Help Placing Your Dog - Guardian Surrender Program
Si necesita ayuda para colocar a su perro y necesita ayuda para completar un cuestionario de admisión en línea, puede llamarnos al (831) 718-9122. Tenga en cuenta que esto retrasará el procesamiento de su solicitud.
Peace of Mind Dog Rescue focuses on taking in senior dogs from shelters and taking in dogs from senior guardians who can no longer care for them. There are times in our lives when we have to make self-care a priority. And unfortunately there are circumstances, like declining health, that may require finding a new home for your dog. It can be one of the most difficult but also most loving and selfless decisions you may need to make. POMDR is here to help. We focus on helping dogs and people from Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties.
We also take in dogs by prearrangement through our Perpetual Care Program.
If you need to surrender a dog, please fill out an online intake questionnaire. (If you need assistance filling out the questionnaire, you can call us at (831) 718-9122. Please be aware that this will delay the processing of your request.)
Before POMDR can intake your dog, we will need to meet the dog. Dogs who come to POMDR must be good with other dogs (no aggression) and must be good with people (no bite history or propensity to bite).
We are equipped to handle a variety of medical cases and senior-related issues, but some extreme medical cases might be difficult for us to take on, e.g. Epilepsy, Diabetes, Paralysis, Megaesophagus, Advanced Dementia. Medical intakes are evaluated on a case by case basis.
If you don't think your dog is a POMDR candidate, you can still fill out an intake questionnaire and we can refer you to additional resources.
If your dog is accepted into our program, we will provide the following:
- Placement in a foster home until she is adopted.
- High quality dog food.
- Coverage of any medical needs that come up while she is in our care.
- Socialization and companionship.
- A safety net for the lifetime of your dog should she ever need to find a new home at any point in her life.
- Grooming and flea control while she is in our care.
- Screening of potential adopters including home visit and reference check.
- Annual follow-ups and home visits to ensure the placement has been successful.
Any donation made will also help us rescue more dogs left behind.