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Looks like: Chihuahua Dachshund Mix
Female, 7 years old (estimated), 11 pounds
Tiff is an eager to please kind of girl. She is really sweet and a tad on the submissive side with people and will roll over on her belly as you approach. She is quick to bond. She prefers a human's affection over a dog's any day. She is a total sweetheart. She seeks out love and attention and is really cuddly and loves to wag her tail when you talk to her. She's very gentle and passive with cats. She is really well behaved and quiet at night. She loves to give kisses, and when she's comfortable, will want to snuggle and sit on your lap. When comfortable she will follow you around as well. She gets scared easily, so she likes to hang out in her safe space (under the bed) but periodically comes out to give kisses and get pets.

Tiff is very good in the car, she just lies down and settles. Prefers to sit on a passenger's lap when available. She is not vocal - not even barking at the doorbell, people, or even when other dogs bark. We think she would do really well living with a calm dog who respects her space and gives her time to get comfortable. She wants to meet everyone during walks and will stop to watch people go by. She seems slower to warm up to men than women.

She loves to be outside and just lay in the grass at the end of her walks. So far it doesn't seem like she loves going to new places, and can get overwhelmed and scared easily. She does not mind being held and makes cute little grunt noises when you pick her up and set her down. She will occasionally pick up and carry her food bowl and try to bury it under a blanket - even her water bowl.

We think she would do best in a quiet home with a doggie door access to a backyard. Tiff prefers a home where she isn't left alone all day, as she's definitely a people person.

Tiff came to us from Hitchcock Road Animal Shelter.
Tiff was adopted!
Bauer house
(831) 718-9122
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 51554
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Tax Info
POMDR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corp.
Tax ID: 27-1154816
Physical Address
615 Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
11am - 4pm Mon - Sat, or by appointment
Adoptable dogs available by appointment only
Veterinary Clinic
1251 10th St
Monterey, CA 93940