Betty White
Jana Deck in honor of Betty White
Betty and Ken Nelson in honor of Betty White
Corralitos Woman's Club in honor of Betty White
AnnMarie Carey in honor of Betty White
Kathryn Rubiano in honor of Betty White
Lisa Bird in honor of Betty White
Michael Guggisberg in honor of Margaret Wickel
Juanita Gunter in honor of Masha Fellman and Bernadette Fox
Jenny Scala in honor of Betty White
Hannah Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis
Randa Jacobs in honor of Sam Burkhardt
Carole Lutz in honor of Betty White's 100th birthday
Donna Stillo in honor of Amy Krivis
Sandra Skolnik in honor of Betty White
Janet and Roger Wolverton in honor of Wendy Aline Smith and Megan Smith
Janet and Roger Wolverton in honor of Anne Sobczak
Jamie Kitz in honor of Darla Jo and Rick Van Schuyver
Jennifer Banks in honor of Katie Banks
In Honor of Special Animals in 2022
Audra and Craig Descalzi in honor of Mitzi
Robin Venuti in honor of Benji
Amy Jernigan in honor of our beloved black lab Molly
Sue Griffin in honor of my sweet Cammie
Brian McGee in honor of Pepper
Stefanie Kaku in honor of my newly adopted shelter shepherd
Vivian Ortiz in honor of Charlie Gaylor
Judith Pfeifer in honor of Bruno Roland
Dan and Maria Daisy in honor of Ozzie and Kane
Debra and Larry Tack in honor of Gracie Lou
Terice Clark in honor of Eddie Clark
Jim and Lynda Sheppard in honor of Smokey
Trudi Burney in honor of Sadie
Julianne and Gregory Rowley in honor of Cowboy
Claire Etienne in honor of Suzie Q
Naum and Ludmilla Burkoy in honor of Zoomie
Suzanne Novotny in honor of Betty Boop
Diane Sweeney in honor of Lucy
Judith Arbeit in honor of Fergie
John Byrne in honor of Muppet
Steve and Kelly Ellman in honor of Nola and Family
Amy Jernigan in honor of Molly
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of Sweet Charlie
Georgeann Eiskamp in honor of Kukui
Jennipher Wood in honor of Chunk, our little big man
Brent Foss in honor of Ginger Rogers and her Foster Mom
Janine and Todd Stevens in honor of Pisco
Paula Colbert in honor of Shiloh
Claire Shellem in honor of Cooper
Carolyn Elliott in honor of Angus
Charles and Karen Brobeck in honor of Rousseau
Fern Kulpreecha in honor of Ace, Angel, Ruby, Vanilla, Jewel, Zorro, Midnight
Julie Howe in honor of all our friends, furry and otherwise
Tay Scott in honor of Toby and Marley
Arnold Shapiro and Karen MacKain in honor of Misti
Kathleen Gesell in honor of Calvin with note of thanks to Caitlin
James Seusy in honor of Molly
Joe Hyatt in honor of Birdie (Wasabi)
Vivian Ortiz in honor of Boo the Warrior Princess
Judy Tatelbaum in honor of Lovey
Reed and Sarah Hunt in honor of Pumpkin the Pug
Josephine Rogers in honor of Trevor
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2021
Robert Solano in memory of Dava Solano
Allie Flanders in memory of Joyce Fox
Kenneth Kush in memory of Cheryl Kus Voss
Vivian Robinette in memory of Cheryl Voss
Mary Whitley in memory of Marilyn Rodriguez
Keith, Donna, Vinnie and Sissy Proctor in memory of Allen Benitez
Laurie Ackemann in memory of Morris Quanrud
Karen Roy in memory of Cheryl Kus Voss
Kit Cullen in memory of Mary Ellen Carlin
Craig Kus in memory of Cheryl Voss
Marybeth Beston in memory of Larry West
Bill and Linda Moyer in memory of Eddie Mercado
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Vikki Eaton
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Grammy ME
Sharon Miller in memory of Jeanette McCready
Sharon Barton-Maggio in memory of Beverly Schiavoni
Joyce and Walter Aumiller in memory of Gretchen Howarth
The Derringer Family in memory of Mary Ellen Carlin
Betty Miner in memory of Marcia Wolf
Sharon Miller in memory of Jean Mansfield
Dan and Claudia Rico in memory of Christopher Farinsky
Ladies of Entre Nous in memory of Molly Joest
Kathleen Passanisi in memory of Joanne Cheney
Momi Chinn in memory of Mary Ellen Carlin
Elie Curtice in memory of Lynn Gagan
Elie Curtice in memory of Gloria Avila
Larry and Micky Beston in memory of Josh Hester
Anne Pickett in memory of Bob Graham
Barbara Lingenfelter in memory of Marcia Wolf
Janine and Todd Stevens in memory of Elaine Luna
Joann and Roger Wolf in memory of Michael Schumer
Kerri Morton Phillips in memory of Marcia C. Wolf
Robert Solano in memory of Data Solano
Roberta Karper in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Ann Williams in memory of Thomas Elwood Swanson
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
Pamela Taylor in memory of Loni Dean
Marybeth Beston in memory of Bob Harz
Marybeth Beston in memory of Wayne and Brutus
Joann and Roger Wolf in memory of Mary Muenz
Katharine Parker in memory of Jean Bowerman Kaplan
The Grisetti Family in memory of Rocci Martignoni
Rick and Gwen Spicka in memory of Judy Muller
Leslie Guzman in memory of Marie Viezee
Rande and Don Bennett in memory of Judy Muller
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Jordi Brukoff-Roberson
John Grisetti in memory of Craig Bianchi
Nina Bayer in memory of Marge Wright
Roberta Clare in memory of Dennis Sadowski
Mary Ann, Catherine, John Jr. and Gloria in memory of Clam Albertoni
Marcia Hayes in memory of Marge Wright
Marcia Hayes in memory of Beverly McLaughlin
Margaret Gaston in memory of Marge Wright
Viveca Lohr in memory of Marge Wright
Rebecca Greening in memory of Marge Wright
Carol and Ray North in memory of Daniel G. Summers
Joan Koll in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Barbara Coats in memory of Marian
Jennifer Stimson in memory of Bonnie Bruhn
Elie Curtice in memory of Chet Tilley and "Blue"
Bobby and Mary Kay King in memory of Faye King
Gail Delorey in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Robert and Mara Perkins in memory of Anne Marie Fitzsimmons Hughes
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Jennifer Shih
Susan and Lee Bryan in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Karen Letendre in memory of Merilyn Moore Hobbs
Lisa Crivello in memory of Josephine and Ray Crivello
Carrie Taylor in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Christina and Art Kong in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Barbara Honegger in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
Maxine Miller and Family in memory of Harry Nelson
Karen Antle in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
James and Janis Farquhar in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Carol Preszler in memory of Ingrid Wolbart
The Harden Foundation in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Joseph and Lori Grainger in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Ann Cervelli in memory of Don Cervelli
Judy and Steve McCollum in memory of Merilyn M. Hobbs
Jim and Renee Bryan in memory of Merilyn M. Hobbs
Elena Mosko in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Tim Ashlock in memory of Merilyn Hobbs
Linda Gabrielson in memory of Jill Elston
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2021
Gary Lee in memory of Dojee
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Cody
Ronald & Diane Scholl in memory of Pebbles
Judy LeRoy in memory of Aggie
Victoria Brown in memory of Mindy Torres-Gil
Patricia & Lester Zielinski in memory of Princess
Jane and John Olds in memory of Mango and Lucy
Susan Charvonia in memory of Casey
Julie Scurfield in memory of Sammee
Linda Sherman in memory of Jenny
Jean Woodruff in memory of Pema Medek
Joann Johnson in memory of Wooster
Connie Wolzinger in memory of Salinas and Candy
Ma and Pa Bonsper in memory of Peanut
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Lil Red
Leslie and David Plumlee in memory of Minh and Little
Adriana Zilka in memory of Zora
Ann Martin in memory of George and Faith
Kathy Henney in memory of Charlie
Carie and Scott Broecker in memory of Charlie
Amy Krivis in memory of Taiko
Debra Violini in memory of Raisin
Suzie Weber in memory of Heather and Rhyo
Kathy Henney in memory of Taiko
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Taiko
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Taiko
Alycia Steinberg and Family in memory of Minky
Carolyn Moscatel in memory of Sina
Rodney and Dolores Bartsch in memory of Boo
Larry Flause in memory of Bailey
Lynda Nichols in memory of Rubia
Lenore Hindin in memory of Lacey Mae
Leslie Guzman in memory of Lenny Palmquist
Donna Karolchik in memory of Abby
Roxie Evans in memory of Percy
Pat Locke in memory of Gidget Rose
Jill Oerman in memory of Max
Ron, Poppy and Diane Scholl in memory of Sadie
Andy Switky in memory of Hershey
Roberta Karper in memory of Percy
Sue Alvarado in memory of Laki
Debra C's girls in memory of Gucci
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Hershey Rua-Sullivan
Anne Batchelder in memory of Nova
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Hershey
Kathy Henney in memory of Hershey
Anne and Bob Young in memory of Sammy Young
Amy Krivis in memory of Mary the Bunny
Debra and George Couch in memory of Peaches
Christine Madrid in memory of Bixby
Eve Solomon in memory of Eddie
Debra and George Couch in memory of Bubba Panetta
Rachel Hoffman in memory of Bixby
Denise Buese in memory of Bixby
Emily and Phil Hopfner in memory of Mr. Gus
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Bearon
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Amber
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Eddy Stevens
Greg and Robin Scattini in memory of Bailey and Cami
Laura Towle in memory of Nina
Bonnie B. Gillooly in memory of Brady
Mike and Jean LaMarca in memory of Eddy
Margaret Slaby in memory of Bentley "Mr. Bean"
Margaret Slaby in memory of Kayden
Melanie Chavez in memory of Brady the Pac Mail dog
Terice Clark in memory of Gucci Couch
Connie Frank at Aquadog in memory of Kiin
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Marisol
Dr. Anita Artstein-Dunsay in memory of Gucci
Kristi and Peter Newfield in memory of Milo
Nanci Markey in memory of Gucci
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Maggie Courtway
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Zoe
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Django
Joann Johnson in memory of Sophie
Deborah Blue in memory of Gucci
David and Laurie Benjamin in memory of Gucci
Charlotte Takemoto in memory of Andie
Teri and Andy Goodman in memory of Roscoe
Teri and Andy Goodman in memory of Sally
Claudia and Dan Rico in memory of Jazzy
Jen and Cliff Wood in memory of Gizmo
Deb Sell in memory of Angel Ray of Light
Kiana Brewer in memory of Andie Takemoto
Them and Kim Akeman in memory of Bodhi Baldridge
Sharon Miller in memory of Alice
Marti Ainsworth in memory of Stalker
Sue Alvarado in memory of Laki
Barbara Coats in memory of Cosita
Walter Schneider in memory of Molly
Megan Wasserman in memory of Parker
Alison Herzog in memory of Cookie Crumble
Joanne Nissen in memory of Tank
Mary Cogburn in memory of Pepe
Charley Avery in memory of PolarBear
William & Katherine Knapp in memory of Wilma Ingrey
An anonymous donor in memory of Hugo, Lulu and Geno
Joy and Dick Stevens in memory of Roxy
Julie Hitchcock in memory of Gus, Bailey and Walt
Susie and Michael Lehre in memory of Cookie Adams
Stephanie Salo in memory of Lulu, Geno and Hugo
Marcia Barclay in memory of Geno, Hugo and Lulu
Rob and Denise Wollenberg in memory of Lulu McCormick
Jamie Kitz in memory of Tilly
Christine Westbrook in memory of Geno, Hugo and Lulu
Elisa Maddalena, Mom and Steve in memory of Jackie
Arnold Shapiro and Karen MacKain in memory of Geiger
Stella, Artie, Guiness and Moretti in memory of Lulu, Geno and Hugo
Peter and Ginny Katzlberger in memory of Hickory
Lenore Hindin in memory of Lacey Mae
Suzanne and Jim Salata in memory of Sophie
Laura Towle in memory of Eli
Dan LeSeure in memory of Lulu
Terree Cameron in memory of Chico
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Lacey Mae
Tricia Nickell in memory of Brenna
Steve and Sue Sesody in memory of Sirocco
Wendy and Howard Brickman in memory of Lulu
The Smiths in memory of Lulu Belle
Mary Sherman in memory of Twenty Three
Julie Howe in memory of Stretch
Donna Clare Lawson-Leisy in memory of Linus
Brenda & Donald Whitsett in memory of Reggie
Suzie Weber in memory of Rhyo and Heather
Naum and Ludmilla Burkoy in memory of Zoomie
Dwight and Susan Marshall in memory of TouTou
Robert and Susan Lea in memory of Chloe
Marian and Ron Wormser in memory of Lulu
Lisa Eiskamp in memory of Thatcher
Mary Horio in memory of Popeye
Robin Hubert in memory of Lacey Mae
Olivia and Doug Halley in memory of Hugo Bracco-Cain-Miller
Rodney and Dolores Bartsch in memory of Toni
Jim and Alex Gerardo in memory of Maggie Majestic
Ann and Michael Draper in memory of Max Buck
Sydney and Glenn Graham in memory of Lily
Janet Kunoa in memory of Tia
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Callie
James Seusy in memory of Molly
Marie Maxwell in memory of Geiger
Darryl, Kay and Calista Armstrong in memory of Brother and Sister
Your SMO family in memory of Dash
Teri and Andy Goodman in memory of Fiona Eastman
Charlotte Wilson in memory of Saki
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Mole
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Bosco
Iris Litt in memory of Duffy
Jennifer Werbe in memory of Geiger Shapiro
Robin Hubert in memory of Bosco
Kathy Henney in memory of Bella
Vivian and Kevin O'Connell in memory of Bella
Pamela Dimaggio in memory of Muffin
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Popeye
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Wyatt
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Tobey
Teri and Andy Goodman in memory of Lucy
Steve and Kelly Ellman in memory of Blue
Donna Medeiros in memory of Popeye
Mike and Tara Clark in memory of Bianca
Jean and Mike LaMarca in memory of Popeye
Joy Stevens in memory of Popeye
Rachel Hall in memory of Mr. French
Jen Werbe in memory of Tasha Saffo
Kathy, Joe and Katie Turturici in memory of Coda Bear
Georganne and Michael Nolan in memory of Jason (Cajon)
Jennifer & Mark White in memory of Millie
Rosemary Van Gorder in memory of Orange the Cat
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Jack
Kathy Livingston in memory of Dagwood (Spike Chi)
Jamie Kitz in memory of Darby
Andy and Teri Goodman in memory of Tux
Becky Lewis Betts in memory of Spirit
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of Raisin
Jo Ann Carew in memory of Mr. Burns (aka Bernie) and Roxy
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Luke Quinn
Arlene Ichien in memory of Jackson
Judy Rowley in memory of Charlie and LouLou
Tara Clark in memory of Sig Sauer
Rachel Russo in memory of Phoebe and Frankie
Denise Stevens in memory of Bumble, Sheba, Shadow, Josephine and Sparky
Tami Sojka in memory of Nachi
Louella and Cuddles in memory of Max
Patricia Rua in memory of Spunky
Debra and George Couch in memory of Charlie
Sheila and Vic Madden in memory of Mayla
Jennifer Prindiville in memory of Joey
Jamie Kitz in memory of Chance
Rick Manning in memory of Tuxedo
Ashley English in memory of Baci
Kathy Henney in memory of Mayla
Adele Diamond in memory of Frankie Krivis
Lucy Willman in memory of Pua
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Holly
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Sawyer
Amy Jernigan in memory of Marble
Rachel White in memory of Darla
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Coco
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Saffie
Marci Bracco Cain in memory of Toby
Jessica Paige in memory of Belo
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Cider
Dick and Joy Stevens in memory of Gabriel
Danny, Hillary, Ellie and Rusty Cook in memory of Moto
Heidi Fisher in memory of Sweet Sophie
Sue and Dan Logan in memory of Gus
Jennifer & Mark White in memory of Maggie
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Blue
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Saffie
Joy Stevens in memory of Saffie
Nancy Thorner in memory of Micah
Kathy Henney in memory of Augie Doggie
Dr. Prudence Smith in memory of Augie
Christy Bell in memory of Belle
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Whittle Zoccali Gift Fund in memory of Betty
Roberta Little in memory of Rio
Sheree Hardrath in memory of Tux
Denise Buese in memory of Louis
Andrea Haddad in memory of Mississippi
Deb Shearer in memory of Hugo
Joanne Nissen in memory of Cynthia Fazekas-Larson's two Australian Shepherds
Elaine Derr in memory of Jordon
Lyn Taylor in memory of Phoebe
Marilyn Evans in memory of Cowboy De Groodt
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Cowboy
Dee and Lin in memory of Daisy
Deborah and Conrad Bayley in memory of Jasmine
Elizabeth Smiley in memory of Alya
Jean Halkides in memory of Daisy
Susan Wytyshyn in memory of Lacey
Monica and Jay Gordon in memory of Shiloh
Cheryl Barker, Murray, Dexter and the kittens in memory of Willow O'Connell
AquaDog in memory of Izzy
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Rosie Webb
In Honor of Special People in 2021
Joanne Nissen in honor of Mary Arnold
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews and Family
Taylor Bettencourt in honor of Kalani Blake
Lucy Willman in honor of Jamie Kitz
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Jennifer Larson in honor of The Walker Family
Darla Jo Vanschuyver in honor of Jamie Kitz, Little Man Luke and Tippy
Janeen Tuitupou in honor of Nancy St. Clair
Linda Taylor in honor of John and Mary Ottman
Melissa Agnese in honor of Sally and Harry Robins
Cheryl Bilgin in honor of Julie King
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Alexis and Josh Sobel
Anne Pickett in honor of Hattie and Alan Catania
Marion Hajdu in honor of Bob Seibel and members of Rosie's Walking Brigade
Kira Poggenpohl in honor of Joanne Warecek
Paula Isakson in honor of Kim Marie Pozar Gaye
Lisa Crivello in honor of Ray and Josie Crivello
Margaret Gordon in honor of Alan Ritch
Nan Schwanfelder in honor of Pat and Paige Healy. Christmas joy to you & dogs
L. Dunn in honor of Woofpack 831 -- Thanks for all the care you give!
Evelyn Epstein in honor of Patty Wilson
Robert Seibel in honor of Patti Taylor
Roberta Trzos in honor of Debbie Blue
Alex Mickler in honor of Maddy Clark and Kyle King
Lisa, Cody, and Dakota in honor of Carie Broecker...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CARIE!
Roxie Evans in honor of Joel Aronowitz's birthday
Rosemary Zumwalt in honor of Lenore Hinson
Jean Lovell in honor of Sue Meyer
Debby and Frank Kenwood in honor of John Ottman
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of John Takemoto
Rosette Strubel in honor of Michelle McCananama
Lisa Sargisson in honor of John Ottman
Cindy Morse in honor of John Ottman's 90th birthday!!!
Linda Taylor in honor of John Ottman
Rapisarda Family in honor of John Ottman
Catherina Mendenhall in honor of Brian Sanford
Lynn Loar in honor of Dr. Angelique Cucaro
Rob and Tricia Nickell in honor of Dan Jordinelli
Carol Preszler in honor of Ms. Jean Lovell
Anonymous in honor of Gina Canine
Steve and Susan Croswell in honor of Christy Soboleski
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Susan Brodsky in honor of Janine Blum
Leeza Gibbons in honor of Arnold Shapiro and Karen Macain
Holley Spinazza in honor of Lari Spinazza
Rebecca Martin in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Barb DeGroodt
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Grace Avila
Janette, Josh and Alex Rickels in honor of Ken and Amanda Nixon
Ann Rueda in honor of Marci Bracco and Brandon Miller
Dr. Anita Artstein-Dunsay in honor of George and Debra Couch
Charley Avery in honor of Melinda Scardina
Jackie Burns in honor of Carolyn Cain
Jackie Burns in honor of Mark Campbell
Foster Dogs Incorporated in honor of Chloe's Fospice Friends
Jane Parks-McKay in honor of Jessica Smithey
Constance Sutton in honor of Alison Day and Steve
Barrie and Christina Riddoch in honor of Marci and Brandon Miller
Walsh Plumbing in honor of Marci and Brandon Miller
An anonymous donor in honor of Marci and Brandon Miller
Sandy Haney in honor of Marci and Brandon Miller
Donna Wagner in honor of Pineapple and Kayla Wagner
Shirel Kahane-Raport in honor of Judy Thompson
Tom Werbe in honor of Jennifer Werbe's Birthday
Mel and Joy Pritchard in honor of POMDR's hard work and success
Marta L. Bennett in honor of Ida Holber on her birthday and Gus the dog
Charlie Houseman in honor of Our POMDR Helping Paw dog walkers
Sydney and Glenn Graham in honor of Glenn Graham
Linda Bolt in honor of Norma Aristotelous
Phyllis Grillo in honor of Geraldine Grillo and furry companions Gemma & Baby
Sheryl and Jodi in honor of Dr. Deanna Mah
Catherina Mendenhall in honor of Briana Sanford
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Cathy, Jeff, Desi and family in honor of David and Emily Newson-Phillips
Jamie Kitz in honor of Lisa Giesick
Jane Esterline in honor of Ryan Rego
Barb Panneton in honor of Dina Ruiz Fisher
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Lynn and Tony Overtree
Scott Messall in honor of Cathy Heape
Pam Arbanas and Emily in honor of Manny Travers and his dog Ms. Rosie
Brian and Cheryl Connors in honor of Gayle Jackson
The Alonzo Family in honor of Kit Birskovich
Linda Richards in honor of Sue Barthol and Jack
Joanne White in honor of Maryann Osmond
Jodi Anderson and the Staff of Dr. Mule in honor of Deanna Mah
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in honor of Lynn and Tony Overtree
Heather Singh in honor of Tiffany Caulk
In Honor of Special Animals in 2021
Patricia Rua in honor of Hershey
Cheryl Chavez in honor of Bugi Wugi
Bob Williams in honor of Mushu
Mel and Joy Pritchard in honor of Hannah
Sheila Baldridge in honor of Sophie
Ellen Whitmore in honor of Bascom and Riley
Anne and David Scott in honor of Jenny
Suzie Weber in honor of Henry
Randa Roland in honor of Bruno Roland
Sara Hunsaker in honor of Leoki
Donna and Michael Hagerty in honor of Bailey
Kelly Luker in honor of Nutley's adoption
Audrey and Ian Higuera in honor of Tony (aka Thor)
Amy Jernigan in honor of Molly
Margaret Paré in honor of Homer and Lucia
Linda Stoner in honor of Mopsy, Scandal and Muffin
Joan Starkovich in honor of Marci Bracco and Brandon Miller
Jonelle McAllister in honor of Valentine
Paul and Andrea Watkins in honor of Mia
Howard Barkley in honor of Matty
Richard and Joy Stevens in honor of Bentley
Bonnie Rich in honor of Shorty
Jeffrey Jones in honor of Hippo the cat
Maria Carvalho in honor of Sergio
Gayle Jackson in honor of Jessie Girl
Mr and Mrs David Kuty in honor of Angelina
Judith Faulkner in honor of Max
Kathleen Knight in honor of Biggie
Corrine and Rod Fabie in honor of Me-Me
Susan Dillon in honor of BB's gotcha day 5-2-20
Vivian Ortiz in honor of Louie and Toby
Susan Kitchin and John Tolch in honor of Allie
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of Andie's birthday
Rhonda Snyder in honor of Mr. Fox
Carrie Ridge in honor of Buddy
Teresa Heinrich in honor of Kerry Heinrich
Wendy Meyer in honor of Bubbles
Sharon Barton in honor of Louie Robinson/Canadas
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2020
Carla Odello in memory of Felicia Colton
Carol Lutz in memory of My brother who was a dog lover
Bob and Dava Solano in memory of Dava Waine Solano
Randa Jacobs in memory of Craig Hempnill
Patricia Locke in memory of Kelly Lynn Locke
Sarah and Lew Adams in memory of Teah Sanchez
Jodi and David Hayes in memory of Joan Richter
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Brian Kenneth Giles
Krista Fukumoto in memory of Glenn Fukumoto
Victoria Friscia in memory of Tomi Manikas
Gayle Jackson in memory of Glenn Fukumoto
Jeanne Levett in memory of Dan Borden
Maria Morgan in memory of Tony Kamellard
David Clark in memory of Mary Liskin
Michael Ford and Richard Marks in memory of Ilene and her dog Oliver
Patrick and Kozean Wright in memory of Dr. John H. Hockenberry
Lisa Arnold, Lou, Kevin and Mali in memory of Robin Arnold
Alicia Marietti in memory of Frank Marietti Sr.
Cindy Gillen in memory of Dr. John Hockenberry
Bob and Barbara Mancini in memory of John Hockenberry
Michel Cordellos in memory of Michele Magliulo
Donna Galletti in memory of Daniel Williams
Lynn Anderson in memory of Jen and Michael
Deborah Port and Michael Heymann in memory of Stephen Holber
Lenore Hindin in memory of Michael Shikora
Marilyn and Gene Handloff in memory of Ki Hutchinson
Norma Steele in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
Dan and Mary Jo Rose in memory of Aaron Reed
Michele Thomas in memory of Greg Aeschliman
Dan and Mary Jo Rose in memory of Ralph Rubio
Holloway Wealth Management in memory of Dan Williams
Jayne Weiss in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Horacio Saavedra in memory of Guillermo Mario Saavedra
Laura Saavedra in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Heidi and Nick Licata in memory of Guillermo-Bill Saavedra
Joel and Maureen Wruck in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Sherry Weber in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Tom and Julie Uretsky in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Eve Lennon in memory of Bill Saavedra
Sand-i Behrens in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Joann and Roger Wolf in memory of Bernice Myers Scheible
Maureen Cavanagh in memory of Guillermo Saavedra
Ann Smallwood in memory of Dan Williams
Stewart, Green & McGowan, Attorneys in memory of Dan Williams
Joann Johnson in memory of Alfred Edward Rea
Karen, Phil and Kipper Walther in memory of Dan Williams
Karen Sheppard in memory of Dan Williams
Gina Wolf in memory of Dan Williams
Sharon Miller in memory of Dan Williams
Laura Lindahl in memory of Ron and Carolyn Fasano
Brenda and Donald Whitsett in memory of Dan Williams
Nancy Gordon in memory of Dan Williams
Linda Bolt in memory of Marjorie Myelett
Denise Buese in memory of Diane Hoffman
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Gary Olson
Audrey Good in memory of Bonnie Good
Maria Gomes in memory of Dana Solano
Tanya McGowan in memory of Jarvis (Mac) McGowan
Louise Yots in memory of Bonnie Bruhn
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Gary Gonsalves
Mark and Jeanette Amoroso Harrigan and Family in memory of Sally Amoroso
Laura Overett in memory of Mary Liskin
Claudia Rixo in memory of Leo Woods
South Hillside Animal Hospital staff in memory of Dr. Ray Kelly
Janet Reimers in memory of Mary Liskin
Carol Ismail in memory of Enid Witharm
Jan and Dave Yonemoto in memory of Sally J. Amoroso
Mary Whitley in memory of Marilyn Rodriguez
Dennis Kelly in memory of Sally Amoroso
Rose Mewkalo in memory of Sally Jane Amoroso
Tony and Ali Cattaneo in memory of Sally Amoroso
Lisa Good in memory of Bonnie Good
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Roger Kevin Giles
Darlene Anger in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Peggy Goldman in memory of Bonnie Bruhn
Linda Brom in memory of Dava Solano
Gloria Mikuls in memory of Barbara "Bonnie" Bruhn
Pat Alexander, Ladene Elam and families in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Patricia Albrecht in memory of Barbara Bruhn
Robin Cochran in memory of Floyd Hardcastle
Jo Anne Vente in memory of Pat Patrick
Michelle Alexander in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Charles and Susan Barker in memory of Sylvia Soler
Maria Carvalho in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Luane Vidak in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Dana Huffstutler and family in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
The Hawkins family in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
William Van Wyck in memory of Bonnie Good
Family RV in memory of Marilyn Corrine Rodriguez
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Mr. Thurman
Gerald and Carol Graham in memory of Elanora Springer
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Mimi Sidone
Lauren Dowling in memory of Bonnie Good
Carrie Good in memory of Bonnie Good
Elie Curtice in memory of John Coash
Becca and Owen Simons in memory of Ed Whitehead
Diane Flake and the Ogawa Family in memory of Jerri Telford
Phil and Karen Walther in memory of Dava Solano
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
Carol Preszler in memory of Liz Nichols
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Amy Horiuchi
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Sheila Norton
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2020
David Andrews in memory of Riley
Christine Derr in memory of Frankie Krivis
Denise Rainoldi in memory of Oliver Rainoldi Fenton
Anne and Bob Young in memory of Mollie Mae Young
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Shiloh
Linda Sherman in memory of Rocky Rosie and Samantha
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Shiloh
Donna Proctor in memory of Stryker, Jackson and Patzie
George and Debra Couch in memory of Bart
Terry Glasco in memory of Joly Mon
Lisa Milligan in memory of All of the deer, Wonderful little fur children tha
Tricia Nickell and Rob Reichman in memory of Frankie
Natalie Dockins in memory of Roxie Rue
Christina Lund in memory of Betty Bernice
Morgan Souza in memory of Mr. Tele Boy
Mary Sherman in memory of Sugar
Michelle Kennedy in memory of Kona Arthur
Loria and Zandra Amato in memory of Sarge and Cookie
Charles Brubaker in memory of Andie Takemoto
Anne Pickett in memory of Bernie
Sherri and Randy Pogue in memory of Sohpie and Moze
in memory of Sohpie and Moze
Nancy Bareilles in memory of Lottie
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Bubbles
Martha Jones in memory of Falcon (Billy)
Lea Wilke and Chris Moody in memory of Buddy, Daffy, and Gossamer
Bonnoe Wolfe in memory of Pepe
Rosie Wyatt in memory of Vernea
Christine Derr in memory of Jackson
Amy and Kraig Kaiser in memory of Bella
Ken Nelson and Dorothy Nelson in memory of Shooter
Josh Garnsey in memory of Ludo, Toby and Dizzy
Charlotte Takemoto in memory of Cloud
Charlotte Takemoto in memory of Andie
Frank and Tina Souza in memory of Bo Ling
Lisa Larson and Alan Grantz in memory of Alex and Roxie
Ashlee Tran in memory of Pep
Tami Sojka in memory of Nachi
Jennifer Price and Tommy Naimoli in memory of Junior
Newton and Rebecca Bayless in memory of Stevie, Charlie and Buddy
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Duke and Queenie
Jay and Monica Gordon in memory of Terra
Charlotte Takemoto in memory of Ziggy and Milo
Susan Robinson in memory of Sashi
John Takemoto in memory of Andie
Evelyn Epstein in memory of Taz and Pep Geyer
Sally Burton in memory of Jessie Cat and Sammy Cat
Carol Goff in memory of Ellie
Ronald Batchelder in memory of Ella Girl
Robin Ornellas in memory of Axel
Frances Sackerman in memory of Lacey
Eliza, Craig, Ava, Lily and Nala Jones in memory of Andie and Cloud
Ralph and Frances Sackerman in memory of Lacey
Naomi Takemoto, Ed Hoffman, Remington and Forrest in memory of Andie Takemoto
AquaDog in memory of Kava
Bob Williams in memory of MuShu
Michele Thomas in memory of Sweet "Roxie"
Marty Becker in memory of Princess
Robert and Susan Lea in memory of Bobby
Linda Lunsman in memory of Sammy
Robert Shaw in memory of Porter
Kathy Henney in memory of Cappy
Amy Krivis in memory of Cappy Sheppard
Jane Ann Harper in memory of Ozzy
Janis Dreyer in memory of Jamie
Denise Arasin in memory of Wendal
Margaret Van Ostrand in memory of Cejas
Kerry Allen and Luca Montemagni in memory of Casey and Hank
Paula Kuty in memory of Pearl
Mary Cogburn in memory of Pepe
John Stelling in memory of McGee
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Terra Gordon
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Sam
Carolyn Moscatel in memory of Jesse James Yauckoes
Cathy, Jeff and Desi Rogers in memory of Suraya
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Dougie
Edward Cabelera in memory of Lady
Nancy Blety in memory of Little Old Dog
Linda Lunsman in memory of Jessie Werbe
Amy Krivis in memory of Taz and Pepe
Kathy Henney in memory of Taz
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of Pepe and Taz
Tricia and Rob Nickell in memory of Orly
Melissa McCleskey in memory of Stu
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Emma
Lyn Taylor in memory of Henry Henney
Karen Sheppard in memory of Henry
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Jordan Derr
Sandra Haven in memory of Lulu
Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Jordan
Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Butters
Amy Krivis in memory of Henry Henney
Jill Nogle in memory of Henry Henney
Kathy Henney in memory of Jordan
Kathy Henney in memory of Pepe
Patricia Thorsby in memory of Pepe Geyer
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Pepe
Kathy Henney in memory of Princess
James Seusy in memory of Molly
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Bernsukes Broecker
Amy Krivis in memory of Hero
Kathy Henney in memory of Hero
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Bernsukes
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Hero
Amy Krivis in memory of Bernsukes
The Renkel Family in memory of Max Henry and Dusty Rhodes
Kathy Henney in memory of Bernsukes
Allison and Devin McKee in memory of Murphy
Marianne Wooten in memory of Dante
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Roadie
Steve, Kelly & Hanna Ellman in memory of Lula
Alison Day in memory of Jackson
Prudence Smith in memory of Dancer
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Jackson
Sharon Miller in memory of Jackson
Emily Nicholl in memory of Sierra
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Jackson
Karen Sheppard in memory of Jackson
Sheila McMahon Williams in memory of Jackson
Donna Galletti in memory of Olive
Sharon Barker in memory of TJ
Linda Gabrielson in memory of Jackson
Amy Krivis in memory of Jackson
Lucinda Reskovic in memory of Jackson
Kathy Henney in memory of Jackson
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Jackson
Tracey Pepper in memory of Jackson
Patsy Van Dyke in memory of Izzy
Sally Burton in memory of Frank Werbe
Elie Curtice in memory of Blue
Alejandra Quevedo in memory of Phoebe
Grandma Cabelera in memory of Bubbles
Sue Halloran in memory of Millie
Donna Karolchik and Ted Nichols in memory of Beauty (aka Zoe)
From The Heart Dog Training in memory of Laney
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Mary Margaret
Andy and Teri Goodman in memory of Addie
Ria and Randy Matteis in memory of Bella and Abbie Wolf
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Reba
Donna and Michael Hagerty in memory of Lucy
The Cook Family in memory of Blue
Anne Pickett in memory of Truman
Cindy and Blair Locke in memory of Frank Werbe
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Frank Werbe
Linda Lunsman in memory of Frank Werbe
Kathy Henney in memory of Dancer
Lauren Mang in memory of Frank Werbe
Jen and Tom Werbe in memory of Frank
AquaDog in memory of Lucy
AquaDog in memory of Lad
James Gill in memory of Dasher, toughest little fella ever
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Stella
Sharon Miller in memory of Olive
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Reese
Lisa Milligan in memory of Cinnamon
Lisa Milligan in memory of Gypsy
Stephen Gordon in memory of Shadow, Katy and Abe
Stephen Gordon in memory of Sparky, Grover and Max
Arlene Ichien in memory of Barney
Roxie Evans in memory of Floozie
Ron, Poppy and Diane Scholl in memory of Princess
Marci Bracco Cain in memory of Louie
Norman and Roxanne Bracco in memory of Ali
Monica Rua in memory of Joey
Jill Koller in memory of Joey
Kathy Henney in memory of Joey
Francine Nissen in memory of Mitzi
Carie Broecker in memory of Joey
AquaDog in memory of Aiden
AquaDog in memory of Lola
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Rosemarie
Kathy Henney in memory of Rosemarie
Amy Krivis in memory of Rosemarie
Michele and Franny in memory of Tucker
Tricia Nickell in memory of Layla
Amy Krivis in memory of Ruby Henney
Joyce-Ann Davenport in memory of Cocoa Bean
Monica Rua in memory of Ruby
Jill Nogle in memory of Ruby Henney
Sue and Pam Aronowitz in memory of Floozie
Shelley Moore in memory of Winkie
Lea and Chris Moody in memory of Buddy
Kathy Henney in memory of Wiggles
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Mia Graves
Phyllis Flug in memory of Floozie
From The Heart Dog Training in memory of Clooney
Roberta Karper in memory of Floozie
Carie Broecker in memory of Bodie
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Cocoa Bean
Russ Louthian in memory of Sassy
Cristina Stella in memory of Louie Stella
Norma Jean and Charles Peluso in memory of Mia Graves
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Walnut
Sharon Biermann in memory of X-avi
Dan, Nadi & Glenn Chaika in memory of Chester & Mia
Kathy Henney in memory of Noel
Kurt, Anne, Michael and Betty Maurutto in memory of June
Penny Smith and Harvey Karr in memory of Noel
Keith and Kathleen Frost in memory of Mia Montini
Linda Wilde in memory of Jack (Archie)
Donna Stillo in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Elie Curtice in memory of Lexi
Lyn Taylor in memory of Riley O'Rourke
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Bruno
Tracilee Hoffman in memory of Bella Skiljan
Elizabeth Carr in memory of Roxanne
Andy and Teri Goodman in memory of Dicey
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in memory of Miss Ella
Robin Hubert in memory of Shady
Donna Karolchik in memory of Grace
Monica and Jay Gordon in memory of Rosie
Kathy Miller in memory of Buddha
Karen Sheppard in memory of Buddha
AquaDog in memory of Maddy
AquaDog in memory of Shasta
AquaDog in memory of Bodee
AquaDog in memory of Syrus
Kim Schreiber in memory of Buddah Chicken
Jeanette and Gary Kihs in memory of Buddah Chicken
Deb Shearer in memory of Buddah Chicken
Susan Charvonia in memory of Sasha
Olga and Chet Tilley in memory of Sadie
Jean Lovell in memory of Miss Daisy
Kathy Henney in memory of Luna
Grace Greenbach in memory of Bruce
Amy Krivis in memory of Luna
The Wasserman Family in memory of Skipper Lloyd
Robin Hubert in memory of CC
Donna and Michael Hagerty in memory of Josie (Dr. Shannon's cocker)
Michele and "Frances" Thomas in memory of Holly
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Lynne Johnson in memory of Puff
Becca and Owen Simons in memory of Puff
Katherine Fussell in memory of Beau
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Hiway
James and Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Margaret Pare' in memory of Homer
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Buster
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Tommy Corgi
Jo Shemaria in memory of Toby, Kiki, Pierre, Missy and Tobie
In Honor of Special People in 2020
Joanne Nissen in honor of Kori Lukasko
Margarett Gabrielson in honor of Rod and Linda Gabrielson
Tom Logan in honor of Frank Verga
Donna Schaffer in honor of J & D Halkides
William Leek and Marijke Van Spyk in honor of The Monterey Leek's
Suzanne Wouk in honor of SellHound
Rebecca Seibel in honor of Bob Seibel
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Jessica Michael and Adam Kincaid in honor of John, Cindy, and Rina Michael
Megan Heath in honor of Virgina Greco
William Litt and Kristina Pacheco in honor of Marvin Stuart Litt
Troy Challenger and Barrie O'Brien in honor of Pamela Cunha
Monica Rua in honor of Lynn Frischmann and Kate Montgomery
Michael Davis in honor of Ryan and Alyssa Clark
Twyla and Ralph Thompson in honor of The Boand Family Foundation
Mary Warren in honor of The Warren Family
Kalman Weinfeld in honor of Elaine Elkin
Lisa Lico in honor of Linda Lico
Peggy and Edward Dickson in honor of Bryan Van Loh & Family & our Shasta
Dan Bellone in honor of Dan Bellone Carpentry
Scott Boutwell in honor of Ellen Brookman
Elizabeth Von Urff in honor of Mary Ann Moore
Carlynn and Tom Werbe in honor of Jennifer and Thomas Werbe
Kiana Brewer in honor of Charlotte Takemoto
Connor Froling in honor of Charlotte Takemoto
John Callagy in honor of Mary Callagy
Margaret Slaby in honor of Carie Broecker
Kuma Takamura and Bess Tsaouse in honor of Karen Sheppard
Judy Boemer in honor of Pat Warren
Sharon Miller and Bruce McClane in honor of Scott Broecker
Paula Isakson in honor of KimMarie and Carmie
Brian and Kimberly Finn in honor of Lynn Overtree
Gail Lebovic in honor of Carie Broecker
Debbie Reinstedt in honor of Mary Sherman
Judy Boemer in honor of Pat Warren
James Costello in honor of Robert Seibel
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Alexis and Josh Sobel
JRG Attorneys at Law in honor of Patrick Casey
Anne Pickett in honor of Hattie and Alan
Andrea Eberle in honor of Tiana Duart
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Jean Lovell in honor of Donna Schaffer
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
Bonnie R Warner in honor of Kit Birskovich's birthday
Carolyn Moscatel in honor of Mary Magoffin
Paul Anastasopoulos in honor of Lemoni and Eloise Anastasopoulos
Rebecca Seibel in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Josephine Terrusa in honor of Kate Kloppenburg
Pamela Eaton in honor of Tracey and Ken Pepper
Jackie Brazil in honor of Gina Orlando's birthday
Tracey Pepper in honor of Laurie and John Sheehan
Lisa Warden in honor of Sue Loeffler
Anastasia Torres-Gil in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Constance Sutton in honor of Alison Day's birthday
Tomika Dew in honor of Alice Catania's 84th birthday
Casper and the OXN Gang in honor of Valerie Morrow
Marilee and Bob Geyer in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Pauline Persley in honor of Pat Warren
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Sebastian Russell Smith
Fred, Kim, Iris, Fiona, Chloe, and Poppie Veretto in honor of Diane C. Goodhue
Dina Ruiz's Yoga "Tribe" in honor of Mary Lu Morgan Ruiz
Jennifer Rossi in honor of Jill Sleeper
Cara Elness in honor of Marjorie Tichenor
Carl Dos Remedios in honor of Debbie Landi
Holley Spinazza in honor of Lari Spinazza
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of POMDR and Clinic staff for work on Dapper
Scott and Carie Broecker in honor of Belinda Jones
Carrie Sims in honor of Zachary Greene and WN Citrus
Jean Stumbo in honor of Mary Sue Woolcock
Chephren Sussenberger in honor of Greta Alexander
David Andrews in honor of Cathy Andrews
Scott Messall in honor of Cathy Heape's Birthday
Malwina and Justyna Maslowska in honor of Agata Maslowska
Erika Smith in honor of Linda Melendrez
Robin Venuti in honor of Monica Rua and BB
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty
Kathy Henney in honor of Tracey and Ken Pepper
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Lydia, Karen and Lora Janzen in honor of Catherine Sullivan and John Wright
Carol Preszler in honor of Marilyn Wright
Suzanne Colvin in honor of Hollee Buckman
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Hannah Matthew in honor of Jeff Krivis
Tiffany and Tyson Caulk in honor of Mrs. Arlene Azcona
Beth Windisch in honor of Will Werner
Kimberly Finn in honor of Lynn Overtree
Joe and team from Sakata Seed America in honor of Jamie Kitz
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Gail Parrish, Pookie and little Trix in honor of Leda Frediani
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Crystal Hernandez and Felipe De La Cruz
Hannah Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis
David Sabih in honor of Dr. Thomas Bradley
Laurie Benjamin in honor of George and Debra Couch and Lyn Taylor
Carol Mason in honor of Kathryn Hermansen
Vikki Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
Rebecca Seibel in honor of Robert Seibel
Cheri Hitchcock in honor of Whitney and Brian Gamble-Lenau
In Honor of Special Animals in 2020
Peter Katzlberger in honor of Hickory
Mari Grijalva in honor of Diane Alper and Pups
Diane Jordan in honor of Barbara and Mel Waldman
Kerry McDonald in honor of Puffin
Gregory and Julianne Rowley in honor of Cowboy
Lenore Hindin in honor of Lacey Mae
Judy Barton in honor of Lolly
Gina Muller and Bill Manich in honor of Hannah Banana
Donald and Randa Roland in honor of Bruno
Michelle Rick in honor of Finnley
Andrea Locke in honor of Ruger
Bruce Muirhead and Denise Pare-Muirhead in honor of Charlie and Edye
Jessica Jensen in honor of Sophie
Martha Orozco in honor of Our Babies and Their New Family!
Fred and Joyce Schmietow in honor of Hummer
Alison Herzog in honor of Cookie Crumble
Schmendrick in honor of Freddie
Barbara Balbo in honor of Tula and Patches
Millicent and Scott Bogert in honor of Mason
Patrice Glithero in honor of Emmett
Alison Cathro in honor of Angus
Alfred and Mary Leandro in honor of Daisy
Kara Gaydosz in honor of Vegas Collins
Kara Gaydosz in honor of Alaska Peters
Kara Gaydosz in honor of Harley Trout
Barbara Bobrow in honor of Allie
Howard Barkley in honor of Matty
Francine Nissen in honor of Bela
Brenda Marable in honor of Westy
Kim Schreiber in honor of Daisy Schreiber
Stephen Gordon in honor of Kiwi Fruit
Joan Timpany in honor of Rex
Joan Williams Near in honor of Yukon
Anne and David Scott in honor of Jenny
Jennifer Oliveira in honor of Beauty
Kathleen Knight in honor of Biggie
Lloyd Calhoun in honor of Jake Galloway
Theodore and Dana Calhoun in honor of Jake Galloway
Margaret Van Ostrand in honor of Cejas
Kathleen Knight in honor of my dear Biggie
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of Andie Takemoto's 15th Birthday
Darold and Judy Skerritt in honor of Frankie
Fern Kulpreecha in honor of Ace, Angel, Ruby, Vanilla, Jewel, Zorro, Midnight
Sarah Beesley in honor of Buddha Bracco/Miller
Gene Rotstein in honor of Buddy
Mark Wilcox in honor of Bogey Cluster
Dan and Nadi Chaika in honor of Chester and Mia
Dr. Trisha Eardley and Dr. Mike Garcia in honor of Jack
Claire Etienne in honor of Suzie Q
Donna Bessant in honor of Merry Way
Anne and David Scott in honor of Jenny
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Olive
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2019
Helen-Ann Comstock in memory of Dana Calhoon
Debbie Simontacchi in memory of Diane Todd
Patricia Standridge in memory of Bob Nunes
Paula and Dave Kuty in memory of Fran Holbrook
Robert Culberson in memory of Marichel F. "Mari" Pohlen-Garcia
Jane Lundy in memory of Dana Calhoon
Catherine Kennedy in memory of Dede Alford
Paula Jaslow in memory of Dana Calhoon
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Doug Scott Brown
Skip Lord in memory of Dana Calhoon
Dan and Peggy Waligora in memory of Dana Calhoun
Bette and Larry Toy in memory of Dale Nakashima
Joyce Furukawa in memory of Dale Nakashima
Marty Bobroskie in memory of Karen Diamond
Bunny Tavares in memory of Mary Liskin
Raymond Marino in memory of Al Burton
Marianne Towersey in memory of Mary Liskin
Dr. Crawford and Linda Foy in memory of Phyllis Blakemore
Kay and Butch Blum in memory of Bob Nunes
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Gus Werbe
Michael and Carol Barker in memory of Mary Liskin
Mary Schley in memory of Mary Liskin
Monica Rua in memory of Mary Liskin
Marci Bracco Cain in memory of Mary Liskin
Susan Symons in memory of Dale Nakashima
The Brusa Family in memory of Phyllis Blakemore
Margaret Leighton in memory of Kristin Beard
Kathy Henney in memory of Mary Liskin
Connie Shelstad in memory of Kristin Beard
Dorothy Inouye in memory of Dale Nakashima
Melissa Brooks in memory of Dale Nakashima
Linda Lunsman in memory of Al Burton
Jeanne Gonzales in memory of Dale Nakashima
Deric Unoura in memory of Dale Nakashima
Grant and Norma Voth in memory of Phyllis Blakemore
Helga Boynton in memory of Kristin Beard
Richard and Renee Kezirian in memory of Phyllis Blakemore
Gordon Garb in memory of Dale Nakashima
John and Sarita Shannon in memory of Kristin Beard
Claudia Woo in memory of Dale Nakashima
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Charlie Reikes
MaryAnn Adams in memory of Kristin Beard
Alhambra in memory of Anita Starr and in honor of her dog Coco
Robert Hylton in memory of Bobbi Hylton
Lisa Milligan in memory of Macy Grobe
Linda Humber in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Douglas Fudge in memory of Ann Fudge
Stein/Frankel Family Fund in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Courtney Fitzgibbons in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Roxie Evans in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Cheryl Feiner in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Norm and Roberta Mulkowsky in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Michael Molk in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Barbara Kaminov in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Leslie Wiesner in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Hope Schmeltzer in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Delight Handley in memory of Jan Anzini
Phyllis Glaser in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
Marsha and Brian Kelly in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Bobbi Matlin in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Roberta Karper in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Valerie Oakes-Locascio in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Betty Villanueva in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Debra Simon in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Jusinski-Miller Family in memory of Joel Aronowitz
Elie Curtice in memory of Shirley Bridler
Rose Langenhahn in memory of Jan Bernard Anzini
Linda Bulgreen in memory of Jan Anzini
Lenore Hindin in memory of Michael Shikora
Patrick and Katie Craig in memory of Connie Britton
Joanna Daum in memory of Dave "Zach" Majcher
Denise Zimmerer in memory of Phyllis Davis, who loved older cats
Denise Zimmerer in memory of Anita Starr
Sheena Demayo in memory of Claire Favaloro
Julie Hibbitts in memory of Carole Velas
Joan Chapin in memory of Kris Pindar
Dianna Hattori in memory of Kristene Virginia Pindar
Diane Flake in memory of Vera Morrison
Tanya McGowan in memory of Jarvis and Judy McGowan
Diane Flake in memory of Sheila Anderson
Biel Properties, Inc. in memory of Jack Stewart
Amy Krivis in memory of Wally Broecker
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Wallace Broecker
Paula Kovacs in memory of Gabriella and her dog Chulita
Jennifer and Tom Werbe in memory of Bruce Guthridge
Brenda Brennan in memory of Taz Ngo
Ingrid Larsen in memory of Jesus
Amber Kastros in memory of Becca Ledbetter
Marty Bobroskie in memory of Karen Diamond
Dr. Anita Artstein-Dunsay in memory of Richard Dunsay
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2019
Lori and Frank Giuliani in memory of Sid
Masako Horiuchi and Popeye in memory of Sweetie Pie
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Lucy
Kit Birskovich in memory of Moonlight
Greg and Robin Scattini in memory of Cami Scattini
Gail Thorne in memory of BB King and Buster Hitchcock
Kira Poggenpohl in memory of Schatzie
Barbara Bobrow in memory of Fooey
Valy Zumpano, Giovanni and Nico in memory of Luigi
Diane Schol in memory of Skip
Tricia Nickell in memory of Raisin
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Cody
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Dillon
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Winston
Nancy Harris in memory of Daisy
Marykaye and Tim Zabrycki in memory of Chase
Jeffrey Jones in memory of Stumpy
Mary Cogburn in memory of Bella Mastiff
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Bailey
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Pumpkin
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Beau Caprara
Kathy Henney in memory of Buddy Holly
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Buddy Holly
Dana and Ted Calhoon in memory of Bubs
Joanne Nissen and Traci in memory of Tush
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Lula
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Frodo
Connie Frank at Aqua Dog in memory of Sairee
Gary Miller in memory of Izzy
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Tune DeGroodt
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Gus and Goldie
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Tune DeGroodt
Sheila McMahon Williams in memory of Tune DeGroodt
Donald and Sally Lucas in memory of Boswell Charles
Tricia Nickell in memory of Dash
Rick, Diane, Roy and Ramieka Flake in memory of Sysco Flake
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Romeo
Tom, Jen and all the four-legged Werbes in memory of Hannah
Diana De Vera in memory of Kifli
Judy, Bob and LuLu Berglass in memory of Maxine
Linda Lunsman in memory of Gus Werbe
Sally Burton in memory of Gus Werbe
Jean and Mike LaMarca in memory of Tuffy
Steve, Sue and Jill Sesody in memory of Oliver
Tom and Jennifer Werbe in memory of Goofy Gus
Cindy and Blair Locke in memory of Gus Werbe
CJ and Paul Lunsman in memory of Gus Werbe
Mary Liskin in memory of Sadie
Jerry and Lynette Morelan in memory of Babe
Kate and Gregg Ermenc in memory of Ali Poticia
Joann Johnson in memory of Winston Matteis
Roger and Joann Wolf in memory of Winston Matteis
Larry Bacon in memory of Jasmine and Paddy Cakes Bacon
Lisa Milligan in memory of Jackson
Jen Werbe in memory of Pal
Aqua Dog in memory of Gracie
Aqua Dog in memory of Emma Jane
Aqua Dog in memory of Goldie
Aqua Dog in memory of Poppy
Aqua Dog in memory of Emma
The Ellman Family in memory of Finnegan
Lisa Milligan in memory of Moosie
Kathy Henney in memory of Harrison
Amy Krivis in memory of Harrison
Kristina Riera in memory of Laci Mae and Bailey
Debra and George Couch in memory of Penny Benjamin
Dan Sojka in memory of Nachi
Carie Broecker in memory of Nachi
Bill and Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Jake
Grandma Sharilyn in memory of Jake
Healy and Gary Cosay in memory of Sydney
Lyn Taylor in memory of Penny
Emily Nicholl in memory of Lola
Erin Golec in memory of Ben the dog and Gracie the cat
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Ruby
Kelly Grau in memory of Maggie
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Gracie Outzen
Bruce Muirhead in memory of Katy
Aqua Dog in memory of Booda
Lisa Maddalena and Bill Speacht in memory of Champ
Aqua Dog in memory of Mango
Aqua Dog in memory of Mayling
Aqua Dog in memory of Opal
Mary Gates-Casey in memory of Charlotte and Hal
Robin Scattini in memory of Cami and Bailey
Amanda Nixon in memory of Bear
Amy Rabinovitz in memory of Benji and Coco
Cari Albert in memory of Lexie
Kim Stewart and Chris Gray in memory of Annie Rae
Kelly and Kristine - KPS in memory of Daisy
Mary Acquesta in memory of Benji and Coco
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Baker
Marti Ainsworth and Tom Reilly in memory of Rafi
Tara Peterson in memory of Bogey
Kate Finn in memory of Hanna
Jean LaMarca in memory of Casey
Nancy Nichols in memory of Stella
Mary Cogburn in memory of Bella Mastiff
Masako Horiuchi in memory of Casey
Philip Pearce in memory of Wyatt
Mary Sherman in memory of Spanky
Marisela Castillo-Rueda in memory of Rory Lorelei
Kelly Grau in memory of Gracie the Cat
Lydia and Dom Norcia in memory of Abigail
Connie and Jay Hudson in memory of Bindi
Richard Warren in memory of Daisy, Sophie, Harry, Solomon and Gracie
Patty McCoy in memory of Etta
Lori Wagner in memory of Walter and Lady
Linda Ebert in memory of Kiwi
Cynthia Wilson in memory of Charley
Pamela Taylor in memory of Mitzi Bernstein
Patricia and Lester Zielinski in memory of Princess
Wendy Frankel in memory of Sweet Little Rocky
Aqua Dog in memory of Rubicon
Aqua Dog in memory of Cabo
Aqua Dog in memory of Apollo
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Jenny
Kathy Henney in memory of Jenny
Cara Sorkin in memory of Maggie
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Tilly
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Tiny Jonathan
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Lady
Ingrid Tower in memory of Moritz
Tara Clark in memory of Clyde
Megan Wasserman in memory of Sadie
Aqua Dog in memory of Caleb
Aqua Dog in memory of Jake
Sandy Floersch in memory of Lily
Amy Jernigan in memory of Marble
Deborah Farah in memory of Sky King
Lisa Milligan in memory of Amber Rose
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Tinkerbelle
Diana Pavloff Cryan in memory of Luke
Amy Krivis in memory of Molly Geyer
Wendy Meyer in memory of Bridget
Michael Benedetti in memory of Skeeter
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Molly
Aqua Dog in memory of Toby
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Jasper
Kathy Henney in memory of Molly Geyer
Edward Cabelera in memory of Bridget
Tisa & David Zeiger in memory of Charlotte Clair Casey
Holly Fowler in memory of Charlotte Claire
Emily Nicholl in memory of Miss Charlotte
Pam Bonsper in memory of Bella Shepherd and Honey T.
Sarah Diehl in memory of Savvy Broecker
Sudy Dostal in memory of Coco
Aqua Dog in memory of Cori
Aqua Dog in memory of Scarlett
Kate Ermenc in memory of Sputz the Velcro Dog
Sally Burton in memory of Bruce
Rosemary Van Gorder in memory of the Mallon trio of precious labs
Marla Young in memory of Karchi
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Pixie
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Gunnar
Megan Lewis in memory of Kifli Goodwein
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Brulee
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Ellen Lenart in memory of Mulligan and Felicity
Megan Wasserman in memory of Pumpkin
Aqua Dog in memory of Chloe
Aqua Dog in memory of Stella
Tara Clark in memory of Jasper
James Berg in memory of Maggie
In Honor of Special People in 2019
Roger & Janet Wolverton in honor of The Sobczak family
Brooke Jones in honor of Steve and Kelly Ellman
Fred, Kim, Iris, Fiona, Chloe and Poppie Veretto in honor of Diane and Bruce Goodhue
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Kit and Marty Birskovich in honor of Ginger Anderson
Eva Tordoff in honor of Lori Pineda
Kathy, Millie and Chai in honor of Devon and Fernando Icaza
John Callagy in honor of Mary Callagy
James Costello in honor of Robert Seibel
Catherine Scattini in honor of Robin and Greg Scattini
her Staff family in honor of Becky Jones
Stephen Crocker in honor of Wilson Aguilar
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Sonja and Brad Heintz
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Erik and Kat Randolph
Tanta Lacey and Uncle H in honor of Alexis and Josh Sobel
Donna and Michael Hagerty in honor of Elle Brookman
Erna Piper in honor of Whitney Kessell
John and Kathy Maxwell in honor of Bruce Crist
David Sabih in honor of Dr. Thomas Bradley
Sheryl, Jodi, Vanessa, Norma, Rachelle, Nina, Nata in honor of Dr. Mah
Mom, Dad, Avonlea and Lucy in honor of Marilla Harwood
Cindy Hutcherson in honor of Shane and Valerie Smith
Linda Sherman in honor of Tom Perry
Don and Sandy Desmond in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norm You
Debbie Reinstedt in honor of Mary Sherman
Robin Cochran in honor of Jeff Odell
Jannette Miller in honor of Pam and Norm Yop
Josephine Terrusa in honor of Kate Kloppenburg
Jane Parks-McKay in honor of Monica Gordon
Yolanda Munoz in honor of Phyllis Blakemore
Dave Schrenzel in honor of Janis Fitzhugh -- Happy Birthday Janis!!
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld's Birthday
Robert and Susan Tasner in honor of Marci Cain's birthday
Debra C's Staff in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Jeff and Amy Krivis in honor of Jill Cohen
CCMP Benefit Shop in honor of Cindy Thatcher
Joanne Wong in honor of Michelle Fenner and Alan Walendowski
Andy and Kathy Switky in honor of Monica Rua
Beth and Alan Greenblatt in honor of Michelle Fenner's and Alan Walendowski's Wedding
Sue and Mike Karibian in honor of Syd Wright and Dave Walsh
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Julie Minnis
Cindy, Simon and Alex Singh in honor of Tiffany Singh
Mary Dorscheimer in honor of Annie and Laurie
Judy DiGirolamo in honor of Rita and Jim Hennessey's 50th Wedding Anniversary
Melissa Solomon in honor of Michelle Fenner's and Alan Walendowski's Wedding
Ruth Pupkin in honor of Michelle Fenner, Alan Walendowski on their wedding
Kalman Weinfeld in honor of Elaine Elkin's birthday
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Marissa Bartelt
Nancy Schulz in honor of Marci and Michael Tibbott
Susan McNelley in honor of Nancy Cotham
Carie Broecker in honor of Rachel Ray
Carmen Wolff in honor of Andrew Sheppard
Doug in honor of Ann Fudge
Sharon Miller in honor of Kim McShane
Susanne Aronowitz in honor of Susie Simon
Robin Cochran in honor of Janice Russo
Jessica Michael in honor of Cindy Michael for Mother's Day 2019
Kalman Weinfeld in honor of Elaine Elkin on Mother's Day
Stephanie Bailey in honor of Katie Scott
Jean Lovell in honor of Yvonne Goodman
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Judi Paap
Pegi Burdick in honor of Roland Aldor's birthday
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Trish Ishizuka in honor of Katie Banks
Lisa Krigsman in honor of Will Satterthwaite
Pegi Burdick in honor of Roland Aldor's birthday
Colleen Sullivan in honor of Donna Hagerty's Birthday
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Lynne Gyorey in honor of Pat Fauth
Diane Flake in honor of Lucille Ogawa
Dana Leib in honor of Gayle Jackson
Kathleen Passanisi in honor of Penny Hastie
Peggy Grier in honor of Dale Byrne
Julie Given in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
Michelle Webb in honor of Marci Braco
Sherri Huff in honor of Amy Lee
Marjorie Bullock in honor of Angela Zepp
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Neil and Diane Goodhue
Barbara Slade in honor of Amy Krivis
Ann Crnkovich in honor of Debra Couch
Nancy Pyzel in honor of David Pyzel
Talya Lutzker in honor of Kendra and her dog Oliver
In Honor of Special Animals in 2019
Paula Anderson in honor of Bear and Joey
Anonymous in honor of Merlin and Finnegan
Marti and Harvey Michael in honor of Cypress and Rina Michael
Jessie, Adam, Bubz, Monroe and Garfield in honor of Cypress and Rina Michael
Marian Van Arsdol in honor of Fritz
Ed Kilduff in honor of Jacky
Monica and Jay Gordon in honor of Rosemary
Patti Brady and George McCullough in honor of Charlie
Mrs. J.D. Trussas in honor of Lucy and Kona
Kristi Fredrickson in honor of Sophie
Kathleen and John Rianda in honor of Smitty
Sharilyn Cabelera in honor of Buddy
Barbara Coats in honor of Ms. Toupee
Architectural Office Management Services in honor of Daphne, Daisy Mae and Fluffy
Stephanie Frog in honor of Sundance
Lisa Milligan in honor of Cody completing chemotherapy
Linda Schwab in honor of Bobo
Peter Katzlberger in honor of Hickory
Valerie Hollingsworth in honor of Angel Wilson
Alison Cathro in honor of Angus
Judy DiGirolamo in honor of PJScots
Anne Pickett in honor of Posey
Ovilee Kennedy in honor of Artie
Carolyn Griffin in honor of Murphy
Ronald and Diane Scholl in honor of Jingles
Kristin Luker in honor of Eddy Luker
Dwyline Kruger in honor of Muffy
Fern Kulpreecha in honor of Ace, Angel, Ruby, Vanilla, Jewel, Zorro, Midnight
Darlene Drain in honor of Rudder and Stella
Ann Cervelli in honor of Dewey
Shawn and Carrie Kaye in honor of Maxwell (Presley)
Robert and Susan Lea in honor of Chloe
Roger and Janet Wolverton in honor of Sly and Sadie
Patricia Golmon in honor of Maya
Al and Suzie Weber in honor of Rhyo
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2018
Anne Scanlon in memory of Ivy Porter
Tracy Chappell-Bellem in memory of Becca Ledbetter
Susan Yates in memory of Margot Pettit Nichols
Zoe Sippel in memory of Becca Ledbetter
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Jim Thorne
Beverly White in memory of Stephen Cayson
The Washington Family in memory of Anthony F. Villafranca
Helen Leek in memory of Phyllis D'Arrigo
Early, Mike & Cathy in memory of Dan Borden
CJ Bready in memory of Rebecca Sansom Ledbetter
Colleen Da Silva in memory of Stephen Cayson
Diane Giannantonio in memory of Flo Allen
Cathy Early in memory of Maureen
Gloria Bigalow in memory of Don Van Arsdol
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Ruth Hudson
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Tete Arellano
Belinda Pesheck in memory of Tom Cordellos
Doug Rose in memory of Ann Rose
Miriam and Dan Bartschi in memory of Ann Rose
Ellen Clarkson in memory of Flo Allen
Sharon Taylor and Phillip Rabinowitz in memory of Ann Rose
Amy, Will, Summer and Mia Steadman in memory of Ann Rubincam Rose
Amy Christensen in memory of Ann Rose
The Rose Girls in memory of Ann Rose
Richard Marcus in memory of Jo Kitz
Jane and Maury Malyn in memory of Ann Rubincam Rose
Emily Rose in memory of Ann Rose
Suzanne Wohl in memory of Flo Allen and her dogs Pupper and Julia
Peggy Carroll and Sydney Drake in memory of Elizabeth Brook Johnson
Patricia Ishizuka in memory of Duncan
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Angela "Hula" Maheras
Cheryl Chavez in memory of Dorothy P. Perkins
Rich, Nancy and Coco Morgan in memory of Nancy Gregg
Scharf Investments in memory of Nancy Gregg
Tomika Dew in memory of Alice Catania
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Kenny Giles
Linda Ebert in memory of Kathy O'Hara's loved ones
Lucinda Andersen in memory of Ronald Lawson
Mike Early in memory of Harvey Brodsky
Mike Early in memory of Sue Kennedy
Linda Moiola in memory of David Moiola
Teresa and Joe Duda in memory of Chad Wolf
Christiann and Wayne Meyer in memory of Austin Meyer
John and Cynthia Hutcherson in memory of Chad Wolf
Robert and Diane Uyeda & Family in memory of Esther Kiefer-Miyamoto
Martina Shaw in memory of Chad Wolf
Mary Callagy in memory of Chad Wolf
Janice Grover in memory of Chad Wolf
Justin and Suzanne Furlone in memory of Chad Wolf
Christy Miyagishima in memory of Esther Miyamoto
Nellie Reyna in memory of Esther Kiefer-Miyamoto
Mary Hirschmann in memory of Chad Wolf
Ronald Dunne in memory of Chad Wolf
Mary Koch in memory of Chad Wolf
Linda and Ray Sencenbaugh in memory of Chad Wolf
Rhonda Leslie in memory of Chad Wolf
Maureen Bird in memory of Chad Wolf
Janis Fitzhugh and Ed Schrenzel in memory of Chad Wolf
Gail Solo in memory of Sandy Rench
Janet Wedekind in memory of Tom and Sandra Cordellos
Lisa and Mark Lysholm in memory of Chad Wolf
Susan Visconti in memory of Chad Wolf
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Chad Wolf
Bob and Marilee Geyer in memory of Chad Wolf
Carol Bayens in memory of Gabriella Graham
Diane Shanahan and Family in memory of Chad Wolf
Dr. Theresa Arteaga in memory of Chad Wolf, hero to all teeny pups everywhere
Kathy Henney in memory of Chad Wolf
Amy Krivis in memory of Chad Wolf
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Chad Wolf
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Chad Wolf
Linda Trevenen in memory of Sandra Cordellos
John and Sharon Sullivan in memory of Esther Kiefer Miyamoto
Mary Kay Norseng in memory of Abby Foss
Robert Spencer in memory of Gary Singleton
Rachel Marias in memory of Esther Kiefer-Miyamoto
Jon and Debi Jeppesen in memory of Gabriella Graham
Heidi Fisher in memory of Grace Fisher Nilson
Anne Riley in memory of Gayle Jensen
Jeff and Ellen Rudy in memory of Gayle Jensen
Karin Forno in memory of Lysia Forno
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2018
Kristina Riera and the Rieras in memory of Tracker
Lisa Milligan in memory of Piper
Margaret Pare in memory of Homer
Kathy Henney in memory of Savvy
Karen Sheppard in memory of Savvy
Michael Benedetti in memory of Joey
Pegi Van Der Meulen in memory of Sherman
Lynn Topete in memory of Joy (Jo-Jo) Dachshund
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Savvy
David Buuck in memory of Willy
Kathy Henney in memory of Franky Sheppard
Amy Krivis in memory of Franky Sheppard
Tim Zabrycki in memory of Chase
Linda Lunsman in memory of Woody
Gail Mintz in memory of Poco
Barbara Coats in memory of Ms. Toupee
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Lulu
Jeffrey Jones in memory of Stumpy
Monica Rua in memory of Bertie Henney
Mary Liskin in memory of Ava
The Scholl Family in memory of Romeo the Cat
Janice White in memory of Lenny
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Spencer
Tom and Jen Werbe in memory of Woody
Julie Hoffman in memory of Gidget
Connie Frank in memory of Kona
Rod and Linda Gabrielson in memory of Jazz
The Benjamins in memory of Amber
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Murphy
TT, Lydia and Jenn Tollner in memory of Ava
Helen Leek in memory of Jasmine, our beloved family dog
Jill and Jim Socha sponsoring Harry Porter in memory of Savannah
Cathryne M. Hill in memory of Zelly
Mrs. Elaine Elkin in memory of Abbie Weinfeld
Frank and Tina Souza in memory of Katy
Martha Ainsworth in memory of Chuckles
Thomas Reilly in memory of Chuckles
Ronald & Diane Scholl in memory of Let
Frank and Tina Souza in memory of Katy
Barbara and Ed Cabelera in memory of Nellie
Jackie Wendland in memory of Solomon
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Maxine
Dana Moldenhauer in memory of Olive aka Little Pig
Sarah Gonzales in memory of Buddy
Connie Frank in memory of Frosty
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Queenie
Healy Cosay in memory of Bella Briggs
Healy Cosay in memory of Bella Briggs
Rebecca Ceniceros in memory of Lola
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of LoverBoy
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of LoverBoy
Bryan Van Loh in memory of Ivy Blue
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Cooper
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Bailey
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Jake
Connie Frank at AquaDog in memory of Tucker
Ralph and Helen Keill in memory of Romeo
Susan Jordan in memory of Leila
Tracey and Ken Pepper in memory of Lupine
Kathy Henney in memory of Romeo
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Emma
Linda Lamb in memory of Spencer
AnnaMarie Amaral Silva in memory of Pepita
Darrell and Mare Only in memory of Max Dunckel
Gina Wolf in memory of Buster Broecker
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Buster
Amy Krivis in memory of Buster
Lisa Milligan in memory of Piper
Francie Newfield in memory of Tobias
Karen Bruntz in memory of Coco who was loved by Laurie DeGange
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Tobias
Debra Landi and Ilyse in memory of Coco who was loved by Laurie DeGange
Ann and Bob Hestand in memory of Gretchen and Queenie
Susan Bridges in memory of Sherman
Leo and Chris Moody in memory of Merida
Barbara Brady in memory of Cecil
Linda Gabrielson in memory of Jazz
Claire Mayer in memory of Thumbelina
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Nugget
Cathy, Jeff and Desi Rogers in memory of Ruby
Karen and Marty Wiskoff in memory of Willy
Kathleen Hendricks in memory of Kate
Kathleen, Keith, Matthew and Erika Frost in memory of Cara
Mary Liskin in memory of Katie
Connie Frank in memory of Bear
Connie Frank in memory of Gizmo
Alex Seid in memory of Buddy the Beagle
Mary Liskin in memory of Simon
Lawrence and Diane Palkovic in memory of Jesse Couch
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Sparky
Catherine Brock in memory of Jesse Couch
Logan Riddick in memory of Quincy Glendon Sayers
Gina Wolf in memory of Samantha Schneagle Geyer
Marilee Geyer in memory of Samantha
Laurie, David, Rudy and Penny Benjamin in memory of Jesse Couch
Amy Krivis in memory of Samantha
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Tinker
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Samantha
Kathleen and Bob Seibel in memory of Samantha Schneagle
Carie and Scott Broecker in memory of Sam
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Rio
Mary Liskin in memory of Harley
Jeanne Sison in memory of Foxie
Barbara Rubio in memory of Eyeore
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Diva
Gina Wolf in memory of Jake Smart
Gina Wolf in memory of Noah Sears
Kathy Henney in memory of Noah
Robin Scattini in memory of Bailey
Becky Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Winnie
Norma Jean and Charles Peluso in memory of Margee
Gina Wolf in memory of Diva
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Diva
Sharon Miller and Bruce McClane in memory of Diva
Stacy Suits and Carla in memory of Shade
Sharon Miller in memory of Beaker
Kathy Henney in memory of Kodi
Sachi Snyder in memory of Legolas Graham
Sharon Miller in memory of Sweet Lucy Brown
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Lucy
Gina Wolf in memory of Lucy Brown Broecker
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Lucy
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Lucia
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Max
Tricia Nickell in memory of Max
George and Kristina Baer in memory of Lily and Mino
Stacey Iverson in memory of Mattie
Jen and Tom Werbe in memory of Sammy
Lisa Goetz in memory of Jumping Jack Flash
Connie Frank in memory of Sangha
Connie Frank in memory of Jack
Lisa Milligan in memory of Marshall J. Squarepants
Connie Frank in memory of Violet
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Sasha
Kathy Henney in memory of Sasha
Cathy Rogers in memory of Chase
Cathy Rogers in memory of Missy
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Sasha Derr
Gina Wolf in memory of Willy Williams
Gina Wolf in memory of Marshall J. Squarepants
Sheila Williams in memory of Betty Boop and Marshall
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Marshall
Sharon Miller in memory of Mashall
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Marshall J. Squarepants
Tami and Nachi Sojka in memory of Have
Sharon Miller in memory of Sweet Willie
Kathy Henney in memory of Willy
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Marshall
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Willyrabbit
Sheree H. in memory of Mishka-Mooshka
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Cowboy
Sharon Miller in memory of Betty Boop
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Betty Boop
Jessica and Parker Frischling in memory of Gus
Barbara and Chuck Sedelmeyer in memory of Gus
Jennifer and Tom Werbe in memory of Gus the Dachshund
Sarah Glendon in memory of Quincy
Beth and Michelle Charvonia in memory of Cody Cherian
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Betty Boop Broecker the cat
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Betty Boop Broecker the cat
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Betty Boop Broecker the cat
Elizabeth Hampton in memory of Moritz
Debra Couch in memory of Daisy Mae Blue
Lloyd and Jayleen Appling in memory of MacGyver
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Queenie
Amy Krivis in memory of Ottie Souza (horse)
Connie Frank in memory of Amy
Connie Frank in memory of Beretta
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Lisa Millligan in memory of Buddy
Deborah Blue in memory of Daisy Mae
Diane Scholl in memory of Kiva
Rose Cala in memory of Cooper
Barbara Cushing in memory of Kimber
Kathleen, Keith, Matthew and Erika Frost in memory of Stella
The William Litt Family in memory of Rocky
Joan Wellington in memory of Patches
Lori Patterson in memory of Jimmy Dean
Channaorah Meir in memory of Danny
Chris and Lea Moody & the cats in memory of Luke and Brady
Monica and Jay Gordon in memory of Cooper
Heidi Niggemeyer in memory of Snoopy, Susu, Bailey, Missy, Molly, Freddy, Socks,
Teresa Heinrich in memory of Angel and Bonnie
Breana Bartholomew in memory of Queenie
In Honor of Special People in 2018
James Costello in honor of Bob Seibel
Becky and Cody Plott in honor of George and Debra Couch
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele Kennedy
Cynthia Singh in honor of Tiffany Singh
Cindi Donnellan in honor of Hannah Smalltree and Wilma (dog)
Lee Ann Shenkman in honor of Debbie Malkin
Eva Tordoff in honor of Lori Pineda
Connie and Jay Hudson in honor of Scott Hudson
Debra and George Couch in honor of The Benjamins
James Washington in honor of Carl Walston
Leslie Huntley in honor of Ellie
Leslie Huntley in honor of Robin
Dr. Fred Veretto in honor of Diane and Bruce Goodhue
Eva Tordoff in honor of Lori Pineda
Frank, Sean, Maggie and Tom Jr. in honor of Tom Verga
Jean Lovell in honor of Donna Schaffer
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Nana and Pa in honor of Harley Quinn Smith
Becky Husted in honor of Sue and "Clara" Galli
Robert Seibel in honor of Katie Scott
Kathryn Shaw in honor of Leslie Lewandowski
Kathryn Shaw in honor of Leslie Lewandowski
Debra Couch in honor of Laurie and David Benjamin
Roberta Knox in honor of Kristen and Alex Knox
Joseph Lum in honor of Kris' B'day
Kalman Weinfeld in honor of Tootsie and Elaine Elkins
Evelyn Epstein in honor of Dr. Patty Wilson
Michael and Margaret Robbins in honor of Phillip Pearce
John Takemoto in honor of Chris and Susan Murray
Willyrabbit and Daisy Maisy in honor of Peace of Mind Dog Rescue
Kate and Gregg Ermenc in honor of Gerry Ermenc
Kate and Gregg Ermenc in honor of BJ Ermenc
Charlotte Takemoto in honor of Chris and Suzanne Murray
Joe and Trudy Lenart in honor of Micki and Larry Beston
Marcia Hardy in honor of Jessica and Binx
Carol Hobson in honor of Drew and Cami Bohleen's wedding
Ruth Angulo in honor of Drew and Cami Bohleen's wedding
CA Custom Sheds in honor of Cami and Drew Bohleen's wedding
Margaret Feramisco in honor of Cami and Drew Bohleen's wedding
Amanda Nixon in honor of Cami and Drew's wedding
Marci Bracco Cain in honor of Carie Broecker's Birthday
Josephine Terrusa in honor of Kate Kloppenburg
Christina Falletti in honor of Janice Serilla
Annee Martin in honor of Ashley Weyland
Ben and Marta Strock in honor of Paul Cassoni and Coco Salamon and in memory of the
Nan Walker in honor of Ann Swett
Sharron Petty in honor of Earline Griffith
Phyllis Lau in honor of Terry Glasco
Sharon Bacon in honor of Ann Swett's Birthday
Annee Martin in honor of Ashley Weyland
Adrienne Herman in honor of Susan O'Brien
Christina Falletti in honor of Janice Serilla
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Mildred Edwards in honor of Terry Glasco
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Lisa Tucker
The Staff at Debra C in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Twisted Roots Winery in honor of Marci Bracco's Birthday
Lisa McMahon in honor of Eunice's birthday
Jennifer Granado in honor of Jennifer's Birthday
Eleanor Curtice in honor of Millie Mark
Carrie and Doris Theis in honor of Marci Bracco's Birthday
Susan Mohler in honor of Leslie's Birthday
Maggie Lairson in honor of Leslie's Birthday
Andrea Fuller in honor of Rachel's Birthday
Bruce and Charleen Belshaw in honor of Zoe McCrea
Lynda, Rosa, Danny, Steve, Evy, Carolyn, Carl, Gio in honor of Audrey Higuera
Francie Newfield in honor of Bob and Kathleen Seibel
Dan Chaika in honor of Dr. Valerie Welch
Karen Walther in honor of Pat Fauth
Jenny Chavera in honor of Leslie's Birthday
Leslie McGee in honor of Leslie's Birthday
Kathleen Kane in honor of Diana's Birthday
Howard and Lacey Arnaiz in honor of Chris
Cynthia Singh in honor of Tiffany Singh
Monte and Sondra Bullard in honor of Debbie Blue
Irma Betancourt-Friedman in honor of Debbie Blue
Anonymous in honor of Sheila Williams
Roberta Foree in honor of Debbie Blue
Mary Ellen and Harvey Eisenberg in honor of Debbie Blue
Joana Dougherty and Leif Eriksson in honor of Connie Shelstad
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Lisa, Becca's Super-foster
Shay and Dave Sharp in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schrenzel
Barbara Crum in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
Barbara Crum in honor of From the Heart Dog Training
Sybil-Frances Kimbrig Levin in honor of Josephine Rogers
Logan Riddick in honor of Sarah E. Glendon
Deborah, Kenny and Alex Peyton in honor of Mary Callagy
Katie, Dylan and Harrison in honor of Terri John
Catherine Scattini in honor of Robin Scattini
Eleanor Curtice in honor of Bob Bonanfant
Mary Gilman in honor of Michele C. Kennedy
Stephen Bloomfield in honor of Sherry Ascher
Lia and Scott Williams in honor of Dan Williams
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler's birthday
Kris, Doug and Luna Davenport in honor of Eleanor Curtice
Joseph Yosco in honor of Adrienne Herman
Olga Tilley in honor of Eleanor Curtice
Loretta and John Cook in honor of Eleanor Curtice
Beth and Michelle Charvonia in honor of Jan Neal
Martha and Barry Berkett in honor of Jeff Rogers
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Barb and Ted Shapas in honor of Daniel Sheehan
Rachel Krivis and Spencer in honor of Amy Krivis
Vikki Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
George Shapiro in honor of Jeff Rogers
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Diane and Neil Goodhue
Rebecca Seibel and Martin Frank in honor of Robert Seibel
James Costello in honor of Robert and Kathleen Seibel
Susan St. George in honor of Mary Louise McKee Kean
Janet Rogers in honor of Robbin MacCrea
The Staff at Debra C's in honor of Debra Couch
In Honor of Special Animals in 2018
Susan Simon and Percy and Floozie in honor of Ginger and Samantha
Marcia Wolf in honor of Callie and Tilly
Jenny Grantz in honor of Bella Larson-Grantz
Percy and Floozie in honor of Ginger and Samantha
Rebecca Ceniceros in honor of Cara
Tricia and Rob Nickell and Reichman in honor of Marley
Rob and Tricia Nickell in honor of Pickles
Ronald & Diane Scholl in honor of Roberta Troxwell and Chris Pentony's puppy
Marie Gribble in honor of Miss Grace
Tricia Nickell in honor of Rubie
Patricia Booten in honor of Gromit
Rosalind Wyszynski in honor of Jazz
Rebecca Ceniceros in honor of Kevin Tate's sweet Golden
Marcy Cain in honor of Gracee Blossom Joy
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Cayenne
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Shirley
Donna Tolaio in honor of Aria and Sibyl
Mike Scianna in honor of Elsa
Nancy Reiley in honor of Taiga
Frank and Charlotte Gregory in honor of Stella
Julie Minnis in honor of Buddha
Nargis Lengacher in honor of Buddha
Carie Broecker in honor of Buddha Bracco Cain's Quinceanera
Auntie "O" and Uncle "D" in honor of Buddha Bracco Cain's Quinceanera
Socorro Uy in honor of Luna and in thanks to Marshall and JT
Sheree H. in honor of Mishka-Mooshka
Sarah Jackett in honor of Spot and Lilu
Mary Kay Norseng in honor of Tulip (Petunia)
Jon and Debi Jeppesen in honor of Chulita
Kate Kennedy in honor of Rocky Jones
Laura Seidenberg in honor of Chloe
Amy Nester and Matthew Arana in honor of Gibson
Donna Ritenour in honor of Little Bear and mighty Bear
Mary Lou Joyner in honor of all her dogs
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2017
Genevieve Dean in memory of Gayle Jensen
Robert Hylton in memory of Barbara Hylton
Kathleen Jensen in memory of Gayle Jensen
Tonni and Seija Larsen in memory of Maria Larsen
Tama Driskill in memory of Angela Willis
Tama Driskill in memory of Angela Willis
Lloyd Calhoun in memory of Phenomenal Roger Findley
Leslie Horn in memory of Debbie Newell
Carolyn Monday in memory of Gayle Jensen
Lloyd and Jayleen Appling in memory of Shiela Roeseler
Donna Katosh in memory of Tom Cordellos and Front the dog
Rachel Humphrey in memory of Captain "Cappy" Harris Pelosi
Cindy Palazzo in memory of Tom Cordellos
Renata Payne in memory of Hugo Tottino
Merry Kohn Buvia in memory of Adrienne Kohn Crowell
Sharon Casella Ashton in memory of Ken Ashton
Carol Preszler in memory of Benton W. Horn
Melanie Chavez in memory of Rosemary Chavez
Carol Preszler in memory of Jim Hensley
Lisa Milligan in memory of John Warrington
Rick and Cheryl Petersen in memory of Estela E. Deffley
Susan Marshall in memory of Mary Jones
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Dorothy Betts
Shirley Wing in memory of William "Bill" Herbert
Ione Miller and Tina Britton in memory of Ann Olivier who loved her cats
Dan and Mary Jo Rose in memory of Ann Olivier
Scott, Jennifer, Brooke and Zach Taylor in memory of Mike Singh
Chris Menne in memory of Cathy Woolworth
Cynthia Singh in memory of Mike Singh
Elie Curtice in memory of Kristen Knutson
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Amy Murphy-Dwyer
Judy Mackenzie in memory of Gary Singleton
Nancy Esquivel in memory of Gary Singleton
Amanda Schader in memory of Vera Eaton
Ann and John Mahoney in memory of Gary Singleton
Susan and Gregory Netzorg in memory of Kikue Ozaki
Verna Test in memory of Margot Sisler
Carol Kerr in memory of Betty Herman
Mary Leslie in memory of Alice Catania
Jessica Tealdi in memory of Mike Tealdi
Ty and Tiffany Singh in memory of Michael Purl
Ty and Tiffany Singh in memory of Sandie Johnson
Mandi Tealdi in memory of Mike Tealdi
Mike Kelly in memory of Mike Tealdi
Carmelita Garcia in memory of Mike Tealdi
Kim Barber, Kevin Newett and Thor in memory of Mike Tealdi
Margie Storms in memory of Debbie Mullen
Jack and Marilyn Clifton in memory of James Scheid
Marilyn and Jack Clifton in memory of Margaret King
Barbara DeGroodt in memory of Miss Parker
Lori Tealdi in memory of Mike Tealdi
Karen Cunningham in memory of Mike Tealdi
David Hatton DDS in memory of Phyllis Decker Siegel
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Ginger Kraft
Anita Bogdanoff in memory of Gabriella Graham and her sweet sidekick Chulita
Mary Deniger and Bill Deniger Jr. in memory of Harry Batlin
Ann Keeble in memory of Marge Adams
Handle Financial in memory of Christine Slayden Tibbott
The Graham, Jordan and Ward Families in memory of Nicole Joerger
Carl and Naomi Freedman in memory of Phyllis Decker Siegel
Helene Pasternak in memory of Phyllis Decker Siegel
Elie Curtice in memory of Joseph Bisson
Laura Winfrey in memory of Patti Pearson
Lee and Marilyn Harter in memory of George Edward Pedrazzi
Tonni and Seija Larsen in memory of Maria Larsen
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Anne Garnero Richerts
Therese Doherty in memory of Kathleen (Goggy) Brennan
Jack and Marilyn Clifton in memory of Marie Gardiner
Carol Preszler in memory of Libby Bava
Diana Cryan in memory of Eleanor Church
Barbara Crawford in memory of Eleanor Church
Barbara Reitz in memory of Josephine Giampaoli
Kira Steinberg in memory of Mom and Dad
Kira Steinberg in memory of Jeanne, Don, Emily, Auntie, Georgie and Grandma
Kira Steinberg in memory of Becky Ray, Debbie Reynolds, Princess Leia, Blanche
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2017
Barbara Nelson in memory of Annie Brookman
Terri Drake in memory of Sabrina, Cavalier King Charles extraordinaire
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Annie
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Lucy
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of Lucy Wolf
Bob and Elle Brookman in memory of Annie
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Daisy
Bob and Kathleen Seibel in memory of Cooper
Janis Fitzhugh, Ed Schrenzel and the pack in memory of Lucy Wolf
Kathy Henney in memory of Ralfie
Pete Henney in memory of Lucy and Gracie
Suzanne Ammons in memory of Jessie
Tricia Nickell in memory of Quinn
Lisa Larson and Alan Grantz in memory of Roxie
Connie Frank in memory of Zoe
Diane Ericsson in memory of Jasmine
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Banjo
Maggie Lairson in memory of Pegs Pug Pups
Glenda Flores in memory of Daisy
Rosie Wyatt in memory of Luna
Mario Osorio in memory of Jessee
Barbara Bobrow in memory of Zeppy
Connie Frank in memory of Jet
Mary J. Sherman in memory of Sugar
Connie Frank in memory of Jet
Birthe Lauritsen and Ira Lewis in memory of Yeti
Debra Licolli in memory of Jake the Dog
David Buuck in memory of Maddie
Diane Noonan in memory of Mr. Chops
Carolyn Jacques in memory of Sadie
Patty Bickel in memory of Noel
Gayle Jackson in memory of Sophee
Carole Trombly and Lesa John in memory of Suki
GAT Family Foundation in memory of Casey
Ralph Klein in memory of Micky
Patty Walters in memory of Molly
Connie Frank in memory of Lily
Connie Frank in memory of Max
Connie Frank in memory of Mia
Susan Charvonia in memory of Gucci
Carla Korb in memory of all my former 4 legged buddies
Erin Johnson in memory of Pikachu
Nancy McMillan in memory of Dalai
Nancy McMillan in memory of Bandit
Nancy McMillan in memory of Casey
Susan Machado in memory of Sparky and Mike
Patsy Volpe and Melvin Beechman in memory of Peetie
Karen DeWitt in memory of Cocoa
Judy Barton in memory of Lolly
Rick Lawlor and Steven Schleusener in memory of Hanna/Roxie
Anne Pickett in memory of Iko
Jodi Huber in memory of Gizmo
AnnaMarie Amaral Silva in memory of Pepita
Ron and Claudia Howe in memory of Lucky and Waldo
Debra Beth Licolli in memory of Jake the dog
Judith Mead in memory of Abby
Lisa Milligan in memory of Cowboy
Stephanie Wong in memory of Spunky
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Phoebe and Mona
Diane Scholl in memory of Harley
Jan Neal in memory of Travis, Lena, Homer and Habibi
Kathy Rogers in memory of Daisy
Michael Heymann and Deborah Port in memory of Sammie
Maureen Bird in memory of Miss P, Sherman, Boo and Monkey
Diane Scholl in memory of Ida and ninja
Cheryl Braginsky in memory of Patches
Joy and Larry O'Rourke in memory of Big Sur Kate's dog, Bear
Paul and Michelle Boudreau in memory of Harley
Diane Scholl in memory of Jaya
Norma Dunipace in memory of Mattie Bauer
Mary Liskin in memory of Tilly
Joli and John Allen in memory of patches
Diane and Ron Scholl in memory of Gus
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Tigger (Cat)
Connie Frank in memory of Amber
Connie Frank in memory of Kyla
Connie Frank in memory of Jeet and Maya
Elizabeth Thomas in memory of Pootsie
Ronald and Diane Scholl in memory of Katniss the fish
Debra Couch in memory of Ollie
Ann and Norman Bikes in memory of Pippi Longstocking
Barbara Ward in memory of Jelly
Marti, Tom and Buttsie in memory of Slugger
Judy LeRoy, Jackson and Ruby in memory of Marla
Joanne Nissen in memory of Wilson
Mary Liskin in memory of Evie
Dr. Lana Krol in memory of Liesl
Maria and Frank Penner in memory of Foster, a sweet dog forever in our hearts here in
Louie, Carol and Fred Slautterback in memory of Gracie
Francie Newfield in memory of Five
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Gus
Maria Ryan in memory of Jaeger
Kim Barber in memory of Max
Ann and Bill Hestand in memory of Tucker
Phillip Pearce in memory of Wyatt
Hansena and Marvin Swanson in memory of Sally
Lucinda Reskovic in memory of Bella
Kathy Henney in memory of Cocoa
Kathy Henney in memory of Barney
David Clemens in memory of Max
Channaorah Meir in memory of Jeffrey
Channaorah Meir in memory of Bella
Channaorah Meir in memory of Huxley
Connie Frank in memory of Lola
The Perlstein Family in memory of Maggie
Peter and Shirley Preston in memory of Sir Ralphie
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Lizzy
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Jesse
The Torin-Agrimis Family in memory of Talulla
Martina Shaw in memory of Graham
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Graham
The Terrys in memory of Graham
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Graham
Tom and Jen Werbe in memory of Kelly
Sally Burton in memory of Ellie
Mike and Lisa Guthridge in memory of Ellie
Monica Rua in memory of Ellie
Connie Frank in memory of Vantage
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Ellie
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Ellie
Keith and Kathleen Frost in memory of Roo
Ken and Nancy Becker in memory of Skye
Connie Frank in memory of Rocky Cockatiel
Alexandra Beck in memory of Pikachu
Jinny Atkinson in memory of Isabel
Teri Goodman in memory of Lucy Podell
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Blackjack Webb
Debra Couch and Friends at Debra C in memory of Callie
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in memory of Chip
Connie Frank in memory of Luna
Lisa, Molly and Bill Maddalena in memory of Daisy
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Sassy
Connie Frank in memory of Murphy
George and Kristina Baer in memory of Sydney
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Marley
Connie Frank in memory of Tyco
Connie Frank in memory of Emma
Francie and Peter Newfield in memory of Charlie
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Bella
Pamela Eaton in memory of Beautiful Kate
Jack and Marilyn Clifton in memory of Carlotta
Connie Frank in memory of Keeper
Judy Tatelbaum in memory of Honey
Ann and Bob Hestand in memory of Jake
Marilee Geyer in memory of Maggie Hermansen
Tiffany Singh in memory of "Thursday" Shaw
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Kayla
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Molly
James and Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Connie Frank in memory of Buddy
Connie Frank in memory of Maggie
Michelle and Paul Boudreau in memory of Audrey the cat
AnnaMarie Amaral Silva in memory of Pepita
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Barry
Michelle Boudreau in memory of Valentine
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Toto
Lisa Milligan in memory of Jade
Joann Johnson, Roger Wolf and Pets in memory of Valentine Elizabeth Boudreau
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Kira
Beth Charvonia in memory of Ozzy
Jack and Marilyn Clifton in memory of Puddles
Jim and Averil Nero in memory of Bailey
Donna and Carla Theriault in memory of Dutch Fitzhugh
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Dutch Fitzhugh
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Bailey
Carol Mancino in memory of the DiGirolamo Scotties
Tracey Bellem in memory of Cappy
Connie Frank in memory of Zoe
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Mitzi
Lisa Guthridge in memory of Ellie
Janet Ward in memory of Zoey
Larry Fobian in memory of Darwin and Dusty
Helen Plummer in memory of Bella Mia the Cat
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Daisy Chi
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Daisy Chi Geyer
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Rusty Goodrich
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Penny Kort
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Daisy Geyer
Marilee Geyer in memory of Daisy Chi
Kathleen Swartz in memory of Smokie the Cat
Pamela Rogers in memory of Hershey
Kira Steinberg in memory of Teddy and Truckee
Kira Steinberg in memory of Buster, Lil Stuff, Tiny, Pawnee and Sasha
Kira Steinberg in memory of Buck, Bogie, Stripe, Maci, Tyro, Cornelius, Ziggy
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Max
Caryn St. Germain in memory of Teddy BooBoo
Pete Henney in memory of Lucy and Gracie
Kathy Henney in memory of Snoopy and Tiggy
Diane Scholl in memory of Flora
In Honor of Special People in 2017
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Diane and Neil Goodhue
Susan St. George in honor of Mary Louise McKee Kean
Dan Kuwatani in honor of Auntie Sachi Kuwatani
Gloria Grotjan in honor of the Hendricks Family
Joan Taggart in honor of Suzanne Hill's Birthday
Becky Husted in honor of Nancy Moresco
Barbara Tieken in honor of Valerie Fern and Wendy Bates
Lloyd Calhoun in honor of Phenomenal Roger Findley
Joel Aronowitz, Susan Siman, Percy and Floozie in honor of Kristan and Linda
Kathryn Hermansen in honor of Bob and Marilee Geyer
Laurie Benjamin in honor of Lyn Taylor
Laurie Benjamin in honor of Debra Couch
Rachel Larson in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Carol Mason in honor of Kathryn and Bruce Hermansen
Barbara Allen in honor of Rand and Valeri Heer
Barbara Allen in honor of Chris Heer
Christina Courcier in honor of Abby Foss
Neumeier-Palma Investment Counsel, LLC in honor of Darcy Blackburn
Sheila Williams in honor of Chad and Gina Wolf
Sheila Townsend in honor of Michael and Marji Knowles Tibbott
Robert Chase in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Cindy Donnalen in honor of Hannah Smalltree
Bradley Weber in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Flo Nixon in honor of Sheila McMahon Williams
Gary and Laurie Baum in honor of Kristan Neubecker
James Washington in honor of Mimi Snow White Walston
Bill and Sharon Biermann in honor of Bryan Van Loh
Christine and Kenney Warde in honor of Friends and Family
Suzanne Yamada in honor of Betty and Peter Realmuto
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Christie O'Brien in honor of Tawni Servi
R.S. Shelburne in honor of Christina Courcier
R. S. Shelburne in honor of Beth Shelburne
John Bowie in honor of Bonnie Temple
Lisa Milligan in honor of Peace of Mind Dog Rescue
Robert Half in honor of Joshua Moss
Shirley Wing in honor of Marjorie Herbert
Joanie Hyler in honor of Debbie Newell
Sheila Allaire in honor of Catherine Sullivan
Terri Brosky in honor of Cheryl Meyers-Hancock
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Peace Of Mind Dog Rescue
Nanci Markey in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Pat Booton in honor of Monica Rua
Gail Solo in honor of Amy Krivis
The Staff at Debra C's in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Laurie and David Benjamin in honor of Debra Couch's birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Tonni Larsen in honor of Maria Larsen's Birthday
Nan Walker in honor of Ann Swett's birthday
Charlyne Browne in honor of Ann Swett's birthday
Sofia Osborne in honor of Ann Swett's birthday
Sharon Bacon in honor of Ann Swett's birthday
James & Joelle Conn in honor of Ann Swett's birthday
Marlene Ogawa in honor of Sara Suppiah
Caroline Benetti in honor of Kathleen Kane
Catherine Sullivan in honor of Melanie Scherer
Helen Cochrane in honor of Mike Tealdi
Charles O'Rourke in honor of Scott Mosco
Susanne Aronowitz in honor of Susan Simon
Linda Wilsey in honor of John Sullivan
Mickey and Steve Cowles in honor of Mike Tealdi
Hans Lehmann in honor of Margot Sisler
Alan Segal and Jerry Solomon in honor of Dr. Monte Schwartz DVM
Tomika Dew in honor of Alice Catania
Judy LeRoy in honor of Pam Neiman
Pamela Butler in honor of Debra Couch
Linus Carlsson in honor of Henry Fuller's Birthday
Debbie Reinstedt in honor of Mary Sherman
Michele Thomas in honor of Marguerite Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Calhoon in honor of Linda McCarthy
Catherine Hynes in honor of Louise McKee Keen
Denise and Bruce Pare-Muirhead in honor of Charlie and Edye Marvin
Gretchen Dokey in honor of Kim
Terry Glasco in honor of Barbara Allen
Hannah, Dave and Will Matthew in honor of Jeff Krivis
Theresa Lancione-Beccaria in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
Virginia Von Hasseln in honor of Flo Nixon
Barbara DeGroodt in honor of Flo Nixon
Marcy Cain in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Preszler
Jennifer Coile in honor of Ellen Miller Coile
Sheila Williams in honor of Cindy Reskovic
Rebecca Seibel in honor of Robert Seibel
Thomas and Jennifer Werbe in honor of Carlynn Werbe
Hannah, Dave and William Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis
Jordan Kort in honor of Amy Krivis
Barbara Kaufman in honor of Amy Krivis
Julie Scurfield in honor of Carolynne Rudolph
Susan and Michael Goldberg in honor of Amy Krivis
Vicki Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
Rachel Krivis and Spencer in honor of Amy Krivis
Susan and Scott Corwin in honor of Amy Krivis
Linda and Jeff Goodrich in honor of Amy Krivis
Hilary and Jon Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis
Kunal and Ami Kumar in honor of Marji Knowles and Michael Tibbott
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Neil and Diane Goodhue
Rosemary Van Gorder in honor of Amy Krivis
Geoff Couch in honor of George and Debra Couch
Gail Thorne in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
Janet Rodgers in honor of Judy LeRoy
Sue Booker in honor of Marji Knowles
John and Vicki Law in honor of Sheila Williams
In Honor of Special Animals in 2017
Lisa Carlsson in honor of Hamlet
Mr and Mrs Ross Nissen in honor of Bela
Bonnie Spears in honor of Chase
Donna Bessant in honor of Merrie Way
Kyle Titus in honor of Tallulha
Trisha Courcy in honor of Sam the Pug
Joan Laurence in honor of Maksim Laurence
Marjorie Knowles and Michael Tibbott in honor of Teddy Bear, Bosley and Rocky
Edward McDonald in honor of Tinkerbelle
Barbara Coats in honor of Mrs. Toupee
Richard Franco in honor of Holly
Mary Liskin in honor of Sophie
Candice Masters in honor of Tia
Dixie Martinelli in honor of Sandy
Laura Smith in honor of Dolly
Kate and Michael Lach in honor of Fred
Joy and Larry O'Rourke in honor of Chelsea
Barbara Slade in honor of Phoebe and Mona
Megan Wasserman in honor of Kenzie Knight
Evelyn Brown and Luis Garcia in honor of Pinky Chi
Katie Turturici in honor of Zoey
Scooter and Joey in honor of Mr. Wee
Marcy Cain in honor of Buddha and Zoey
Paula Kovacs in honor of Gabriella and Chulita
Sharon Miller in honor of T-Bone
Francine Nissen in honor of "our adored pets"
Kira Steinberg in honor of Sadie Madie, Lola and Max
Kira Steinberg in honor of Bella, Maisy, Bijou, Pepper, Kaycie and Sadie Grey
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2016
Sophia Zadubera in memory of Gina Dailey
F. Robert Nunes in memory of Marie Woerz
Spencer Russo in memory of Goldman Russo
Jay Jennings in memory of Virginia Healey
Gail and Martin Mintz in memory of Lynne Lewis
Marie Russell in memory of Janet Fowler
Marie Russell in memory of Jimmie Lee Shipman Mistretta
Connie Snowdon in memory of Dee Joy Snowdon
Ella Labor in memory of James D. Labor
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Howard Sullivan
Sharon Casella-Ashton in memory of Ken Ashton
Anonymous in memory of Pam Becker
Mary Liskin in memory of Darrell Dukes
Dana Leisinger in memory of Dorothy Bryant
Judy DiGirolamo in memory of Michele Parmiter
Inez Kirkman in memory of Greg Jones
Gerald and Carol Graham in memory of Bill Sutton
Tiffany Singh in memory of Dick Speelmon
Jeannie McPherson in memory of Janis Wamsley
Pixie Gentry in memory of Barbara Potter
Suzanne Hill in memory of Casey Terrence Priest
Jackie Menk in memory of Jan Wamsley
Marlene George in memory of Jan Wamsley
Alice Hartwell in memory of Hunter Nickell
Elizabeth Lobay in memory of Ernie Schiavoni
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Susan Sakai
Stanley, Bonnie and Kristin Lyman in memory of Leonor Lyman
Audrey & Dick Zimmerman in memory of Ernie Schiavoni
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Ernie Schiavoni
Paula Donahue in memory of John Drever
Elie Curtice in memory of Angelo Villucci
Elie Curtice in memory of Eleanor Roach
Sandra and George Coe in memory of John Drever
Michele Ray in memory of Dan Gentry
Debbie and John Simontacchi in memory of Dan Gentry
Evelyn Marion-Cochrum in memory of Mrs. Ver Brugge
Bernadette and Denis Peavey in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Nancy Holtrop in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Victory Dealership Group in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Susan and Mike Foster in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Lloyd and Mary Ellen Lathrop in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Georgia and Ted Hollister in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Dorothy, Sandy and Carol Lacroix in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Stephanie Booth in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Sue K Finley in memory of Gail Salmonsen
Nancie Brown Ferguson in memory of Alice Catania
Robert and Mary Leslie in memory of Alice Catania
Charlotte Wilson in memory of Maxine Christensen
Dolores Weeks in memory of Darle Calder
Jeanne Howard in memory of Alice Catania
Marian Hartill in memory of Mae Corodi
Anna Azzopardi in memory of Alice Catania
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Darle Calder
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Angie Duffy
Kathy Henney in memory of Alice Catania
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Alice Catania
Karen Sheppard in memory of Alice Catania
Dana Van Horn in memory of Mae Corodi
Diana Cryan in memory of Bobby Mohlenoff
Diana Cryan in memory of Sal Troia
Sue Ellen Gales in memory of Barbara Weigel's Aunt Wiggy
Mary Koch in memory of Shahin Anable
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Gene Nielsen
Dr. Laura Pasten in memory of Jean Jeppsen
Phyllis Redfield-Sears in memory of Richard Sears
Bruce and Joanne Crist in memory of Russ Buchanan
Lisa Milligan in memory of Pat Herrgott
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2016
Tracilee Hoffman in memory of Louis Mileti-Hoffman
Kira Steinberg in memory of Numpy
Kira Steinberg in memory of Catto
Kira Steinberg in memory of Feisty
Kira Steinberg in memory of Roger
Kira Steinberg in memory of Jeff
Ellen Isaacs in memory of Cassie
Suzanne Samson in memory of Quincy
Sheila Keith in memory of Max
Michael and Karen Sheffer in memory of Pootsie
Jan and Geoffrey White in memory of Lenny
Cindy Slain in memory of Chumley
Susan Marks in memory of Ume and Hana
June Serrano in memory of Bodi
Pam Bonsper in memory of Shadow
Kira Steinberg in memory of Pickles the Beagle
Donna Hagerty in memory of Claire
Donna Hagerty in memory of Meggie
Donna Hagerty in memory of Jack
Rachel Krivis in memory of Mona
Carolyn and Ron Schenk in memory of Daisy
Mary and Tom Harmston in memory of Mickey Harter
Diana Flake in memory of Dutchess
Josephine Rogers in memory of Charley
Kelly McKay in memory of Max Mastiff
Maggie Lairson in memory of Pegs Pug Pups
Kathy Henney in memory of Penny Souza
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Penny Souza
Amy Krivis in memory of Cisco Rocker
Sue and Jim Tarjan in memory of Audrey the Bull Terrier
Anonymous in memory of Buddy the Beagle
Jennifer Lind in memory of Jewels, Phreadde and Kaya
Jan Neal in memory of Travis McGhee
Kathy Robinson in memory of Max
Martha Jones in memory of Lucy Poodle
Carol Schweppe in memory of Quincy
Barbara Cabelera in memory of Ava
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Ava
Kathy Henney in memory of Cissy Rocker
Christine Warde in memory of Cali
Ginger Lange in memory of Rocky, Sugar and Beau
Susan Bruckner in memory of Sammy Girl
Terri Drake in memory of Sabrina, Cavalier King Charles Extraordinaire
Emily and Geno Lazzerini in memory of Bella
Kathy Prew in memory of Tasha
Alicia Motts in memory of Squirrel
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Ralfie
Blaine Neagley and Becky Lynn in memory of Iko
Jennifer Christ in memory of Macy
Lenore Hinden in memory of Jessie
Tara DiPaola in memory of Cassie
Sharon Miller in memory of Sparky
Judy DiGirolamo in memory of Boo, Joy and Libby
Mary Cogburn in memory of Bella Mastiff
Jenifer Renzel in memory of Poots Skadootz
Ken Nelson and Dorothy Miller in memory of Bailey, Shooter, Hoot and Zak
Ronald and Claudia Howe in memory of Lucky
John and Carolyne Karnofel in memory of HoneyBee
Don and Carol Hilburn in memory of Jack Schwartz
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Cosmo Glidden
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Macy Ikeda
Leslie August in memory of Mischa
Sally Burton in memory of Zeus Werbe
The Townson Family in memory of Daisy Huber
Sharon Lucchesi in memory of Bella Waterman-Riedinger
Lisa and Mike Guthridge in memory of Zeus Werbe
Sally Lucas in memory of Midas Eubanks
Jennifer and Tom Werbe in memory of Zuessy
Catherine Gray in memory of Guster Coleman/Ferguson
Suzanne Aronowitz in memory of Sam Aronowitz
Marti Ainsworth in memory of Jack
Connie Frank in memory of Bon-Bon
Sue Glick in memory of Butsie
Connie Frank in memory of Tiger Lily
Connie Frank in memory of Meg
Mary Liskin in memory of Abby Keszler
Tricia Nickell and Rob Reichman in memory of Abby
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Princess
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Lulu
Kelly Luker in memory of Emily
Haila Fine in memory of Burt
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Riley
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Congo
Connie Frank in memory of Chumley
Connie Frank in memory of Beau
Connie Frank in memory of Kiwi
Connie Frank in memory of Shelson
Connie Frank in memory of Betty
Amy Krivis in memory of Beth Sheppard
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Beth Sheppard
Lisa Larson in memory of Lucky, with thanks to the Overtree family.
Jeffie, Robbie and BobBon in memory of Desilu and Babalu
Barbara Cabelera in memory of Ava
Barbara Olson in memory of Rocco
Lana Moffitt in memory of Ava
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Ms. Toupee
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Jema
Michelle Boudreau in memory of Lucky
Victoria Nelson in memory of Sammie
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Joey
Rebecca Lynn, Blaine Neagley and Libby in memory of Audrey
Marti, Tom and Buttsie in memory of Bodie
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Goldman
Dan and Maria Holzner in memory of Argus
Marie and Joel Galanda in memory of Charley
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Jimmy Geyer
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Jimmy Geyer
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of PeeWee, Bella and Jimmy
Kathy Henney in memory of Jimmy Geyer
Sachi Snyder in memory of Sumo
Michael and Kate Lach in memory of Sammie Gum
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Jimmy Geyer
Gina Wolf in memory of Belle and Jimmy Geyer
Ken and Diana Slasor in memory of Strawberry Lach
Kelly Luker in memory of Jess
George and Debra Couch in memory of James Falk
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Fiona Williams
Sandra Sadduk in memory of Freddy
John and Monica Rua/Sullivan in memory of Belle Geyer
Cindy and John Hutcherson in memory of Oliver
Kathy Henney in memory of Belle Geyer
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of Belle
Sally and Al Burton in memory of Bingo Werbe
Laura and Gilligan in memory of Pima
Maggie and Jim Storey in memory of Tahoe
Maria Ryan in memory of Honey
Debbie Reinstedt in memory of Sugar
Hansena and Marvin Swanson in memory of Ralfie Henney
Tara and Mike Clark in memory of Haggis
Leslie Buck in memory of Yoda
Debra and George Couch in memory of Max
Elie Curtice in memory of Keystone
Rose Cala in memory of Stella Gordon
Catherine Brock in memory of Bravo Panetta
Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Casey
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Ralfie Henney
Karen and Andrew Sheppard in memory of Ralfie
Grace and Ray Silva-Santella in memory of Ralfie
Janis Fitzhugh in memory of Ralfie
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Ralfie
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Tootsie
Amy Krivis in memory of Ralphie Henney
Amy Krivis in memory of Tootsie Sheppard
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Tootsie Sheppard
Lisa Maddalena in memory of Dylan
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Madeline Braversman
Tara Clark in memory of Bow Miller
Diane Scholl in memory of Monty the Snake
Rob and Tricia Nickell in memory of Rana
Jo Anne Fitzpatrick in memory of Brandy McDermott
Diane and Ron Scholl in memory of Blue Pritchard
Tara and Michael Clark in memory of Leia Bouquet
JoAnna Daum in memory of China Rose
Tyler Johnston in memory of Nemo
Linda Shen and the Dog Acre Hooligans in memory of China Rose
Sharon Miller in memory of Chulita
Elaine Elkin in memory of Jolene
Becky Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Sonny
Susan Wytyshyn in memory of Chase
Amy Krivis in memory of Chulita
Diane Scholl in memory of Indie
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Chulita
Gina Wolf in memory of Chulita
Judy LeRoy in memory of Chulita
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Pee Wee Geyer
Monica and John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Chulita
Tiffany Singh in memory of Tippy Roo Coleman
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Pee Wee Geyer
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Pee Wee Geyer
Gina Wolf in memory of Pee Wee Geyer
Mary Liskin in memory of Spanky
Gina Wolf in memory of Cheeto
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Maggie and Ed Tharp in memory of Morgan
Gina Wolf in memory of Tippy Roo
Joel Pritkin in memory of Sadie Booker LeRoy
Barbara Reitz in memory of Daisy
Christine Derr in memory of Jackson
Anthony Zoccali in memory of Merlin and Finnegan
Sandra Reel in memory of Tito
Patricia Purwin in memory of Pepys
Patty Chang in memory of Avery
Connie Wolzinger in memory of Salinas
Michaeline Kehrer in memory of Cheyenne
Valerie Newman in memory of Boomer, Madisen and Kilohana
Gail Thorne in memory of Van Hitchcock
Diane Flake in memory of Duchess
Yvonne Mraule in memory of Brillo Brat
Mary Liskin in memory of Tudor
Sally Lucas in memory of Rosie Charles
Marion Marshall and Geoff Underwood in memory of Dolley
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Mona Lisa
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Tudor
Wendie Ryter in memory of Jean Jeppson
Lisa Milligan in memory of Mona Krivis
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Mona Krivis
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Tudor Rua-Sullivan
Kathy Henney in memory of Mona Krivis
In Honor of Special People in 2016
The Staff at Debra C's in honor of Debra Couch
Elsy Swanberg in honor of Lynn Bentley
Cheri Hitchcock in honor of the adopters of Gunner, Lena Jo and Daisy
William Litt in honor of Marvin Stuart Litt
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Susan and Joel Aronowitz in honor of Linda and Kristan
Linda and Cliff Fine in honor of Amy Krivis
Claudia Niess in honor of Rebecca Roll
Anna Pyzek in honor of Dean Pyzel
Candra Bayman in honor of Mike and Marianne McClure
Jenny Grantz in honor of Alan Grantz and Lisa Larson
Kathy, Andy, Tater Tot and Moki in honor of John Sullivan and Monica Rua
Sara and Dana Halvorson in honor of Debbie Landi
Laurie and David Benjamin in honor of George and Debra Couch
Dana Eurich in honor of Katherine Keller
Joanne Nissen in honor of Ross and Francine Nissen
Becky Husted in honor of Nancy Moresco
Camilla Payne in honor of Beverly Dekker-Davidson
Betsy Johnson in honor of Andy Johnson
Betsy Johnson in honor of Katy Theumer
Carol Mason in honor of Kathryn and Bruce Hermansen
Terri Brosky in honor of Amy Krivis
Susan Dudish-Poulson in honor of Karen Nardozza
Justyna Maslowska in honor of Agata Maslowska
Sharon Miller in honor of Jesse Unger
Sharon Miller in honor of Hannah Miller
Sharon Miller in honor of Manzanita Miller-McMahon
Kent Leatham in honor of friends and family
Barbara Kildow in honor of Captain "Cappy" Harris
Carla Fletcher in honor of Don and Ilza Lewis
Steve Capps in honor of Marji Knowles and Michael Tibbott
America Oujevolk in honor of Marilee Geyer
Anonymous in honor of Brooke Doyle
Barbara Allen in honor of Chris Heer
Gary and Frances Spradlin in honor of Jeri O'Donnell and Don Spradlin
Becky and Cody Plott in honor of George and Debra Couch
Barbara Tieken in honor of Valerie Fern and Wendy Bates
Linda Melendrez in honor of Joanne and Jeff Corrigan
Sheila Williams in honor of Gina and Chad Wolf
Marian Penn in honor of Eileen Whitson
Christine Hawkins in honor of Ron McLeister and his dog, Bleu
Kira Steinberg in honor of Barbara Masters
Tomika Drew in honor of Alice Catania
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
Jean Lovell in honor of Carol Prezler
Kathy Spake in honor of Mary Ellen Pearsall
Diane and Andy Monheit in honor of Dene Arnot
Matthew Harris in honor of Captain "Cappy" Harris
Kathleen Pelosi in honor of Cappy Harris
Steve Wiesner in honor of Deesa Balasingam
Debbie Reinstedt in honor of Mary Sherman
Patricia Mallouf in honor of Hannah Pritchard
Gary Baum in honor of Linda Humber
Ralph and Helen Keill in honor of Christine Derr
Gail LeBovic in honor of Jack LeBovic
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Dan and Diane Fink in honor of Steve and Karen DeCarli's wedding
Laurie Benjamin in honor of Debra Couch
Nanci Markey in honor of Debra Couch
Lucy Billingsley in honor of Debra Couch
Constance Sisler in honor of Debra Couch
Stephanie, Rob and Tricia in honor of Lisa Bloom's birthday
Kenneth Joseph in honor of Andrew Goodman's 70th Birthday
Linda Hoppe in honor of Barbara Reitz
Beth Charvonia in honor of Sue Charvonia
Beth Charvonia in honor of Jan Neal
Julie Hitchcock in honor of Emily and Phil Hopfner
Lisa Hindley in honor of Emily and Phil Hopfner
Donna Miller in honor of Emily and Phil Hopfner
Ramna Brandt and Herve Rodriguez in honor of Andy Goodman
Mary and Patrick Gates-Casey in honor of Emily and Phil Hopfner
Gary Baum in honor of Kristan Neubecker
Sue Ellen Gales in honor of Barbara Weigel
Wendy and Jim Roberts in honor of Mike and Ann Millward
Carol Preszler in honor of Jean Lovell
Lana Moffitt in honor of Sharilyn Cabelera
Janet Ward in honor of Linda Schroeder
Lea and Nolan Lynch in honor of Barbara Reitz
The Feuersteins in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Marshalls in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Michelle Overweser in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Entins in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Rubins in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Nancy Miller in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Wolfs in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Norma Shapinsky in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Fenwicks in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Elissa Koenig and Matthew Carlyle in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Kolinskys in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Donna Shore and Todd Hornik in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Wendy Schmidt in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Garrett Lothe in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Trotters in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
The Weinsteins in honor of Allyson Carroll's Bat Mitzvah
Lindsay Rajt in honor of Carrie Poppy
Richard and Barbara Warren in honor of Barbara Reitz
Rock Realty Group in honor of Barbara Reitz
Tomika Dew in honor of her mom, Alice Catania
James, Monica, Cora and Lydia in honor of Barbara Reitz
Judith Giampaoli in honor of Barbara Reitz
Vida Ellins in honor of Barbara Reitz
Carolyn Meyer in honor of Barbara Reitz
Patrick Maltese in honor of the Meadowcroft's 50th Anniversary
Colette O'Connor in honor of a beautiful volunteer she met...& the work we do.
Darrell and Kathleen Rogers in honor of Jeff Filiault
Laurie Cochran in honor of Debbie Klein
Anita Gryska in honor of Debbie Klein
Colleen Sweet in honor of Debbie Klein
Amy Gilbert in honor of Debbie Klein
Ilse McClure in honor of Debbie Klein
Barbara Jashinski in honor of Debbie Klein's birthday!
Joan Wellington in honor of Kristi Fredrickson
Kellin Chaffin in honor of Mary Callagy
Marian Zola and Sam Uris in honor of Lynn and Sidney Morris
Kathleen McMurdo in honor of Mary Callagy
Brenda Swiney in honor of Marji Knowles and Michael Tibbott
Paulina McDonald in honor of Marji Knowles and Michael Tibbott
Gail Solo in honor of Amy Krivis
Steve Capps in honor of Marji Knowles and Michael Tibbott
Sue Ellen Gales in honor of Barbara Weigel
Ruthie Krivis in honor of Jeffrey Krivis
Catherine Sullivan in honor of Sue and Mike Karibian
Robert Shoemaker in honor of Patti Shoemaker
Joel Pritkin in honor of Judy LeRoy
Maureen and Lawrence Bordenave in honor of Kathryn Atwood
Janet Rodgers in honor of Judy LeRoy
Patricia Mallouf in honor of Joy Pritchard
Katherine Walter in honor of Dr. Jim Lewis
Tricia and Rob Reichman in honor of Amy Krivis
Sid and Vikki Helprin in honor of Amy Krivis
Mike Raff and Cathy Henney in honor of Kathy Henney
Catherine Sherrer in honor of Diane and Neil Goodhue
Kimberly Bermender in honor of Lynn and Donna, two dog angels
In Honor of Special Animals in 2016
Rose Anna Wyatt in honor of Ranger
Charlotte Larin in honor of all animals
Cheri Hitchcock in honor of Gunner, Lena Jo and Daisy
F. Robert Nunes in honor of our care for Elsa
Lauren Tennent in honor of Cooper
Mary Kay Ryan in honor of Dancer
Rosalie Howarth in honor of Sami, Elizabeth Smith's pooch
Lisa Jensen and Family in honor of the McGuigan dogs
Lisa Jensen and Family in honor of the Munoz dogs
Lisa Jensen and Family in honor of Jimmy, Lily, Lago, Lexi and Bodi
Mary Liskin in honor of Buck
William Weston in honor of Achilles
Joan Laurence in honor of Maksim
Kira Steinberg in honor of Sadie Collie
Maureen Reincke in honor of Gracie Girlie and Charlotte
America Oujevolk in honor of Mandy
Nina Harrison in honor of Teddy
Marjorie Bullock in honor of Teddy
Scott Smith in honor of Justin
Mary Liskin in honor of Sophia
Amy Krivis in honor of Howard Sullivan
Lanette Zimmerman in honor of Jazz and Tap
Donna Karolchik in honor of Ozzy
Leslie Buck in honor of Sweet Sally
Mary Liskin in honor of Charlotte
Debbie Blue in honor of Destiny
Catherine and Bob Beatty in honor of Lola
Kathryn Shaw in honor of Spenser
Patricia Mallouf in honor of Hannah
Gary and Sharon Johnson in honor of Gus
Cindy and Stan Gum in honor of Strawberry
Robert and Kathleen Seibel in honor of Coco
Heather McColgan in honor of Rev
Dianne Urban in honor of Molly, Polly and Janie
John Click in honor of Joe Buck
Kate and Michael Lach in honor of Stuart
Rebecca Ceniceros in honor of Nigel
Mary Liskin in honor of Spanky Franklin
The Bush Family in honor of Dukie
Sue Alvarado in honor of Bixby
Susan Stinson in honor of Bear and his rescuer Jennifer Whall
Beverly Dekker Davidson in honor of China Rose Allen
Beverly Dekker Davidson in honor of Chulita
Thomas Werbe Charitable Gift Fund in honor of old dogs near and far
Kate Kennedy in honor of Rocky
Kira Steinberg in honor of Sadie, Bella, Ellie and Noah
Phillip and Margaret Pare in honor of Homer
Paula Kovacs in honor of Bobby the Cat
Lorie Zerweck in honor of Roxy
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2015
Alice Catania in memory of Bent Ramskov
Elie Curtice in memory of Ruth Upton
Gayle Jackson in memory of Douglas R. Jackson
Francie and Peter Newfield in memory of Nicholas Hamby
Susan Stockwell Yates in memory of Margot Pettit Nichols
Jane Upp in memory of Dr. Frank Miller
Mary Lou Joyner in memory of William B. Joyner
Anonymous in memory of J Burrell W
Mary Hatfield in memory of Bob Heinzen
Elaine Rairden in memory of Manuel Passino
Meg Morris in memory of Peggy Morris
Evelyn Marion in memory of Helen Robinson
Marybeth Beston in memory of Nancy Rich
Cindy Thatcher in memory of Pierre Yeropoli
Carol Bishop in memory of Steve Bishop
Christina Lund in memory of David Saltonstall Mallett
Sandra Cardeiro in memory of Philip Cardeiro
Robert F. Nunes in memory of Bob Heinzen
Maryellen Aisenberg in memory of JBW
Karen Siek in memory of Nancy Rich
Pete and Veronica Silacci in memory of Bob Heinzen
Ellen Lenart in memory of Nancy Rich
Carmelita Garcia in memory of Patricia Anne Herrgott
Eleanor Curtice in memory of LaVern Hiserman
Walter and Patricia Hughes in memory of Robert Heinzen
Enos Barera in memory of Robert Alan Heinzen
Jodi Stiegemeyer in memory of her Dad, Alan Bryant
Patricia Brewer in memory of Bob Heinzen
Ted and Kathleen Holzwart in memory of Bob Heinzen
Tom and Frances Mill in memory of Robert Alan Heinzen
Sylvia Skefich in memory of Robert Heinzen
Ralph Micheletti in memory of Bob Heinzen
Maureen and Brent Eastman in memory of Bob Heinzen
Joel and Ute Pancer in memory of Margaret Lenck
D. Colleen Ward in memory of Kathy Greene
Sarah Lincoln in memory of Rex Jeppsen
Marie Ibarra in memory of Tom Morana
Nancy Robliski and the Vizcaino neighbors in memory of Frank Whitaker
Kathy Henney in memory of Doug Jackson
Kathy Henney in memory of Darlene Long
Kathy Henney in memory of Sarala Coberly
Karen Sheppard in memory of Sarala Coberly
Amy Krivis in memory of Darlene Long
Francie Newfield in memory of Betty Rose Paller
Patricia Thorsby in memory of Mildred Ilene Conner
Caryl Smith in memory of Carole Champagne
Tom and Meredith Melnik in memory of Paddy Jacobsen
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Rosalie Villucci Yawn
Ruth and Rick Manning in memory of Doc Goodman
Sachi Snyder in memory of Warren Rashleigh
Mary Quinn in memory of Suzanne Broecker
Thomas and Eileen Swift in memory of Suzanne Broecker
Elie Curtice in memory of Paul Isacs
Michele Tsuchiya in memory of Kathy Zachary and her love of animals
Joanne Nissen in memory of George R. Ingham
Sheila McMahon Willams in memory of Grandma Pat
Sara Radley in memory of Helen M Zinser
Jim & Hilda Thorpe in memory of George Ingham Sr.
Sean Boyle in memory of David Thomas Patrick Boyle
Laura King in memory of Mom
Joel and Ute Pancer in memory of Janis Prange
Dorothy Horvath in memory of Pauline Hatt
Ingrid Parletun Lundberg in memory of Gabriella Graham
Madeleine Harvey in memory of Pauline Dawn (Plourde) Hatt
Wendy Jones in memory of Pauline Hatt
Lisbeth Dermody in memory of Mary Lou Koran
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2015
Teri Adam in memory of Randy
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Van
Debra Roach in memory of Max and Abby
Marilee Geyer in memory of Alice Geyer
Karen Leemaster in memory of Bandit
James and Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Alex Seid in memory of Buddy the Beagle
Eiko Virtue in memory of Rudy
Rebecca Lynn and Blaine Neagley in memory of Woody and Elliot
Virginia Marshall et al in memory of Buddy the dog and Khiri the cat
Terri Drake in memory of Sabrina, the best Cavalier King Charles ever
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Leoli
Kristin Morell in memory of Mollie & Maggie
Mary Cogburn in memory of Max
Paula Bradley in memory of Luna
Sharon Miller in memory of Ben
Pamela in memory of Hershey
Ken and Dorothy Nelson in memory of Beau, Bailey, Hoot, Zak and Shooter
Anonymous in memory of Squirrel (Grandma's little light)
Alicia Motts in memory of Squirrel (my little light)
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Daisy
George and Debra Couch in memory of Bravo
Stephanie Perlstein in memory of Dempsey Perlstein
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Riley
Alfred and Mary Leandro in memory of Maxey
Fiona, Olive and Willy in memory of Sadie
Morna MacLeod in memory of Molly
Rosalie Howarth in memory of Elizabeth Smith's Sammy "Sami"
Angela Relucio in memory of Penelope
Margaret Lairson in memory of Pegs Pugs Pups
Kathleen Sherman in memory of Cubby, Jenni and Mulan
Susan and Dwight Marshall in memory of Sadie Booker LeRoy
Laura Tilley in memory of Andy
Elizabeth Steege in memory of Max
Mary Liskin in memory of Katie
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Sadie Booker LeRoy
Cindy Reskovic in memory of Sweet Sadie Booker LeRoy
Marjorie Bullock and Nina Harrison in memory of Sadie Jamison Booker LeRoy, one of the very BEST
Robert F. Nunes in memory of Stuart
Lenore Hinden in memory of Jessie Border Collie
Carol George in memory of Zeno
Debra Roche in memory of Max and Abby
Lucy Aherns in memory of Sadie Booker-LeRoy
Ronald and Claudia Howe in memory of Lucy
Dorothy Brajkovich in memory of Rocky
Larry and Margaret Berkoben in memory of Skryra
Maggie and Ed Tharp in memory of Smokey
Debra Violini (Cadi, Raisin, Ryder and Boop) in memory of Maggie and Pooh
Elaine & Fred Voltz in memory of Rudy, beloved cat
Ann Keeble in memory of Kip Marshall
Susan & Dwight Marshall in memory of Kip Marshall
Karen Sheppard in memory of JellyBean Schiavoni
Karen and Marty Wiskoff in memory of Madyl Wiskoff
Barbara De Groodt in memory of Diesel
Carol and Don Hilburn in memory of Lucy Van Curen
Carol and Don Hilburn in memory of Pepe Gordon
Stephanie Brown in memory of Suki, Ben and Arthur
Kathy Henney in memory of Kobi Ege
Allison Souza in memory of Louie, he will be dearly missed.
Charles O'Daniel in memory of Molly
Susan Wytyshyn in memory of Chase
Judy LeRoy in memory of Kip
Kristi Fredrickson in memory of Heidi
Kristi Fredrickson and Lorna in memory of Wrangler
Judy LeRoy in memory of Wrangler "Mr. W" Aherns
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Snoopy
Lauren Dow in memory of William
Marilee and Kim in memory of Loki
Marilee and Kim in memory of Zippy
Kathy Turturici in memory of Tallulah
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Tiger
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Belle
Lisa Milligan in memory of Rocky
Marilee Geyer in memory of Chase Wytyshyn
Linda Monk in memory of Skye Jensen
Bobbe and Tim Moore in memory of William
Philip Pearce in memory of and in gratitude for Wyatt
Margaret Jensen in memory of Skye
Virginia Lange in memory of Rocky
Kathy Henney in memory of Maisy
Kathy Henney in memory of Pumpkin
Mary K. Dean in memory of William
Amy Krivis in memory of William
Barbara De Groodt in memory of Corky
F. Robert Nunes in memory of Scotty and Stuart
Judy LeRoy in memory of Corky Williams
Donna Gorman in memory of Carson
Linda Fine in memory of Phoebe "24-7" Krivis
Susan Charvonia in memory of Mickey
Wendy Smith in memory of Grandma Ethel Moonbeam
Sylvia Dellamico in memory of my sweet Dante
Kathy Henney in memory of Arthur Fitzhugh
Kathy Henney in memory of Charley Rogers
Elizabeth Steege in memory of Charley Rogers
Kathy Henney in memory of Metro Catania
Carol and Nicholas George in memory of Koda Friedrich
Jill and Marty Koller in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Susan & Dwight Marshall in memory of Bodhi Parks
Jackie Boyster in memory of Bailley Boy VIII
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Daisy, loving and gentle to all beings
Tricia and Rob Nickell in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Tricia and Rob Nickell in memory of Bodie Dow
Kathleen Dolan in memory of Franklin McPherson Hill, one of the best dogs ever
The Werbe's in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Mary Liskin in memory of Beau
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Kathy Henney in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Rosemary Van Gorder in memory of Phoebe Krivis
Mike & Cindy Thatcher in memory of Wilson, We miss him every day!
Jan Neal in memory of Dodge Trucksis
Kathy and Michael Spake and Whitsett in memory of Hershey
Sandra Sedillos in memory of Tori Segal
Michelle Boudreau in memory of Teddy Hammett Lewis
Janet Kunoa in memory of Honey Pie
Cindy Rescovic in memory of Sammy, "So glad you happened!"
Susan and Megan Wasserman in memory of Quincey Forest
Mary Liskin in memory of Soliloquy Spicer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hylton in memory of Dolly
Lisa Milligan in memory of Dylan Maddalena
Mary Liskin in memory of Corky Batmangelich
Diane Scholl in memory of Katara Ogata
Diane and Ron Scholl in memory of Sadie Rose
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Teddy Sheppard
Diane Scholl in memory of Cody Curtice
Amy Krivis in memory of Baxter Lunski
Ron & Diane Scholl in memory of Lady Rose
Monia Rua & John Sullivan in memory of Petey Volpe-Beechman
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Wally Lund
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Widget Pepper
Sue Charvonia in memory of precious kitty Alice Lund
Sue Charvonia in memory of sweet little Wally Lund
Linda Alvarado in memory of Taz Alvarado, who would have been 15 on 3/1/15
Carmen Domingo in memory of Phoebe Domingo, she was a sweet little girl
Jeff Tarola in memory of Boomer
Susan & Kaoru Otaki in memory of Ume Otaki, Thank you for the memories
Mary and Patrick Casey in memory of Tippy Castro
Janet Kunoa in memory of Deuce Simon
Lisa, Piper, Amber Rose and Dakota in memory of Jenny Mae
Lucinda Reskovic in memory of Otis
Becky and Blaine Neagley in memory of Donner Petrakis
Lisa Milligan in memory of Nina Hamer
Diane Scholl in memory of Kenzi Drake, who brought a smile to all she met
Sharon Miller in memory of the Miller family's forever young Bandit
Birthe Lauritsen in memory of Cassie, the sweet Dalmation
Annie Pickett in memory of Peppy Mercurio
Elie Curtice in memory of Cody, the cat.
Sheila Willams in memory of Sweet Little Zepher
Amy Krivis in memory of Alice Geyer
Kathy Henney in memory of Alice Geyer
Trish Ishizuka in memory of Bo Webster
Anne Cassidy in memory of "Peaches" aka Minka
Gail Thorne in memory of Charlie "Hitchcock"
Hannelore biermans in memory of Mulan
Lynn Topete in memory of Jammey the poodle
In Honor of Special People in 2015
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Geoffrey Couch in honor of Debra Couch
Kathleen Passanisi in honor of Brenda Lange
Judy LeRoy in honor of Kathy Henney
Chet, Olga, Maxine and Blue Tilley in honor of their dear friend, Eleanor Curtice
Sara Halvorson in honor of Debbie Landi
Becky Husted in honor of Suzanne Humphreys
Laurie and David Benjamin in honor of Debra and George Couch
Gaylia and Joe Osterlund in honor of The Wolf Pack
Janet and Roger Wolverton in honor of the Sobczak Family
Susan Wytyshyn in honor of the Laguna Seca Women's Golf Club
Catherine Sullivan in honor of Steve and Jennifer Rossi @ UPS 326
Catherine Sullivan in honor of Kyle Ferdinand
Margaret Lairson in honor of Forgiving Paws, Inc.
Linda Humber in honor of Kristan Neubecker
Kellin Chaffin in honor of Mary Callagy
Jacob Neal in honor of Larry Lightman
Fiona, Olive and Willy in honor of Chad and Gina Wolf
Camilla Payne in honor of Beverly Dekker Davidson
Lisa Larson in honor of All the POMDR Staff and Volunteers
Carol Preszler in honor of Jean Lovell
Kathleen Rogers in honor of Michelle Berridge
Hannah Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis
William & Nancy Cleary in honor of Ted Hollister, DVM
Christine Warde in honor of Family & Friends
Cynthia Hutcherson in honor of Taylor, Jonathan, and Riley
Brown Miller in honor of Art Foundation of Desert Hot Springs
Larry Lightman in honor of Barbara Tisdale
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock at the Holidays
Sandra Laughlin in honor of Karen and Andrew Sheppard
Craig Mitchell in honor of Marji and Michael Tibbott
Sue Ellen Gales in honor of Barbara Weigel
Randa Jacobs in honor of Lynn Overtree
Amy Krivis in honor of Carie Broecker
Carmelita Garcia in honor of POMDR for my darling Scruffy
Karen and Marty Wiskoff in honor of the Staff of Oceanview Veterinary Hospital
Karen and Marty Wiskoff in honor of Karen Fenstermaker, D.V.M.
Karen and Marty Wiskoff in honor of Amanda Sharp, D.V.M.
Linus (the dog) in honor of Gina and Chad Wolf
Serina Bell in honor of Michelle Frankel
Peggy Storey in honor of Lori Fusaro
Nanci Markey in honor of Debra Couch
Kylie Neimeth-Lazar in honor of Pam Neimeth
Wendy Frankel in honor of Michelle Frankel
Willy Williams in honor of Sydney LaRose & David Buuck
Kristina Baer in honor of Carie Broecker
Marla Kort in honor of Amy and Jeff Krivis
Hideko Graves in honor of Judith Ann LeRoy
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Sharon Gumz in honor of Ann Mueller
Cindy and Mike Thatcher in honor of Hauck Thatcher
Sara Germann in honor of Eve, for opening your home to animals and people
Kathleen Mulligan in honor of Elle Brookman for her sweet care of my Pugs!
Tracie and Dale in honor of Mary Gates Casey, Happy Birthday to you!!
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Carie, for taking such good care of Chulita
Chris & Katy Ware in honor of Mr & Mrs Weightman, "in honor of your wedding"
Lisa Milligan in honor of Zach Penn
Diane Knipe in honor of Ron Gordon - Thank you for your kindness
Lucy Bueno in honor of Gayle Jackson, Happy Birthday!!
Joel Pritkin in honor of Judy LeRoy
Sheila Williams in honor of Polly Aiello and family for offering to foster Zep
Hannah, Dave & Will in honor of Amy Krivis, Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma
Sheila Williams in honor of Barb DeGroodt
Sheila Williams in honor of Gina Wolf
Sheila Williams in honor of Judy LeRoy
Sheila Williams in honor of Kathy Prew
Mom and Dad in honor of Amy Krivis,Happy Birthday to a special daughter!
Michael Raff & Catherine Henney in honor of Kathy Henney
Katherine & Andrew Switky in honor of Monica Rua
Gail Thorne in honor of Cheri Hitchcock, foster mom extraodinaire
In Honor of Special Animals in 2015
Rosie Bethel in honor of Ranger
Conrad and Deb Bayley in honor of Princesa
Sandra Waszak in honor of Trooper
Nancy Bennett and Arlene Brundage in honor of our dogs
Rebecca LaRussa in honor of China and Bella
Belle Moore in honor of Tillie and Phoebe
Ted and Dana Calhoon in honor of Granddogs Timon and Cowboy Calhoun
Patty Bickel in honor of Stormy and Sasha
Dani Wilcox in honor of Angel
Joy & Mel Pritchard in honor of My great friend, Hannah
Lou Lozano in honor of Dugan
Christina Courcier in honor of Colby
Pamela Pettibon in honor of "My little girl Coco"
Bonita Sebastian in honor of Bee Sebastian
Bonita Sebastian in honor of Lily Maltipoo
Laura Ann Smith in honor of Dolly
Cornelia De Groot in honor of Trixie
Terry Surette in honor of Billy
Barbara Coats in honor of Ms. Toupee
Ian and Audrey Higuera in honor of Klaus the Maus
Adam Eberling in honor of Makaela
Vida Vescera in honor of Mia, who was adopted via POMDR
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Chulita
Gkorfe and Miss T. in honor of Alan Bryant
Michael Thatcher in honor of Chesley
"The Spirit of Jewelry" in honor of Kazzy and Phoebe
CeliaSue Hecht in honor of Corky
Nancy Willougby in honor of another happy year with Pippi
Barbara De Groodt in honor of Dusty Goodwin
Carol Colin in honor of Photon
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Chulita
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Chulita
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2014
Norman Perozzi in memory of Virginia Keeler
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Melvin Osborn
Cindy and Stan Gum in memory of Jan Rose
Pamela Taylor in memory of Juliet and Amanda
Charlene & Scully Etheridge in memory of Fred, Esther & Cinnamon Sheppard
Elsie and Murray Dill in memory of Paul Pgliarulo
Linda Morse in memory of my husband C.W. Gosting and all of our dogs
Mary T. Wilson, Garnet & Trudy Wilson in memory of Lena Campo
Laurel Schrier in memory of Lena Campo
Lem and Mary Jane McKay in memory of Virginia Keeler
Dr. Laura Pasten in memory of Susan Saunders, who loved animals
Rosalie Howarth in memory of Elizabeth Smith and her dog Sami
Vincent and Betty Meek in memory of Virginia Keeler
Cindy and Bill Burge in memory of Virginia Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. John Upp in memory of Dr. Dale Olson
Jenny Monteiro in memory of Gabriella Graham
Kathy Lebovic in memory of Emerson Chandler
Barbara Grace in memory of Gabriella Graham
Diana Cryan in memory of Kathee Vondracek
Barbara & Terry Surette in memory of Ms. Lillian Judd, a supporter of animal causes
Bud and Ginny Roemhild in memory of Gabriella Graham
Alan, Ellen and Lillian Walendowski in memory of Brian Devoto
Marian Van Arsdol in memory of Eda Ristau
Joan and Gary Johnson in memory of Gabriella Graham and her love of people & dogs
Josephine Williams in memory of Gabriella Graham
Mary Kay, Walter, Dash and Rooney Dean in memory of Pat Nickell
Merle Pranikoff in memory of Gabriella Graham
Joanne Juarez in memory of Janice Oney
Flora & David Davis in memory of Pat Nickell
Carla Wood in memory of Gabriella Graham
Elaine & Eric Voltz in memory of Elizabeth Schneider
Alice Hartwell in memory of Patricia "Pat" Nickell
Melissa Fitzgerald in memory of Patricia Nickell
Rachel Krivis in memory of Pat Nickell
Amy Krivis in memory of Pat Nickell
The Schroots in memory of Gabriella Graham
Jerri Wolf in memory of Julie Leum
Patricia Egan-Meyers in memory of Gabriella Graham, she lived life to the fullest
Debi & Jon Jeppesen in memory of Gabriella Graham, you will be missed!
The Azevedo's in memory of Gabriella Graham
Kay and Randall Morris in memory of Beverly Adele Zwach
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Nancy Young
Stacia Chapman-Gorey in memory of Miles and Basil Morgan
Mary Liskin in memory of Amy
Lisa Milligan in memory of Tom Barrera's Sweet Grandmother
Bill Janes & Kirsten Dethlefs-Janes in memory of Lisa Christine Cunningham
John and Cindy Hutcherson in memory of Dr. Denny Hartshorn
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Frederick Capodilupo
Mary Wiltse in memory of Robert Noel
Hansena and Marvin Swanson in memory of Doris Hess
Ora Evans in memory of Tony Lindouer
Gayle Jackson in memory of Ruth Fukumoto
Elie Curtice in memory of Dorothy Mobert
Mr. & Mrs. John Upp in memory of Dee Bruer
Mr. & Mrs. John Upp in memory of Lorine Gartland
Bryan and Laura King in memory of Judy Allen
Elie Curtice in memory of Joe Richerts
Dolores Weeks in memory of Joe Richerts
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2014
Becky Mann in memory of Murphy's Irish Rover
Pamela Pettibon in memory of Spinner Pettibon
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Emily Cisneros
Pam Taylor in memory of Juliet and Amanda
Lynn Lopes in memory of Toby Sempek
Diana Pavloff Cryan in memory of Preston Hodges
Mary Fobian in memory of Tasha Prew, remembered with great fondness
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Patches
Jehanne & Donald Loe in memory of Schultz, the most wonderful companion ever
Julie Scurfield in memory of Daisy Rak
Amy Krivis in memory of Habibi Neal
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Hope Williams
Sheila Keith in memory of Molly Keith, our beloved Springer Spaniel
Taffra Mayo in memory of Callie Wingate
Carie & Scott Broecker in memory of Hope Williams
Kathy Henney in memory of Habibi Neal
Pete and Kathy Henney in memory of Lenny White
Lillian N. in memory of Gertie, I miss her dearly
Ken & Diane Slasor in memory of Bogie and Teeter, In our hearts every day
Carol Silverira in memory of Farley and Petie
Josephine Rogers in memory of Mattie
Cindy and Mike Thatcher in memory of Elly
Karen Boone in memory of Elly
Susan Charvonia in memory of my precious Sammi
Barbara Bobrow in memory of Stella
Julia Foster-Bates in memory of Shelby Bates
Laura McGuigan in memory of The Five Dog Nite Plus All Min Pins that are gone
Amy & Jeff Krivis in memory of Romeo Zadeh
Mary Sherman in memory of Sugar
Butch and Peigi Malec in memory of Looloo Koretz
Lisa Milligan in memory of Gus Sermon
Christine Kondo-Lister in memory of Mr. Bear Lister
Gina Wolf in memory of Cody Smith
Blaine and Becky in memory of Bogey Aluffi
Rhonda and Cissy the Cattle Dog in memory of Kaya Kull
Kathy Henney in memory of Wally Ornellas, "Wally was the best"
Lisa Milligan in memory of Punkin Hamilton
Lisa Milligan in memory of Millie Anderson
Diane Scholl in memory of Caesar Bledsoe
Adam Pliska in memory of Jessie Burton
Marti Ainsworth in memory of Holly Revoir
Barbara Reitz in memory of Lady, "God bless you, Lady"
Thomas & Jennifer Werbe in memory of Jessie Burton
Kelly Luker in memory of Bentley, Lucy, Chance and Angie
Esther Bourne in memory of Lacy
The Carmel Doll Shop in memory of Broughlin Canadas-Robinson, a great Bulldog
Diana Cryan in memory of Tia
Solange and Stephen Hansen in memory of Snowflake Hansen
Joanie and Rob Wellington in memory of Jack Campbell/Smith
Elie Curtice in memory of Rosie
Debbie & Willoughby Farah in memory of Jet Blink
Debbie & Willoughby Farah in memory of Fergus McCormack
Kathy & Pete Henney in memory of Snowflake Hansen
Sally Lucas in memory of Fergie Sullivan
Pam Bonsper & Carie Broecker in memory of Angel Ceniceros/Hoffmann
Elie Curtice in memory of Brandy
Barbara Reitz in memory of Tori
Andy and Teri Goodman in memory of Buddy Wiest
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Thumper, a great kitty
Amy Krivis in memory of Emmy Wolf
Monica Rua & John Sullivan in memory of Emmy & Cara Wolf
Amy Krivis in memory of Cara, such a sweet heart
Marti Ainsworth in memory of Artie Suhr
Sheila Williams in memory of Brave Little Em and Cara Beara
Sheila Williams in memory of Darla, TWPB
Kathy Henney in memory of Cara Wolf
Aliceon Jones in memory of Tony Jones
Kathy Henney in memory of Emmy Wolf
Ruth Carter in memory of Bella Strasser-Kaufman
Carol Hilburn in memory of Zorro Zee
Kathy Henney in memory of Mrs. Beasley POMDR foster dog
Mary Liskin in memory of Aiden Adams
Sharon Miller in memory of Weezel Boyle, a very good little dog
The Thatcher Family in memory of Wilson
Susan Resnik in memory of Pepe
Jeff and Amy Krivis in memory of Cooper
Monica Rua and John Sullivan in memory of Tigger
The Nogle Family in memory of Tigger Henney
Judy LeRoy and Larry Booker in memory of Tigger
Scott and Carie Broecker in memory of Tigger Henney
Amy & Jeff Krivis in memory of Guiness Nobel
Alice Catania in memory of Pepper
Carol Bentley in memory of Molly and Barron
Monica and John in memory of Buffy
Monica Rua & John Sullivan in memory of Cassie
Mary Liskin in memory of Pooka Travaille
Margaret Leighton in memory of Nigel Leighton
Larry and Judy LeRoy in memory of Yoda Alcantara
Lisa Milligan in memory of Maddy Yamada
Alice Catania in memory of Maggie
Mary Liskin in memory of Buddy Dukart
Karen Turner in memory of Nabi Wells
Rebecca Gordano in memory of Miss Spot, my second foster
Allyn Donigian in memory of our sweet Georgia
Mary Liskin in memory of Moca & Wilson
Linda and Dave Wilsey in memory of Tina Rua Sullivan
Ruth Carter in memory of Roxanne Dobbs, the best Pug ever
Joan Wellington in memory of Lucy and Odie Fredrickson
Chuck and Francine O'Daniel in memory of Rusty O'Daniel
Sharon and Bruce in memory of Tina Rua-Sullivan
Amy Krivis in memory of Tina Rua-Sullivan
Amy Krivis in memory of Beau
Kathy and Pete in memory of Tina Rua-Sullivan
Carie and Scott in memory of Tina Wina
Elie Curtice in memory of Marty
Lisa Millgan in memory of Baxter ("Bosco") Balesteri
Lisa, Piper and Amber Rose Milligan in memory of Angie Hackett
Sarah Adams in memory of Lexi Burleigh
Sarah Adams in memory of Kenzie Segale
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Cambria
Diana Pavloff Cryan in memory of Tex Ladymon
Joyce and Waldo Aumiller in memory of C.J. Miller
Elie Curtice in memory of "B.J." Neighbours
Lea & Chris Moody in memory of Jeter Moody
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Lady Nadeau
Louise, Lilly and Buckley Von Hasseln in memory of Baron
"Auntie Lisa" Milligan in memory of Cici
Margaret Sincoff in memory of Joey Linvill
Betty Lauritsen in memory of Satchmo Snell
"Auntie Lisa" Milligan in memory of Forbes Nixon
Vanessa Rogier in memory of Daphne Steele
Vanessa Rogier in memory of Belle Demkowski
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Annie Woolfson
Diane Scholl in memory of Kota Kershing
Sheila Williams in memory of Ellie Jelly Belly
Wendy Smith in memory of Gramma Ethel Moonbeam
Susan & Dwight Marshall in memory of Gooch Bowman
Daniel Corral, Jr in memory of Daisy Bell Corral
The Sollecito Family in memory of Willie, our beautiful Lab in heaven
Donna Schaffer in memory of Bonnie
Valerie Newman in memory of Boomer and Madison
Blanche MacDonald in memory of Mitzi
Kelly Luker in memory of Billy Shaw
Larry & Maureen Bordenave in memory of Buddy Milligan
Sally Burton in memory of Katie, who brought Jenny & Tom great joy
Kathy & Pete Henney in memory of Sandy Mellon
In Honor of Special People in 2014
Gayle Jackson in honor of The POMDR Board
Ania Malkowska-Leek in honor of Vanessa Franklin
Elaine Elkin in honor of Kalman Weinfeld
Wendy Roberts in honor of The Perlstein Family
Carolyn Griffin in honor of Renate, Stella and Murphy
Betty O'Conner in honor of Janet Paslin, Happy Birthday!
Becky, Blaine and Libby in honor of Bryon Price
ReneeTissue in honor of Cindy Reskovic
With Love, Judy and Larry in honor of Joel Pritkin & William Jones
Mama, Larbin, Sadie & Jackson in honor of Katherine LeRoy, Gary Paolini & Django
Mom, Larbin, Sadie & Jackson in honor of Mark LeRoy, Maya Parish and Ella
Julie Given in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
Susan Stockwell Yates in honor of Margot Pettit Nichols
Sandra Laughlin in honor of Andrew Sheppard
Mollie Sears in honor of Lisa & Mark Sears for Noah and Cocoa
Jane Rocker in honor of Rhonda Rocker
Lynn Overtree in honor of Randa Jacobs TU for loving Gracie and Chance
Pat Warren in honor of The Warren Family,
Mary & Doyle in honor of The Clearys, Merry Christmas
Stance Adler in honor of Chris and Jerry Baker
Brigitte Wasserman in honor of Albert & Birdie Wasserman
Jeanne Gardner in honor of Pat Golman
Donna Clare Lawson in honor of Patty Jones
Judith Wylie in honor of all POMDR volunteers
Joanne Nissen in honor of Cheri Hitchcock
John and Charlotte Robertson in honor of Betsy Johnson, Merry Christmas
Robbie Dunton in honor of Connie Shelstad
Lael Ambrose in honor of Annalisa Rava's birthday!
Constance Sisler in honor of Debra Couch's Birthday
Kathy Henney in honor of Janis Fitzhugh
Pat Herro in honor of Connie Streett, on her 70th Birthday
Camilla Payne in honor of Beverly Decker-Davidson
Lien Trinh in honor of Lynn Bentley
Anonymous donor in honor of Lynn Bentley, thank you for Lucy's loving care
From Consuelo in honor of Pat, happy "Milestone Birthday"!
Eva Corets, Josh Beloff, Reid & Madison in honor of the wedding of Ramona Pierson & Debra Chrapaty
Howard Birnberg in honor of the wedding of Debra Chrapty and Ramona Peirson
Rebecca Norlander in honor of the wedding of Ramona and Debra
Suzanne Schultz in honor of Kate Kloppenburg, Happy Birthday!
Lucy and Henry Billingsley in honor of Debra Couch, Happy Birthday!
Nanci Markey in honor of Debra Couch
Eric, Rohr and Lynda Hautala in honor of Debra Chrapaty & Ramona Pierson, congratulations!
Leanne Skudrna Barassi in honor of Debra and Ramona, Congratulations!
Kathy & Pete Henney in honor of Donna Cayson and her loving care of CJ
Megan Wasserman in honor of my mom, Susan Wasserman
Joanie and Rob Wellington in honor of Denise Righetti on her birthday.
Jane Parks-McKay, Lola and Luka in honor of Volunteers of POMDR
John Hall in honor of Shiela Dean, and her commitment to children & dogs
Shiela Dean in honor of Barb Cartright
Hideko Graves in honor of Judith Ann LeRoy, Happy Birthday
Ruth Hammarberg & Karen Reinitz in honor of Dr. Tom Boekbinder
Hans Schwartz in honor of Lisa Schwartz
Margaret Stephenson in honor of Dr. Tom Bockbinder
Tom Werbe in honor of Jennifer Werbe, Happy Birthday
Jane Parks-McKay in honor of Lynn Bentley
Lorraine Martinez in honor of Gladys Martinez and her dog, Marco Polo
Christine Davis in honor of Darla Jo, Happy B-Day!
Gillian Thornley in honor of Sarah Adams for her invaluable help with our puppy
Sharon, Bruce and Sparky in honor of Darlene Long, Happy Mother's Day
Debi Nutcher in honor of Roger Wolverton, an amazing handyman & friend
Stephanie Culbertson in honor of Darla Jo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Virginia Germani in honor of Dr Tom Boekbinder
Gloria Chavarria in honor of Dr. Tom Boekbinder
Carmen Wolff in honor of Dr. Tom
Charles and Norma Peluso in honor of Dr. Tom
James and Avril Nero in honor of Dr. Tom Boekbinder
Phillip Pearce in honor of Dr. Tom, "Thanks to Dr. Tom"
J. Cason and L. Crawley in honor of Dr. Tom
Mitchell and Amber Kastros in honor of Dr Tom Boekbinder
Bruce Merchant and Sandra Reel in honor of Dr. Tom's Medical Fund
Bennie and Susan Horn in honor of Dr. Tom
Donna and Michael Haggerty in honor of Dr. Tom's Medical Fund
Barbara Korp in honor of Dr. Tom, "For your wonderful care of Laika"
Sally Jane Amoroso in honor of Dr. Tom
Kathy Henney in honor of Dr. Tom, "Have a happy retirement!"
Gayle Jackson in honor of Dr. Tom, for your heartfelt support of POMDR!
Richard & Elizabeth Moley in honor of Dr. Tom Boekbinder
Monica & John in honor of Dr. Tom Boeckbinder, and his love of animals
Kristina Baer in honor of Dr. Tom, thanks and best wishes
Anna Gazo in honor of Dr. Tom Boekbinder on his retirement
Jacey Copes in honor of Jillian Slyman, Happy Birthday Jullian!
Tisa & David Zeiger in honor of Mary & Patrick Casey and our little Charlotte
Nan & Granddad in honor of Juliet Perlstein, Happy Birthday!
Mary Gates-Casey in honor of Susan O'Brien for helping train older dogs
Rachel Krivis in honor of Amy Krivis, Happy Birthday!
Mom & Dad in honor of Amy Krivis, Belated Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!
Catherine Wright & John Sullivan in honor of Dr. Theresa Arteaga
Hannah and Dave Matthew in honor of Amy Krivis, Happy Birthday Mom!
The Sollecito Family in honor of Carie Broecker
In Honor of Special Animals in 2014
Elizabeth Gill in honor of Suzi, being fostered by Meredith Gill
Pamela Pettibon in honor of Becca Pettibon
Barbara Tieken in honor of Valerie Fern & Wendy Bates
Rose Anna Bethel-deGrove in honor of Ranger
Rocket, Clwen and Gracie Cupp in honor of Monty Kloppenberg
Paula Kovacs in honor of Chulita Graham
Lisa, Karen, Luke and Jack in honor of The Dog Families
The Jensen's in honor of Lily, Jimmy, Carter, Lago and Bodie
Gramps & Gramie in honor of Timone & Cowboy Calhoon, "Merry Christmas"
Adriana Borrelli in honor of Riley and Diesel
Philip Pearce in honor of Wyatt
Richard and Betty Franco in honor of Harriet
Vivian's Mom, Barbara in honor of Vivian
Maria Osario in honor of Jessie
The Katzleberger's in honor of Hickory, who's wonderful as ever!
Barbara Fernandez in honor of Miss Dolly
From Hershey's mom in honor of Hershey and his 20 wonderful years
Paul Lunsman, S. Hillsdale Animal Hospital in honor of Jessie Burton
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Chulita
Paula Kovacs in honor of Chulita Graham
Eva & Charlie Wertheimer in honor of Nala Hackett
Megan Wasserman in honor of my POMDR dog Roxy
Francie Newfield in honor of Kirby
Anita Bogdanoff in honor of Chulita
Patti Lewis in honor of Chulita and her friends
Victoria Ramos in honor of Simon
Cheryl Babcock in honor of Simon
Michelle Wilkinson in honor of Simon
Laura King in honor of Maggie
Klaus & Jeanette Katzlberger in honor of Hickory
Barbara De Groodt in honor of Satchmo Snell
Alexis Link in honor of Rocco, who found his family
The Sollecito Family in honor of Jett
Judy Tatelbaum in honor of Honey
Margaret Leighton in honor of Nigel's 14th Birthday!
Barbara Wilson in honor of Numi, Boo, Snow, Chloe and Sam, all great dogs!
Carole & Ben Heinrich in honor of Puddin, We love her so!!!
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2013
Chris Moody in memory of Luke and Brady
Charlene and Scully Etheridge, with much love, in memory of Fred, Esther and Cinnamon Sheppard
Nancy McGraw in memory of Patrica Bauer
Laura King in memory of Judy Allen
Mike & Cathy Early in memory of Bill Goodridge
Todd Ingram in memory of Bonnie Lynch
Carol Lark in memory of Rodney Herndon
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Ernie Williams
Susan Charvonia in memory of Linda Weitzman
Eleanor Curtice in memory of George Haltiner
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of John Silveira
John & Barbara Schubert in memory of Joan Carbaugh, who dearly loved dogs
Judith Dlugonski in memory of Richard Hitchcock
Ann and Bob Hestand in memory of Pat Bohan
Pat Zielinski in memory of Jan Enkosky
Elie Curtice in memory of Shirley Gillette
Elie Curtice in memory of Emelia Haven
Bernadine (Deane) Hollenbach in memory of Mick Herrera
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Connie Vincenz
Stephanie Kearns in memory of Raymond Alexander
Janet Colson in memory of Bob Quinn
Elie Curtice in memory of Teresa Palmer
Aliceon Jones in memory of Thomas Butler
Barbara Coats in memory of Marian Phillips
Nina Butler in memory of Doris Vincenz
Lori and Matt Bohan in memory of Patrick Bohan
Carol and Don Hilburn in memory of Charles Parsons
Murray & Elsie Dill in memory of Doris Vincenz
Jan Gryp in memory of Doris Vincenz
Paula Clark in memory of Doris Vincenz
Elkhorn Packing Co. in memory of Doris Vincenz
Joanne Nissen in memory of Doris Vincenz
Pauline Beagle in memory of Doris Vincenz
Brent and Maureen Eastman in memory of Doris Vincenz
Eleanore Curtice in memory of Amy Curtice
Karen Antle in memory of Doris Vincenz
Ed and Linda Little in memory of Doris Vincenz
Bonnie and Gene Nielsen in memory of Doris Vincenz
Bruce and Connie Reeves in memory of Doris Vincenz
Judy and Larry LeRoy in memory of Doris Vincenz
Ed and Carol Yoakum in memory of Doris Vincenz
Mike & Cathy Early in memory of Duane Warner
The Imperial Shih Tzu Playhouse in memory of Vera Pulido, who LOVED her babies.
Barbara Reitz and Shirley Tyler in memory of Martha Sorensen
Mary Liskin in memory of Carole Warburton
Charlene White in memory of Kristin Siemann
Jean Hontalas in memory of Lee Richardson
Elie Curtice in memory of Linda Jacobs
Donald and Marian Hartill in memory of brother Charles
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2013
Christine Derr in memory of Jackson, my first and best boy, we miss you!
Sheila Williams in memory of Nicky Dolan
Becky Mann in memory of a fine Irish lad, Murphy's Irish Rover
Cindy and Blair Locke in memory of Katie Werbe
Jane & Tom Sullivan in memory of Toby Elesh
Linda Zanko in memory of Jet
Jim & Cosette Rickner in memory of Ellie
Stephanie Kearns in memory of Rocco Hurd
Tom and Jennifer Werbe in memory of Beautiful Katie, Good Girl
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Katie Werbe
Sheila Williams in memory of Sweet Brave Little Betsy Wolf
Merry Trucksis in memory of Homer Neal
Lisa Milligan in memory of Buddy-Boy, we had 9 wonderful months!
Marge Ferguson in memory of Sammy Star
Robin Balchen in memory of Rudy Doody
Mary Sherman in memory of Sugar
Gail Thorne in memory of Jasper and Molly Hitchcock
Virginia Marshall in memory of Molly Sarmento
Suzanne Rubino in memory of Pico
Patty McCoy in memory of Luther McCoy
Turi Kozel in memory of Stoli Kozel
Marilyn Ann Dunn in memory of Daisy
Gayle and Kathy Jenson in memory of Lil Bear
Kathleen Sherman in memory of the love of my life, Cubby
Sheila Wiillams in memory of Ranger Hoecker
Jody, Jeff and the grandchildren in memory of Sassy Huber
Sharilyn Cabelera in memory of Jazzie Cabelera
Tiffany Singh in memory of Lucy Speelmon
The Tilly's in memory of sweet lilttle O.D. Cook
Eleanore Curtice in memory of O.D. Cook
Susan Marshall in memory of Banson Hardy, a wonderful, gentle dog
Elaine & Fred Voltz in memory of Sarah O'Brien-Schneider
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Blizzard Sokaris
Mary & David Liskin in memory of Nico Vanlobensels
Ron & Diane Scholl in memory of The Lieberman Family's 17 yr old "puppy"
Sally Lucas in memory of Lily Charles, dearly loved by Angela and Glen
Daniel & Mary Jo Rose in memory of Miss Chloe Aumiller
Mary & David Liskin in memory of Howie Adams
Mary & David Liskin in memory of Gryf Gizzi
Rose Cala in memory of Logan Holly
Kristen Garabedian in memory of Joey, dearly loved and greatly missed.
Kathy Henney in memory of Cookie
Sydney, Geri, Dodo, Becca and Margaret in memory of Steely Dan Funderburke
Sheila Williams in memory of Tasha Bear Prew
Russ and Brenda Flegal in memory of Beauty Ettinger
Chris and Kevin Duymich in memory of Trooper, our precious boy
Jennifer Werbe in memory of Logan Gomez
Marilee Geyer in memory of Bailey Marecek
Kathy Henney in memory of Hector & in honor of the Sedgwicks loving care
Kathy Henney in memory of Amber Thorton
Tiffany Singh in memory of Nino Gould
The Raw Food Connection, Sarah Adams in memory of Maggie Holz
Jody and Jeff in memory of Shayla Worrell-Elliott
Jodi and Jeff in memory of Shatner Huber-Stein
Jodi and Jeff in memory of Taz and Sparky Townson
John and Jane Upp in memory of Margi Johnson
Andy and Teri Goodman in memory of Sace Gamble
Carol and Don Hilburn in memory of Lexie Harrington
Martie Ainsworth and Tom Reilly in memory of Pepper Frost, the fierce
Susan Charvonia in memory of Bear Murrer
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Sasha Burg
Lisa Milligan in memory of Raven Hamilton
Kathy Henney in memory of Noelle Geyer
Amy and Jeff Krivis in memory of Noelle Geyer
Mike, Cathy & Lulu Early in memory of Kayla Marticorena
Jamilynn Willaman in memory of Jack Browne
Catherine Sullivan in memory of sweet Boxer boy, Franus Gindick-Lewis
Kathy Henney in memory of Bailey Jordan
Patricia Golmon in memory of Wilson, aka Boo-Boo
The Henney Hounds in memory of Jack Browne
Chet and Olga Tilley in memory of Jessie Cook
Sheila, Dan, Corky, Hopie and Fiona Williams in memory of Misty
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Annie Woolfson
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Chloe Major
Elie Curtice in memory of Jessie Cook
Kathleen Sherman and Cubby in memory of sweet Jenni, now an angel in heaven
Ron and Diane Scholl in memory of Sylvie Rowley
Karen & Andrew Sheppard in memory of Andy Snell
Judy Leroy and Larry Booker in memory of Andy Snell
Carla Odello in memory of Andy Snell
Mary Liskin in memory of Newman Knight
Lori MacPherson in memory of Gracie Schleicher
Kathleen and Keith Frost in memory of Murphy Dalquest
Beth Birnbaum in memory of Addie
Laura Tilley in memory of Lucky Edgars
Judy Tatelbaum in memory of Noodles
Marti Ainsworth and Tom Reilly in memory of Jake Frost
In Honor of Special People in 2013
From Franklin in honor of Mia
Raymond Schmidt in honor of my brother-in-law,Michael McCawley
Sarah Kaatz in honor of Mary Gates & Patrick Casey
Gail Solo in honor of Amy Krivis
Rose Cala in honor of Monica and Jay Gordon
Judy LeRoy in honor of Lani Jones
Judy Leroy and Larry Booker in honor of Joel Pritkin and William Jones
Shelia Williams in honor of Barbara DeGroodt
Sheila Williams in honor of Gina Wolf
Oma and Bruce in honor of Carie Broecker, you inspire us!
Susan and Dwight Marshall in honor of Judy LeRoy
Suzi and Stan Resnik in honor of Bunny Hunter
Noel Van Bibber in honor of Karen Sheppard
Donna Lawson in honor of Patty Jones, a kind friend to all critters!
Carolyn & Howard Sullivan, Holiday greetings in honor of Monica Rua and John Sullivan
Peg Lairsen in honor of Missy's Adopter
Jeff & Martha Froke in honor of The best dog sitter, Lucinda Anderson
Cynthia Williams in honor of Eleanor Curtice
Sydney LaRose and David Buuck in honor of Carie Broecker
Tess, Kip, Dwight & Susan in honor of Diane Grindol
Cinders in honor of Renee Tissue
Constance Adler, Merry Christmas in honor of Chris and Jerry Baker
Francie, Peter and Happy Newfield in honor of Betty Rose Paller
Katherine Wenglikowski in honor of Turi Kozel, animal lover
Alison Burleigh in honor of Shirley Temple kindness
Kevin Siemann Family in honor of the wedding of Patrick and Mary Casey
Ginnie, David & Blossom in honor of The Sears Family, Happy Birthday Mark and Lisa!
Jeff and Robbin in honor of Barry Booth & Bill Worster
Carol Berry in honor of Darla & Rick Vanschuyver
Bob & Sally Backus Reinmann in honor of Patrick and Mary Casey
Christina Courcier in honor of Mary Gates and Patrick Casey's wedding
Judd & Dawna Jordan in honor of Mary Gates and her fiancee Patrick
Peggy Storey in honor of Lori Fusaro & her efforts on behalf of senior dogs
Pat and Jem Lotspeich-Beshears in honor of the marriage of Mary Gates and Patrick Casey
Allyn Donigian in honor of Rebecca Gordano
Hideko Graves in honor of Judy LeRoy, Happy Birthday Judy!
Debi Spiers in honor of Judy LeRoy, Happy Birthday Judy!
Susan Charvonia in honor of Christina Lund, Happy Birthday Christina!
Lori Haugen and the guys in honor of Greta Miller, Happy Birthday Greta!!
Toni Sippel in honor of Judy LeRoy, Happy Birthday Judy!!
Emily Nicholl in honor of the wedding of Mary Gates and Patrick Casey
Kimberly Finn in honor of cousin Lynn Overtree, Happy Birthday!
Suzanne Schettler in honor of Lynn Overtree, Happy Birthday!
Scott Jannssen in honor of Lynn Overtree, "Happy Birthday!"
Bill Dall, Pat Bost and Shadow in honor of Scott Broecker and Andrew Sheppard
Ginny Katzlberger on behalf of Hickory, in honor of Chris Moran and her Iris Farm
David Matthew in honor of Jonathan Mattew's birthday
Pat and Elliot in honor of Dr. Jonathan Matthew, Happy Birthday!
Amy, Jeff and Rachel Krivis in honor of Jon Matthew, Happy Birthday!
Julie, Mike, Marilyn, Walt, Andrea & Mark in honor of Jon Matthew,"Happy Birthday!!"
The Cole Family in honor of Karen Sheppard
Joan Lathrop in honor of my friend Elle Brookman
Tia and Ritch Lewis in honor of Catherine Sullivan & John Wright
Kathleen McMurdo in honor of Mary Callagy's birthday!
Barbara, Anza and Tori Reitz in honor of the marriage of Kelly Darbin & Russ McHugh
Groomingdales in honor of Juliet Perlstein
Michael J. Rand in honor of jeffrey and Amy Krivis
Nancy Cleary in honor of Mary Heaton, Happy Birthday!
Marti and Tom Ainsworth in honor of Barb Cartwright
Betty and Joe O'Conner in honor of Lynn Overtree
Patricia, Paul, Cora & Maria in honor of Carmen Linda Domingo Enright, Happy Birthday!
The Henney Family in honor of Kathleen Sherman and her loving care of Jenni
Lori MacPherson in honor of Monica Rua, crusader for animals
Cas Overton in honor of William Jones' birthday!
Cas Overton in honor of Joel Pritkin's birthday!
Kathy Spake in honor of Michael Whitsett
In Honor of Special Animals in 2013
Rosalie Howarth in honor of Sami
Leslie and David Plumlee in honor of Minh
Rosie Bethel in honor of Ranger
Julia Renz in honor of Nellie
Ruth Johnson in honor of Mele' Lyons
Laura King in honor of Maggie
Grammie & Grampsy Calhoon in honor of Timon and Cowboy Calhoon
Maria Osorio in honor of Jessie
Peter & Ginny Katzlberger in honor of Hickory Katzlberger
Diane Wolcott in honor of Stella
Cindy Norlin in honor of Kara Mia Gay
Wynter Nichols in honor of Stella, who came from POMDR
Olivia Sadlowski in honor of Missy, POMDR blind & deaf pug
Robert Shane in honor of Lucy Lab
Kathy McIninch in honor of Dusty
Elizabeth Hurley in honor of Findlay Hurley
Marilyn Hobbs in honor of our sweet Sugar
Rosalie Howarth in honor of Betty Smith's Sami
In Loving Memory of Special People in 2012
Betty Nelson in memory of Corrine Crone
Rosalind and Dennis Wyszynski in memory of Robert Boger
Mary Liskin in memory of Dr. Bob Auger
Kristina and George Baer in memory of Terry Kihara
Michelle Jozwiak in memory of Mary Gargiulo
Matthew Freeman in memory of Robert Overtree
The Fox Family in memory of Robert Overtree
Kimberly Ruane in memory of Robert Overtree
Elie Curtice in memory of Nancy Haverty
Aliceon Jones in memory of Frank Shippen
Mary and David Liskin in memory of Fred "Frosty" Knoop
Jane Parks-McKay, for Fox's Dental in memory of William R. Parks
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Kristen Brubaker
Kalman Weinfeld in memory of Barbara Jarvis
Kathi Plank, Lisa Flores and Vesper White in memory of Illadia DeSilva
Marilyn Ann Dunn in memory of Bill Parks
Cheri Hitchcock in memory of Herman Luchessa
Karen Reinitz and Ruth Hammarberg in memory of Marcia Cross and her dog Nohea
The Wright Family in memory of Lillian Schreyer
Eleanor Curtice in memory of Mollie Sumida
The Sullivan Family in memory of Joe Fitzpatrick
Jeffrey Kongslie Correa in memory of Patricia Shirk
Anonymous in memory of Betty Tomaw
Stacey Golding in memory of Nan Williams
Ted & Stacey Golding in memory of Nan Williams
Alison Nutting in memory of Pat Shirk
Elie Curtis in memory of Jane Magee
Veronica Foley in memory of Sherrie Moe
John & Lynn Caldwell in memory of Sherrie Moe
In Loving Memory of Special Animals in 2012
Cynthia FitzGerald in memory of Lucy
Beth and Van Davis in memory of Jester
Kathy Henney in memory of Jackson Derr
Carol Silveria in memory of Farley & Petie
Mary Liskin in memory of Lucky
Jon and Marilyn Beck in memory of Pumpkin Nathan
Judy and Larry LeRoy in memory of Foxy Williams
Mary Cogburn in memory of Dozee
POMDR's Board and Director in memory of Beau Cabelera
Ellen Isaacs in memory of Jenny and Shadow Parisi
Vanessa Rogier in memory of Missy Herrera
Krissa Baylor & Nancy Zeissler in memory of Conner (Diego)
Rodney & Dolores Bartsch in memory of Marley, she was a sweet girl
Mary Sherman in memory of Sugar
Meg Sims Johnson in memory of Tyr, German Shepherd
Fred & Phylis Meurer in memory of Bandit
The Giulianis in memory of Miss Dolly Rettig
Michelle Jozwiak in memory of Toomba Walsh
Jenni Rankin in memory of Truckee D'Angelis
Suzanne Rubino in memory of Truckee D'Angelis
Mary and David Liskin in memory of Bonnie Schley
The Sheppard Family in memory of the sweetest dog, Cosmo Higgins
Joanne & Bruce Crist in memory of Ruby Greenshields
Karen Wallin in memory of Trooper Elder
Karen Sheppard in memory of Princess
Sarah Adams in memory of the sweet lab mix, Jake Gorman
The POMDR Board in memory of Sunny Connors
Jeff & Amy Krivis in memory of Rosa, beloved member of the Clos Pepe family
Carol & Don Hilburn in memory of "LB" Little Buddy Ban
Carol Dellecker in memory of Masala Greenfield
Patricia Golmon in memory of dear Mattie
Jeanne Gardner in memory of Mattie Golmon
The Weruva Internation Inc in memory of Maggie Tharp's kitty, Calvin
Elie Curtice in memory of Pearl Annott
Ellen Mitchell in memory of Charlie, Schnapps and Jupiter
The Ainsworth Family in memory of Sugah
Kathleen & Keith Frost in memory of Sugah Ainsworth
Kristina Baer in memory of Bay
Geri Burchard in memory of Bay Baer
Mary Liskin in memory of Sake Brenner
Mary Liskin in memory of Caesar Morgan
Virida Sarmento in memory of Charlie, Virginia's best "bud"
Sarah Adams, The Raw Connection in memory of Simone Enders
Marilee and Bob Geyer in memory of Pumkin
Kathy and Pete Henney in memory of Pumkin Geyer
Mary Callagy in memory of Sweet Pea Drais
Karen Reinitz in memory of Gabe Adams
Sarah Adams, The Raw Connection in memory of Stella Haddad
Monica/John Rua/Sullivan in memory of Gracie Schleicher
Cathy and Mike Early in memory of Simon and Petey
Elie Curtice in memory of Anya Tilley
Andrea Tweedt in memory of Toby Blackburn
Denise Arasin in memory of Wendell
Marilee & Bob Geyer in memory of Mindy
The Henney Family in memory of Mindy
Sarah Adams in memory of Rusty Husdon-McFann
John Sullivan and Monica Rua in memory of Woodrow
Amy Krivis in memory of Woodrow
Sabrina Aliotti in memory of Buster Aliotti
Theresa Arteaga, DVM in memory of Pearl McHenry
Theresa Arteaga, DVM in memory of Coco Puff DiPaola
Theresa Arteaga, DVM in memory of Lexi Collins
Patricia Golmon in memory of Olive Rose
Patricia Golmon in memory of Ginger Dramov
Bruce & Joanne Crist in memory of Karie Politzer
Marilee & Bob Geyer in memory of Dusty
Pete & Kathy Henney in memory of Woodrow
Wendi Newman in memory of Buelah Skinner
Jan Elster in memory of Lady Ryan
In Honor of Special People in 2012
Amy Orear in honor of Norm Thompson
Leah Rubin in honor of Barbara Hobbs
Jack, Joanie and Shiloh Webb in honor of Vanessa Franklin
Howard & Carolyn Sullivan in honor of John Sullivan and Monica Rua
Lauren Tennent in honor of Eric and Shelley Welty
Larry and Judy LeRoy in honor of Joel Pritkin and William Jones
Constance Adler in honor of Uncle Jerry Baker
Sharon Miller in honor of Carie Broecker and her work with the dogs
Jackie, Mark, Sinja & Kachina Wendland in honor of Cindy and John Hutcherson
Kristin DeLuca, Merry Christmas! in honor of Karin DeLuca
Kristin DeLuca, Merry Christmas! in honor of Nick DeLuca
Barbara Tieken, "Fluffy made me do it!!" in honor of Valerie Fern & Wendy Bates
Stephanie Perlstein in honor of Juliet Perlstein and Chloe Stickler
Monica Gordon in honor of Marilee Geyer
Kathy Henney in honor of Lyn Overtree and her TLC of Skoshi & Honey Bear
Hilary & Jon Matthew in honor of Amy & Jeff Krivis + Phoebe and Joey
Marion Trentman-Morelli in honor of the Van Djiks and all Foster Famlies!
Anita Worsham in honor of my friend Elle Brookman
Donna Clare Lawson-Leisy in honor of my friend Patty Jones
Marilyn Dunn in honor of the wedding of Marion Moore & John Wimberley
From Rafael, "Happy Birthday!" in honor of Anastasia Torres-Gil
Anastasia Torres-Gil in honor of Marilee G & Kim W for their TLC of Fox & Lucy
Marilee Geyer in honor of Caroline Gan and memory of Victor
Suzi Ammons & Richard Matuszek in honor of Carie Broecker
Tom Werbe in honor of Jennifer Werbe
Timothy Baker in honor of Kim Williams and John Woodhouse's Wedding
Pete, Jeanette & Hickory Katzlberger in honor of Diane Russell
Jenny Kiratli in honor of Deane Anselle
Nan and Granddad in honor of Juliet Perlstein
Randy Terra in honor of Karen Sheppard
Joanne Crist in honor of Monica Rua & John Sullivan
Stephanie Perlstein in honor of Juliet Perlstein
Deborah Port in honor of Sue Cowie
Bill & Nancy Cleary in honor of Mary Heaton
Rachel Krivis in honor of Amy Krivis
Hannah Krivis in honor of Amy Krivis
Joanne Crist in honor of Marilee Geyer
Vikki & Sid Helperin in honor of Amy Krivis
Mary Callagy in honor of Kelly Demayo
In Honor of Special Animals in 2012
Berit Keeble in honor of Charley
The Lunt family in honor of Allie Lunt
Mel and Joy Pritchard in honor of Hannah
James and Cosette Rickner in honor of Ellie
Dana Moldenhauer in honor of Princeton Moldenhauer
Catherine McCauley in honor of Samba Ballas
Janice Emery in honor of Rocky & Bosley (our newest POMDR dogs)
Barbara Bobrow in honor of Stella, Zeppy, Pinky & Drix DeChance
Bryan & Laura King in honor of Maggie, POMDR "Forever Care" senior dog
Shiela Dean in honor of Murphy Brown, thinks she's a puppy @15 yrs
Meg Sims Johnson in honor of Chase, German Shepherd
Gretchen Beck, Merry Christmas from Gismo in honor of Dexter and Wally Lund
Klaus and Jeanette Katzlberger in honor of Hickory
Mary Lou Joyner in honor of Pumpkin the "Best dog in the world"
Mary Gates in honor of Charlotte Gates
Norma Dunipace in honor of Mattie
Ardeana Fredricksen in honor of Sadie Wall Frank
Judy Tatelbaum in honor of Honey
Nancy Bennett in honor of Pixie Mowery
Phillip Pearce in honor of Wyatt