Peace of Mind Logo


Looks like: Chihuahua
Male, 14 years old (estimated), 10 pounds
Horchata is not only a cinnamon beverage, but also a deliciously sweet and spicy little dog! He is perfectly content napping through most of the day with occasional treat or cuddle breaks. He enjoys toddling around a yard taking in all there is to smell. He is vision impaired, so he likes to take it slow on walks, but overall he still navigates the world pretty well. He'd be a wonderful companion for someone who is home much of the day and has a quiet lifestyle.

Horchata does great with cats. He is indifferent to other dogs and prefers to be handled on his own terms so he doesn't always appreciate pets and snuggles, but he always loves curling up in a cozy dog bed!

Horchata came to us from Hitchcock Road Animal Services after he was picked up as a stray.
Horchata was adopted!
Bauer house
(831) 718-9122
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 51554
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tax Info
POMDR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corp.
Tax ID: 27-1154816
Physical Address
615 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
11am - 4pm Mon - Sat, or by appointment
Adoptable dogs available by appointment only
Veterinary Clinic
1251 10th St
Monterey, CA 93940